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Picking blackberries. I find it quicker to snip of the entire fruit heads and pluck them off when sitting down back in the kitchen. View attachment 8258
Exactly how Kate does it nowadays 👌

Not for too much longer around here, I've had a gut full of them. Just need to re-home the bee's to Kate's sisters place for a few months, build a new chook pen and then I'll spray the ones we have.
Exactly how Kate does it nowadays 👌

Not for too much longer around here, I've had a gut full of them. Just need to re-home the bee's to Kate's sisters place for a few months, build a new chook pen and then I'll spray the ones we have.
If you still have lots of them they freeze well and its nice to have them hot with custard or ice cream in winter. Got to get myself a big chest freezer. Lots of Deer walking around here lately.
If you still have lots of them they freeze well and its nice to have them hot with custard or ice cream in winter. Got to get myself a big chest freezer. Lots of Deer walking around here lately.
We do have a huge bush and a few stragglers here and there. Hot with custard 😳 that's new. The trick with the large freezer is to only put in there what you plan to use. We've had one for the last 20 years, served us well when everyone was home for dinner every night. Now it has too much in it 😏 I'd love to empty it and turn it off but I'm not the boss of the freezer 😴 It's not like we have to travel hours to replenish food supplies 🙄 at least I can throw a few can's in it if I have a spontaneous gathering 😊
Right now I'm having a rest day after a hectic weeks fishing, I took Flipper to my Gummy Shark spot yesterday and after catching 2 Gummys we went looking for whiting, but all we caught were snapper and the biggest Wobbygong Shark I've ever seen, we cut the line at the hook and set old Wobby free and because there's a ban on keeping snapper we had to throw them back.image000002.jpg20230302_123010.jpg20230302_111035.jpg20230302_111021.jpg20230302_110932.jpg
A ban on keeping Snapper 😳 obviously SA fishing regulations. Better look up Vic's regulations, never heard of it. Just checked out Vic regs, bag limit is 10 of which no more than 3 are to be equal to or exceed 40cm. Also read the SA ban, obviously seasonal until the end of June.
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A ban on keeping Snapper 😳 obviously SA fishing regulations. Better look up Vic's regulations, never heard of it. Just checked out Vic regs, bag limit is 10 of which no more than 3 are to be equal to or exceed 40cm. Also read the SA ban, obviously seasonal until the end of June.
We had a 3 year ban imposed in 2019 R M, and in December last year our Government extended it for another 3 years, reason, lack of biomass of newborn snapper, but there's no shortage of babies, juveniles, mid size or large fish here from my experiences. Mind you I'm no marine biologist.
We had a 3 year ban imposed in 2019 R M, and in December last year our Government extended it for another 3 years, reason, lack of biomass of newborn snapper, but there's no shortage of babies, juveniles, mid size or large fish here from my experiences. Mind you I'm no marine biologist.

They've been regulating fish numbers in WA for a few years and it's paid off with better stocks of most breeds. They are doing a good job of restricting numbers and fishing seasons of certain species.
They've been regulating fish numbers in WA for a few years and it's paid off with better stocks of most breeds. They are doing a good job of restricting numbers and fishing seasons of certain species.
Same in Vic, most likely all states I'm thinking. It's definitely paying off, numbers have increased across multiple species 👍With the fishing ban during covid the numbers improved by a large percentage for snapper at least. January 2022 the snapper run along the 90 mile beach was spectacular. Old fisho's came out of retirement just to experience the huge numbers. I was told they were hooking 50 snapper in an hour and half, catch and release, un heard of previously. One of my neighbours caught 6 in half an hour, brought 3 home with the tails still flapping in the bucket. The marine parks are another reason for the stock numbers increasing 👍At least I know my fishing licence fees are being well spent 😃
On Tuesday Mrs M was planting out some seedlings hoping they'll survive the next month of crazy heat. If they do then we'll be all set for the rain to follow. While she was at it a big mouse skited across her patch and under the verandah. Locals have told us of a mouse plague but until then we'd not seen one.


This photo is from the internet but she said it was about 90mm long and very fat, most likely pregnant. She never got a good look but I'm hoping it was a native. Anyhow last night we woke to the sound of a mouse gnawing away somewhere inside the bedroom wall. I guess it's building a nest so today I'll be coming up with some sort of mouse trap to try to capture the guilty party.
Last time we had a mouse problem was on the road so I built a trap from items on the bus, a Plumrose hot dog tin, a fish hook and line, three zip ties, a magnet and the lid off a Masterfoods bottle.

We caught the mouse on the first night.


This time I'm trying the KISS method. A water bottle with a little olive oil and a few pumpkin seeds in the bottom. I've put a few tiny smudges of Nutella up the ramp and around the bottom of the inside of the neck of the bottle. I have no idea where he travels but this the corner nearest my head when I'm sleeping.
On Tuesday Mrs M was planting out some seedlings hoping they'll survive the next month of crazy heat. If they do then we'll be all set for the rain to follow. While she was at it a big mouse skited across her patch and under the verandah. Locals have told us of a mouse plague but until then we'd not seen one.

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This photo is from the internet but she said it was about 90mm long and very fat, most likely pregnant. She never got a good look but I'm hoping it was a native. Anyhow last night we woke to the sound of a mouse gnawing away somewhere inside the bedroom wall. I guess it's building a nest so today I'll be coming up with some sort of mouse trap to try to capture the guilty party.
That photo is a crest-tailed Mulgara, not a mouse!