My beach finds

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Nov 5, 2013
Reaction score
Adelaide, SA
I thought I might start a permanent thread for this year to post our beach finds rather than start a new thread each time we have a session.... So here we go.

My activity this weeks saw a three hour session on Tuesday - we covered a beach we hadn't seen in a while


$3 in moderns - a couple of three pence and a spoon

Friday saw us out again for another session


A florin, a old shilling, three pence and copper - oh yeah - another spoon ( I should have a complete cutlery set by now) :rolleyes:

Here's the shilling - 1922


And today my detecting partner was busy working so I went out on my own for a session....


Three large pennies, a half penny and two three pence

I also had the arrival of an addition to the arsenal....



So far my critique is - a bit heavier than the Bunnings special but it digs more accurately, goes deeper easier, and prys rocks out without a problem, the handle is very sturdy and is unlikely to bend or give way like the wooden handle models do. A bit pricy (bought it on Fleabay) but within 10 minutes I was glad I got it. Today I found a three pence at 12 inches down which ended up being a speedy recovery where the green plastic shovel would have had me a hole the size of a manhole and taken me several minutes

So now the rigs of choice are - I use the Sovereign GT and the new shovel - and Sa_bogan is using a CTX 3030 and a stainless steel beach scoop. The CTX is pretty cool - the florin rang a 12-43 and the screen shows the shape of the object - just too easy! I'm sure bogan will start producing big find soon using it.
You guys have always very nice finds and I'm particularly looking forward to read bogan's experiences with the CTX as I also bought one recently.
Well done!
good scoops can be pricey but they save so much time, I'm ordering an Ezimate handle too.... and I have found a spoon and a knife on the same beach on the same day - keep going back trying to find the fork ;) Wish I could find pre-decimals the way you are.
I'm still a silver virgin, apart from a.......spoon haha!
1922 half penny is my oldest, still very happy with it.
I can say I have found plenty of cutlery myself but the little sterling silver teaspoon was the only one out of them worthy of keeping.

Soon as I'm good with the ctx ill be making a video. Also took the go pro out one session and recorder a few coin finds, not sure weather to wait for a session to compile them together or not
Took the ctx out locally today and only found a few 5c coins, a 1c coin and crap load of sinkers. Then when all seemed lost I found this beauty

And after the electrolysis


Still need to hit with the buffing machine to make her sparkle again. First ring with the new toy to break the drought of finding jewellery
Well done, it looks like your getting a handle of the ctx quick enough. Do you think it's getting the same sort of depth the Excalibur dose or better?

Looking forward to seeing some more finds from the new weapon in the future :)
cheers guys, finding rings gives me the rush i need and its even better when its gold.

I can honestly say the ctx punches through the ground and can find those really small bits
Hi Sa_Bogun, have you fully submerged your CTX yet?
I am getting nervous using mine in chest high water, the USB port is not keeping 100% of the moisture out - am almost tempted to hunt around for a second hand Cz21 or Excalibur. Then I'd save the CTX for shallow water or parks & stuff.

Best regards

Robert Le Mal said:
Hi Sa_Bogun, have you fully submerged your CTX yet?
I am getting nervous using mine in chest high water, the USB port is not keeping 100% of the moisture out - am almost tempted to hunt around for a second hand Cz21 or Excalibur. Then I'd save the CTX for shallow water or parks & stuff.

Best regards


nah i havent yet as i dont have any waterproof headphones but when i do i will be testing it to the limit as if something does happen ill be visiting minelab. to be honest the excalibur is great for water as i have used mine alot on the hip mount and never thought twice. I would just go for it man, its built for it all :D
cool thanks, I have saved some busking money and there's an excalibur currently for sale down here in VIC - will have to seriously consider it.
should also ask, are the headphones permanently connected to the excalibur? If not I'm hoping my greyghosts will fit.

good luck with CTX, it rocks. I keep trying new things with it and am not disappointed - just don't want to send it back under warranty if it leaks because then I wouldn't have it and would have to go cold turkey!
** should also say that I bought a set of grey ghost headphones so I could go in the water with my CTX, they cost a lot and for me at least don't seem loud enough....especially if the weather gets heavy on the beach.
Others might comment on the headphones they use if they have a CTX?

best regards

do yoy know what model excalibur it is? are they asking much for it? unfortunatly the only down side to the detector is the headphones are fixed. they dont sit well on my head but they are super loud.

The grey ghost's are the pair im looking to get, a bloke down here was using them and said they were pretty good. i dont want to get the KOSS pair that are bright yellow as they are the ones from the excalibur
it's listed as an excalibur 1000 and the bloke wants $780. He reckons it's been used half a dozen times, comes with the shorter arm for underwater use, he doesn't say when purchased or if he has receipts, "if" I go further I'll need to know the answers to both those questions.

Re: the Grey Ghosts - I paid more for them because I'd read not so good reviews of the yellow KOSS headphones. The GG are very comfortable on my head but a bit louder would have been better - I max the settings on the CTX and sometimes it is still hard to hear quieter signals. I should also say I do have slight hearing loss from the army mainly in my right ear but I hear my kids well enough so I know my ears are still working :)