My beach finds

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Goldpick said:
Ah cool, no worries then. Funny thing is, after reading that book on the various discrimination patterns used by people around the globe, I still prefer just working off an open screen. Running discrimination in junky areas simply ends up with too much nulling which I find may mask some targets. Might be better where you are working though, a bit less junk there than on land.

I agree with you Goldpick - as we know targets register a bit differently depending on depth and position so I don't use discrimination except the iron mask - as you know plenty of rusting trash on the beach I don't want to dig. I did notice last night that with the detector in Fast Recovery mode I was able to detect targets I would have missed with the Sovereign because of the length of time it takes to reset itself from iron.

I didn't get a lot from the book thus far due to the amount of material dedicated to discrimination ... But did like the explanation of the detector functionality.
Team Bogan out for a Sunday night hunt ... And if lead were gold we'd be rich ... Here are the finds ...


Not a lot of treasure tonight but the weather is gorgeous and was an enjoyable hunt ... Only 4 coins - 2 predecimals with one 1943 Three pence - the first silver for the Explorer. Bogan scored a 925 silver ring and an earring that looks to be silver - a crust covered gold watch (I hope) , a fishing lure, the obligatory spoon and matching fork, and about 25 lead weights of all sizes and variety!

The best of it ...


A possible watch? (Which the Explorer found) (it's heavy so maybe some gold baby)


The junk


So happy to find pull tabs and bottle tops with the Explorer as well as lead so I know what it sounds like - I must say the Sovereign was easier to tell when you are digging junk and the detector is heavier - but it did find gold and if the watch is gold then I gotta be happy with that ... ;)
I think that watch is gold due to the lack of corrosion on the metal surface. the gold plate would have dissolved .
I would have hoped that a sov./ explorer could descrim. better. sure lead reads much like gold. I thought about an 11
against a sand shark, but I think the waterproof aspect is the go, and it seems you are digging pretty much everything anyway with either. could be wrong tho. seems to be more explorers than sand sharks on treasure net beach hunting forum. I reckon the s/s gives a bit more versaltility.
Hey SD

The lead weights sound similar to silver (high tones) where gold shares a similar sound to pull tabs and bottle caps (lower tones) we actually want to find lead because that is the indicator that you are in the "gold" neighbourhood! Finding coins is usually in the same area as pull tabs and bottle tops - where gold and lead share similar specific gravity values and tend to end up next to each other on a beach.

As Goldpick has said the ocean is a big sorting and sifting mechanism which puts like items together - so sometimes you want to find junk to indicate where the treasure is ... In a park it's totally different as junk resides where it was dumped and the target locations are less structured (unless you can find where people congregated, ate, drank, or bought stuff).

The Explorer was a surprise from Bogan who couldn't resist a deal! (Thanks son!) :)
hi PM. yeh, thinking of a gpx 5000 where gold and lead can sound the same. on a compadre, lead hits hard too, like a coin.
pull tabs are lesser, bit ''off'' somewhat scratchy. the explorer is a go, if I had the extra money. :p it's all a learning curve. I have gone back over an area and found stuff I don't know how I missed, in the same hunt. damn, that tells me something. lazy. gridding is the way.
I still can't understand tho the value and accuracy of descrim. it can only be a guide at best. back to a P.I. imo.
Liking the look of that watch, surely has to be gold, and if so, a decent chunk of it. Hurry up and get that crud off it! ;)
I put the watch in the bath for several hours and I reckon the jury is still out on the metal composition of the watch body!



Obviously the guts of the watch is what is rusting ... I'm trying to be very careful in cleaning the crud - anybody got a better way to remove it?
Another Team Bogan night hunt and definitely not as comfortable as previous nights - wind blowing and generally unpleasant ... Here are the finds ...


It was a rock digging sessions - 8 coins - 4 predecimals and 2 being silver six pences plus some moderns, a toe ring, cutlery (one very old piece), an old brass hinge, brass buckle, a sinker and general crap ...

The CTX got the silver toe ring ... Making a ring in each hunt for Team Bogan this weekend ... And jewellery is what we are really after so a respectable hunting weekend!


And a couple of scraps


Not a lot of targets and lots of sand as a result of the big blow ... But tomorrow is another day :)
That hinge looks nice,...and old enough to be off some sort of sea chest perhaps, level down might be shipwreck level ?
I hope Silver!

Thursday night and nothin on the tube so Team Bogan plus a recruit (my daughter) went out for a stroll on the beach and here are the finds....


Lots of targets tonight ... But the CTX scored straight away in the first few targets ... GOLD BABY!




When you start the hunt that way three hours goes by in what seems to be a few minutes! We found 15 coins - 5 predecimals with 2 silvers ( a three pence and a six pence). Sinkers, an old lead pencil sharpener and some odd jewellery bits and an old brass name tag...


Lots of rubbish :(

thanks guys, i think it was my fastest recovery of a ring so far. I wasnt sure what the stone was but its very light blue
Could be a Blue Topaz but.... I would get it tested, remove the stone if melting the ring and do an SG test, should bring you closer to an ID, could even be a Sapphire. :)
Team Bogan went for a night hunt this evening ... Beach very sanded in but here our the finds ...


Another bit of a lead toy soldier ...


8 coins - 2 predecimals - 1 sixpence - a guilded nautical button ...


And some sinkers and trash...


It will be a while before the beach returns to being productive ... :(. My arm hurts from too much swinging and not enough digging!