Prospecting Australia

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    • Nightjar
      Nightjar reacted to mbasko's post in the thread Nth NSW Snake Bite. with Like Like.
      I find it very hard to believe Doctors wanted to give him Tiger Snake Antivenom? If they believed that the snake was unidentified they...
    • Nightjar
      Nightjar reacted to Northeast's post in the thread ⭐ Gold Detecting Show'n Tell with Like Like.
      Nice little wander around a local goldfield this morning…
    • Nightjar
      Nightjar replied to the thread Friday Night Quiz.
      You scored: 12 / 12 A perfect score!
    • Nightjar
      Nightjar replied to the thread Whinge of the day thread....
      Regards the medical rip off. Was paying top medical cover for decades, HBF - $330/month. Had a medical problem last year and was waiting...
    • Nightjar
      Nightjar reacted to sand surfer's post in the thread Whinge of the day thread... with Like Like.
      ate rotting ronnies (mackdonalds once)in the bin never been back waited for the kuffle to die down when hungry jacks opened here (about...
    • Nightjar
      Nightjar reacted to Mackka's post in the thread Whinge of the day thread... with Like Like.
      I must say that I support them once a year on McHappy Day for McDonald House, that's it but I do see Mums and Dads taking the kids after...
    • Nightjar
      Nightjar replied to the thread Water Hole Mapping W.A.
      No, it's 100mm pipe. Just suck on your syphon hose and that will suffice
    • Nightjar
      Nightjar replied to the thread Water Hole Mapping W.A.
      Photo if you search for "water retreaval" 2015
    • Nightjar
      Nightjar replied to the thread Today I MADE.
    • Nightjar
      Nightjar reacted to Moneybox's post in the thread Water Hole Mapping W.A with Like Like.
      Many years age we were new to prospecting and still trying to find our way using paper maps. We'd found a little gold in a few spots on...
    • Nightjar
      Nightjar reacted to grubstake's post in the thread Hi All (WA) with Like Like.
      Hiya Shazza and welcome aboard. What you're seeking isn't impossible but it IS difficult - as you probably already realise, few...
    • Nightjar
      Nightjar reacted to Moneybox's post in the thread Hi All (WA) with Like Like.
      Shazza, we're too busy at the moment for prospecting activities however I think if you were to get your gear together and make it to a...
    • Nightjar
      Nightjar replied to the thread Water Hole Mapping W.A.
      There are thousands of drill holes through out WA. Made up a device many years ago to retrieve 5 litres of water at a time if ever we...
    • Nightjar
      Nightjar replied to the thread I Remember When....
      Koolan Island up until the late 70's we travelled to work along a gravel road standing up on the back of a truck. Ironical part about it...
    • Nightjar
      Nightjar replied to the thread Unbelievable Facts.
      Australia has 8 capital cities. Kiwi, can you give me the explanation for your post?
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