you got that right mackka with them all, that's all it is about GREEEEED and GOUGING
the local iga here said 12 to 18 months ago they were going to price match coles and woollies ,i said to the manager that i know there ,that means all the prices are going to increase ,he said no we are price matching ,and i said dick head that means the price will rise
2 weeks before xmas IGA lamb roast $22.99 per kilo ,top grade mince $18.99 a kilo
the butcher shop at the same complex leg of lamb $10.99per kilo, top grade mince $14.99 per kilo or $20.00 for 2 kilo buy
the price of meat has dropped by about 30 to 40 % over the last 12 to 18 months but the big boys in town keep ripping everyone
today i got 2kg of top grade mince for waiiit$20.00 for the 2 kilo buy ($14.99 per kilo as 1 kilo buy )iga $18.99kg
everything in the butcher shop is a kilo price or a 2 kilo buy price
yep heard today that insurance policy's may jump in some area's as much as 40% and some area's 70% to 80 %
same with fuel mackka ,diesel is the most used fuel in the country but here it usually cost about 60 to 80 cents more a litre than unleaded
we know who is getting ripped ,i just wish the pricks would start using some lube but not diesel it's to expensive