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    • davsgold
      davsgold reacted to Nightjar's post in the thread Today I MADE with Like Like.
    • davsgold
      davsgold reacted to Detrack's post in the thread MINE LOCATIONS AROUND OBERON? with Like Like.
      WP,D,alluvial workings, -33.777187, 149.716245,12/06/2014,14:35:44,GS1993/067 numerous alluvial workings along Hopes Creek attributed...
    • davsgold
      davsgold reacted to sand surfer's post in the thread Mechanics help required please. with Like Like.
      the bloke that done the tractor radiator does all the coolant work for the cane locos walk into his shed in north bundy mate and you are...
    • davsgold
      davsgold reacted to sand surfer's post in the thread Unbelievable Facts with Like Like.
    • davsgold
      davsgold replied to the thread Help needed to ID specimens.
      get a detector to go over the rock/quartz, a gpx6000 will detect very small bits of gold, failing that take it somewhere that has a...
    • davsgold
      davsgold replied to the thread Where is the wildlife?.
      I think the wildlife have dispersed far and wide as the feed for them is everywhere now from all the rain earlier on and more now. Your...
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    • davsgold
      davsgold replied to the thread Internet coverage out bush.
      we have the Gen2 Starlink and it's brilliant, if the Starlink Mini works half as well it will be very good
    • davsgold
      davsgold reacted to Nightjar's post in the thread For Sale Leonora Gold with Like Like.
      Putting feelers out for genuine offers for this 7+ Oz collection.
    • davsgold
      davsgold replied to the thread Australites - Childers Cove.
      we have been finding some in WA this year, it's only Meteorites in WA you can't keep no rules for tektites as over the years we have...
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    • davsgold
      davsgold reacted to grubstake's post in the thread Fine gold flecks in quartz with Like Like.
      As Matt says, crushing and panning is the time-tested way to determine whether or not a rock contains gold, but what sort of detector do...
    • davsgold
      davsgold replied to the thread Today I MADE.
      thanks Mackka, yes two days of fun learning for sure, it was copy the steps the teacher did at each stage, and at the end of the two...
    • davsgold
      davsgold replied to the thread Today I MADE.
      I did a Chefs knife making course over the last weekend, the two days, it was a great learning experience and fun at the same time...
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    • davsgold
      davsgold reacted to Hippyty79's post in the thread Trilobite App with Like Like.
      It’s mainly used for track you can see on google earth, but don’t show up on topo maps. Here’s the link to the 40e info I was referring...
    • davsgold
      davsgold replied to the thread Trilobite App.
      Yep, we mostly only export the trails and waypoints to Google Earth, rarely bring them back into Trilobite, and yes when sending back...
    • davsgold
      davsgold replied to the thread Trilobite App.
      I don't know what "Trails" you mark before you go there??? all the trails I mark on mine are when we are there going to and from a patch...
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