Really Wierd animal scream out in the bush

Prospecting Australia

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G'Day all

I have had that problem also and found out that it is actually goats fighting. sounds all the world like some woman being strangled. My wife once wanted to call the cops because she thought that was what was happening. So I took my spotlight out and panned around and sure enough there was a herd of goats and a couple having a barny.

I wild guess would be a pig or deer
Both have a unique sound
The pigs do make some really strange noises
Yeah that's what I was thinking when I first heard it, but it was a really weird roar / scream.

But I am still getting used to all the new sights and sounds around FNQ and the bush up here doesn't really compare well with the bush I am used to down around Brisbane, Warwick and Gympie. :D

I was reading about that weird creature thar was hard to describe. I would like to tell about my incident.
This happened a long time ago about 1979 when i was about 11 years old. My father, mother, dads friend, his wife, their 12 year old daughter and me went fossicking for gold at a place called the cells creek which is on the northern tablelands on the mid north coast of nsw.
We had two land cruisers full of gear which included camping gear, prospecting gear, diving gear and 2x .22 single shot rifles with ammo. We were there for 1 week and everything went well besides the usuall snakes etc. We had aquired a nice amount of gold with one nice little nugget the size of a 20c piece.
On what was meant to be the 3rd last night we were all asleep when suddenly at about 3am we all woke up to a sound further up the mountain that was like cross between a bird screech and a lions roar. We all froze in fear. It started to get closer and closer until it was right near us. It sounded big and upright. If you ask me how we knew it is amazing how good your ears work when you are terrified. The guns were in the car and we dudnt want to move to get them because we didnt want to face it or make it attack us. Besides this thing sounded big and angry and a single shot .22 might jusr make it kill you. It slowly headed away from us and we all stayed awake untill sunrise.
After that we packed up and went home. I still do not know what the hell that was but i will never forget it.

Rockhunter62 said:
Max Gilroy in the Blue Mountains would be able to help but some believe and others don't.



You mean Rex Gilroy !
He is a relative of mine !
A few years ago my adult sone and I were camped near Drake, NSW and had just got into our sleeping bags in our two man tent. Next thing we heard the sound of something moving slowly towards us. It stopped and we could hear this breathing, like a heavy smoker's breathing, right outside the tent. My testicles didn't drop, they shot up into my throat. I told my son to grab the torch and go out and see what it was. He told me to 'Get stuffed', or something like that. So, I got up and went out and was greeted by the biggest goanna I have seen this side of the desert. Scared the bejesus out of me. Just the same, it was better to find out rather than slowly fill my sleeping bag with body fluids and the like......

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