Golddiggerart - Detector finds...

Prospecting Australia

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Hit the beach this morning at 8 am started at one which lasted 5 minutes.. then moved to the next one that lasted 5 minutes....Finally we hit a beach which has been good to me in the past....I always swing while walking down the pathway to the beach and straight away 2 x $2 coins....My mission or goal was to get enough coinage to fill the jar since everyone has taken some out of it....We stayed there for about an hour and a half and ended up with $6.....We decided to hit one more beach well two actually but only stopped for 2 minutes at one then headed to my favourite spot Frankston.....We did good there finding some coins and there were also lots of condom packets, that was when I knew we'd get something good.....You know pants off, dropped change, jewellery and sorts and I was right....We found a nice 925 Necklace with a beaut Opal....GDG said that's mine, that's mine and I said no, she aid but I found it lol yeah right GDG I found it with the detector you dug it Anyway that was found after the lucky 4 leaf clover pendant....all in all a great morning and the Jar is FULL.....Time to get a new Jar to fill and put that away for a rainy day.







Until next time blokes and blokettes cheers Good luck, happy hunting from GolddiggerKiara and Golddiggerart... :)
So has my GF :lol: :lol: :lol: :Y: not sure the correct was to clean it but finger rub dry bi-carb in the little cracks nooks and crannys will get the gunk out in the cracks :cool: :Y: it will get the places you cant with a polish rag
Not sure if you should polish the stone with it though :rolleyes:
Probably just leave it a it is B5, GDG is wearing it and it doesn't look as if she wants to take it off. :) All good though she deserves it after all of the Bottle Caps she dug up lol I kept saying its a $2 keep
Well after a rest this afternoon and a feed I was feeling wired so myself and Golddiggermum went for a date night swing....Within 5 minutes of being there Coin Spill 2 x $2 20c 10c 5c we did our usual 2 hour dig and ended the night happier than when we started....At the halfway mark we had another Coin Spill right next to the pier 3 x $2 1 x $1 - Lots of Beeps and Finds between and after Coin spills......


Happy Hunting and Good Luck.....Cheers GDA - Sunday is a day of rest as I'll be run off my feet.... :D :D :D :party: :party: :party: