Why do we prospect for?

Prospecting Australia

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Jul 25, 2013
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I'm interested to know what the main reason and motivation is behind gold prospecting?

Is it because we want to hit the "mother load" and enjoy the life there after, is it because we simply love collecting it and looking over and admiring the shape/colour of it?

As a newbie here, I'm interested to see what is behind it all and why you do it?! :)

Get outdoors.

For me the gold I find is for making into jewelry nothing more than that really. If I wanted to get more serious then I'd would get a proper mine to work.

It's the HUNT. Researching history, GPS points and all of that.

Heading off tomorrow intending to find an open-cut section on a river bed that I have a GPS location. Will see if the gold there is much different from what I have being getting.
That's a very interesting question. I have done OK from prospecting but the monetary costs/ expenses far outweigh what I have found so money is not the final key. Don't get me wrong - I like to cover expenses and the longer I have been on the game longer I usually do. I enjoy the mateship, the camping, the laughs, the exercise, the bush and the thrill of the chase. I have had a life-time's interest in gold history so that's what got me started in the first place. I visited old sites and thought 'why not give it a crack'. I now take my grandson when he is on holidays and I enjoy watching his face when he pings his bits and pieces as much as I do when I get a bit. He is developing a love of the bush and listening and learning about Australian history. I have just bought a 4500 and I am passing on my 2200D to him. He needs to learn but he also teaches me things - they say that you can't put an old head on young shoulders but I say that no-one has a monopoly on good ideas.

So I guess we all start with a reason which develop and change over time. There is still the thrill of hearing a faint whisper, digging down, the sound gets louder and your in the gravel layers - it can only be one thing - a lovely piece of gold.
Easy, Its spending time with family, friends or even solo in nature. The actual gold is a tiny part of it, I love the research, the tinkering and the networking. Also the drive to be successful gets us tromping thru the thick bush, cold rivers, hot days etc. Plus there is something hypnotic about staring at your gold, Its the fever!!!
For me its all about the hunt. I usually come back empty handed and with less money than what I left with, but the hope of finding that big nugget just excites me :lol:. I look forward to the days when I can take my son out with me. The exercise and bonding experience with family and friends is also a plus.
I do it for exercise as i had a wake up call before christmas, the gold you find is just a bonus, i love the history and the research, i love the great people you get to meet in the hobby and on the forums and last of all the finds.
For me the finds are a bonus even when going after coins , quite often i find less than the car parking costs at the beach but every now and then you get a great find that is rich in history
For me it was ORIGINALLY a means to an end, to find enough gold to buy a house for my family (houses where i grew up still go for as little as 30 grand so there was a bit of hope for it becoming an eventuality) but after a few months and many many dollars down the drain it became more about gettin out of the house and away from civilization. Besides, i smoke less when Im out hunting ;)
Thats would be one of the better questions ive seen asked!!
Gold, simply put is an Addiction
In one way or another we all suffer it, be it as already mentioned, to get outdoors
or for the hunt.
Its the Colour, formation, the paying off from research, checking a spot from info gained.
Its a 2nd job for me, im blessed to be in a location that has every facet at my doorstep.

Its now at the point where i kit right up and go out at night, the solitude at night is amazing.
I have found enough to keep me alive and provide at home when times are sad.

So in closing, its no different to a golfer who plays 4 days a week, hits 1000 down the range, looks at new
clubs and all the quirky bits.
Dont we do the same as prospectors??

A question for all
To what point are you Addicted???
Me- crazy levels
I love getting out, researching ( i put maps down to tap this out )
to find a gram, ounce or speck. Determine its origin
Then dig like a moron in the quest for just one more. Lol

Those who know me know it, i just built a long tom, im learning to weld so no matter
how bad it looks yet catches gold then i achieve something. Hence the addiction.

No matter your reason
It leads back to addiction because our hobby
unlike many others has returns, wether it be a button, gem stones, gold and coins

So when your out next, stop to appreciate whats around you and why your actually there :)

As a bro says

Wow, we have had some great responses and there has been some great insight gathered from these replies!

Please keep them coming! :)
