Whites SPP information and questions

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Ok thanks Reg so I'm guessing that the tdi pro oz is different again from
Them both? So what machine out of these will be best for gold prospecting here in Australia for a keen but not overly experienced person as myself? I'm hoping to get out every week detecting so it needs to be a good .quality and reliable gold catching machine. Cheers
dirtdiggin said:
As I'd read that the SPP was just a left over and repackaged African model that didn't sell as well as they thought it would not sure how true that is?.

Several countries in Africa have highly mineralised soils, and from the pictures I have seen will often resemble Vic and WA goldfields. In these areas the PI's would thrive. However in several other areas where they were pulling big gold, the ground was quite mild, so I can only guess that one of the miners realised that a mid-freq VLF with a larger DD coil was keeping up with much more expensive PI machines. Apparently Teknetics did quite nicely selling T2's.
The TDI and TDI Pro are fundamentally the same design as the SL and SPP, but use a different pc board that is a little more complex. The fact is, it doesn't need to be and could be modified to be more closely like the SL with no loss of depth.

The gain of both the TDI series and the SL series is basically the same, so if all other factors were the same such as batteries, coils, etc, the two should give basically the same results.

There is one small change in the SL that enhances small gold that is not in the TDI. Both the standard TDI and the SL series (including the SPP) do have different filtering so the Pro can be swept a little faster.

Cheers Reg your knowledge is extremely useful for experienced and newbies like myself as I was worried about my next purchase as without the knowledge it's easy to make the wrong choice even more so when some people say that if its not a mine lab your wasting your money and unfortunately as much as it would be nice to own a modded ML 4500 I just can't afford one and also as I'm just getting into the gold side of detecting I just can't justify that amount of money spent on a hobby just yet. So thanks once again, would love to have a detect and chin wag with you's at some stage and learn more of your wisdom,tips and advise. Cheers guys
Keep in mind the SPP is so much cheaper than any of the ML's one shouldn't compare them. They do well but won't match the much more expensive detectors. That doesn't mean they don't come close, especially when hunting small gold.

If the special coil ever comes to be, the depth of the TDI or SPP will increase considerably.

For those of you wondering about what I am talking about, I posted some info on the TDI and Goldmaster forum about building a DOD coil that worked surprisingly well for depth. The great thing is in my limited experimenting, the coil was self ground balancing and noise concelling, thus no GB required and the audio was extremely quiet. The noise reduction was so great, I could hear signals that were extremely weak. Thus, the depth potential increased greatly.

Right now, I have no idea if the coil will work in OZ or not. If it does, there will still be a down side and that is, only half of the coil will detect close targets, so it will appear only half of the coil is working. In essence, this DOD coil is something lie a "Salt coil" in the fact, there are two windings that are set up to cancel each other.

If you look at the new ML dual DD design you will see a sort of rectangular larger transmit and two separate D receive windings, with one on each side. Well, my idea takes this basic structure but one of the D's is set up for a positive signal and the other set up for an inverted response. The result is cancelling signals. However, when a target interrupts one of the two D's, the signals are different and that difference is amplified. Unfortunately, because the two D's are wound opposite, then one half will act normally while the other will not work right at all. When the signal is deep, then it acts more like a more typical DD coil except the noise level is basically non existent.

The net result is sort of like being able to turn off the GB and use the extra gain without any ground signal. At least, that is what it does here over relatively flat ground.

A somewhat different version of this was tried where both coils were set up to give positive signal and that worked fine also, but GB was required. This coil was tried in really noisy ground and it worked great according to the guy who built it. As I was told, the coil was very quiet and the GB required was a range that was quite wide.

Now, after this long winded explanation, I have a question. Would any of you be interested in a coil that could give you extra depth close to what can be had with the GB off even if it only seemed to work on one side when checking near surface targets? Deeper targets would act more like a mono coil.

For me, it is not a problem, but others may find it something they may not like.

I think every TDI or SPP owner would be interested in any coil that increased depth especially if it also reduced noise. Do you have any feedback on the new Coiltek coil that has just been released or the new NF that is due for release when used on a Whites detector?
Reg said:
Keep in mind the SPP is so much cheaper than any of the ML's one shouldn't compare them. They do well but won't match the much more expensive detectors. That doesn't mean they don't come close, especially when hunting small gold.

If the special coil ever comes to be, the depth of the TDI or SPP will increase considerably.

For those of you wondering about what I am talking about, I posted some info on the TDI and Goldmaster forum about building a DOD coil that worked surprisingly well for depth. The great thing is in my limited experimenting, the coil was self ground balancing and noise concelling, thus no GB required and the audio was extremely quiet. The noise reduction was so great, I could hear signals that were extremely weak. Thus, the depth potential increased greatly.

Right now, I have no idea if the coil will work in OZ or not. If it does, there will still be a down side and that is, only half of the coil will detect close targets, so it will appear only half of the coil is working. In essence, this DOD coil is something lie a "Salt coil" in the fact, there are two windings that are set up to cancel each other.

If you look at the new ML dual DD design you will see a sort of rectangular larger transmit and two separate D receive windings, with one on each side. Well, my idea takes this basic structure but one of the D's is set up for a positive signal and the other set up for an inverted response. The result is cancelling signals. However, when a target interrupts one of the two D's, the signals are different and that difference is amplified. Unfortunately, because the two D's are wound opposite, then one half will act normally while the other will not work right at all. When the signal is deep, then it acts more like a more typical DD coil except the noise level is basically non existent.

The net result is sort of like being able to turn off the GB and use the extra gain without any ground signal. At least, that is what it does here over relatively flat ground.

A somewhat different version of this was tried where both coils were set up to give positive signal and that worked fine also, but GB was required. This coil was tried in really noisy ground and it worked great according to the guy who built it. As I was told, the coil was very quiet and the GB required was a range that was quite wide.

Now, after this long winded explanation, I have a question. Would any of you be interested in a coil that could give you extra depth close to what can be had with the GB off even if it only seemed to work on one side when checking near surface targets? Deeper targets would act more like a mono coil.

For me, it is not a problem, but others may find it something they may not like.


I'd be interested Reg, so let me know whats Cooking,

Thanks Mate,, John
Hi Reg,
I'd also be very interested.
I think as long as the user is aware of what to expect from the coil then there is no issue with it sounding on one half for shallow targets.
With that knowledge in mind about this coil it can be used to discriminated in a sense between deep and shallow targets.
Sounds interesting for sure and definitely keen to try one in the field and give a thorough report on findings.

I have the SL and run it in low setting when searching for gold, will the new coil still be best in low for deeper targets or better suited to "all" mode?

Hi Reg
Many years back I had correspond with you on coil making,which you gave me some very good points on how to make the coils.
I bought a SPP for my wife,to take the West,it is so light,it is a pleasure to use
I made a 8 inch mono coil,which the perfornance is quite good.
I made the resistance 0.8 ohm 357 uh inductance,I acheived this by using 26 strands of 0.11mm tinned wire, I then covered it with teflon tape,I have a small tool which I spin and it goes along the wire.When I wound the wire I used the mobious method,and then kept a good distance between each round by covering it with good cover of teflon.I made the shield out of carbon and silver,which is pure refined,and used acrylic paint as the adhesive.
I also fitted lithium ion batteries,the end result being that I can pick up 0.1 gram 1.5 inches in heavy mineral ground.
I do like making coils it is a challenge,only it takes a lot time.

Regards for now
One of the advantages of building different coils is the fact other designs may show up and in this case it happened. So, there is a second design that should be available also. This second DOD design is more like the ML in the fact that both D receive windings are in phase so both respond.

This one could be called the DOD super D because it seems the coil really reduces ground noise but does require the GB be active. This coil was tried in an area that was giving other PI's fits because of all the ground noise, but the Super D was very smooth and quiet. The best part was the fact the ground balance range was quite wide, meaning the coil appeared to be in or very close to being in GB between the GB control numbers of 6 and 9.

A coil of this nature just might be the ticket, especially in really bad ground where depth is an issue because of ground noise. The wide range of GB allows for the use of the low conductor mode with less fear of missing larger targets.

Remember, lowering the GB number will cause some larger gold to remain a low conductor signal.

Sounds like some interesting times coming up for the Whites users Reg, I'm looking forward to using them when they become available to the public.
Here's the thing for me. If these writers, with limited funds and other tech resources, can do this, why aren't the 'big boys' doing it?

You can tell I'm old and grumpy, because I just don't get it.
SunriseBoy said:
Here's the thing for me. If these writers, with limited funds and other tech resources, can do this, why aren't the 'big boys' doing it?

You can tell I'm old and grumpy, because I just don't get it.

It's Quite simple , Reg Is The Driving force of what makes the TDI SL So Good, He has worked on every TDI Model since it's Birth and He is A Very Talented Person.

Hi im new to detectors and was wondering to get the tdi or the spp mainly just wanting to find gold ??
Any suggestions?
The only advice I can share would be go the SPP as its $1000 cheaper than the TDI and runs a lot smoother' I was very disappointed at the price rise from $1200 but even at $1600 it's still excellent bang for buck!
If you can't enjoy a SPP you will feel ripped off with a minelab, upgrade later once you start to enjoy the hobbie' also a smaller coil from Razorback will compliment the machine.
The tdi pro wins for battery life and maybe a tiny bit in performance? The spp wins with a much smoother threshold and about $1000 cheaper. They perform very similarly.
Can anyone confirm that the SPPs (and maybe TDI S/Ls) being sold now have the mods? If not, who does them and does it void the warranty?
Just curious. Thanks