Whinge of the day thread...

Prospecting Australia

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My tiny whinge for the day.
Would not accept a persons surname- cannot advance to next question.
Phone census hotline, wait 10 minutes, that's ok i knew they would be busy.
Answer- use another browser as Google could be the issue.
Went to Firefox, Bam no worries. 20 minutes later, finito!
As someone who does a lot of family ancestry research, I have gained a lot of information from past census records that are online now, going back over a century.
I know where my great-great-great-grandfather lived, his occupation, wife, children's names, age... They've been an invaluable resource for family research.

I read that they delete the names after five years now, and just use the other data.
This would be very unhelpful for people doing family ancestry research in the future.

People who whinge about filling out a census, don't seem to realise that this has been going on for a very long time throughout history.
And yes, it is important for planning our towns, services, roads and population counts, among other things.

Climate experts using last year to measure Australia's temperature, 6 years of drought had no moisture in soil and biggest bushfire burning for months over huge areas.
That would be like measuring the temperature in your house with the heater going mid summer.

I am no rocket scientist but any true results of anything always drop the lowest and highest off to allow for exceptions.

It really pumps my blood when they keep rating Australia in the top ten polluters in the world, that crud doesn't float with me.

I believe climate change is real but its over a million year cycles, like seasons, half the world had glaciers that would have been winter and now we are hitting summer.

The fact is the planet has to thin us out somehow as humans are in plague, easiest way to heal the planet is to half the population.
I'm sure everyone and everything will adapt to a warming of one degree over the next hundred years.
aussiefarmer said:
Climate experts using last year to measure Australia's temperature, 6 years of drought had no moisture in soil and biggest bushfire burning for months over huge areas.
That would be like measuring the temperature in your house with the heater going mid summer.

I am no rocket scientist but any true results of anything always drop the lowest and highest off to allow for exceptions.

It really pumps my blood when they keep rating Australia in the top ten polluters in the world, that crud doesn't float with me.

I believe climate change is real but its over a million year cycles, like seasons, half the world had glaciers that would have been winter and now we are hitting summer.

The fact is the planet has to thin us out somehow as humans are in plague, easiest way to heal the planet is to half the population.

Truth is what will it matter either way? Temps, pollution ( :lol: ) )levels, world population ?
I mean we are doing just fine 10 years ago, and if we kept doing just the same as then pretty much nothing would change.

Any how the world is a dynamic place, change on any measure is inevitable.

We (the world) has less poverty, more riches, more food, longer lives, global connection and we are at the zenith of technology in recorded history (I mean the pyramids might be the only exception here). A bit of gratitude from the world savers would go a long way.

Those telling me Im somehow guilty in being complicit in the ruining of the planet usually don't understand the hypocrisy. Pretty sure they still rely on all the advances of the last half century that we all do. Its laughable.
My whinge today is about how our whole society seems to be falling apart. People are arguing more now than I can remember. Maybe it's because of the accessibility to social media. The non respect for people is discusting. I can see this virus sending us back decades. We won't be able to have all the little luxuries we were used to because people will just go broke. Trying to get money through Centrelink is a head ache besides they give you no where near enough to live on or to pay bills. And it's raining again :)
There I feel better.