What Made You Smile Today

Prospecting Australia

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:D :D :D ... receiving a copy of 'Jock of the Bushveld' dvd.

Tis the tale of hopeful young prospector, Percy Fitzpatrick, and his faithful Staffordshire Terrier companion, 'Jock', and the dangers they face in the African landscape prior to the turn of the 20th Cent., whilst on the hunt for GOLD!!!!

First saw it about late 80's, always kept an eye out for a copy or the book, but never got around to getting one. (TICK..bucket list lol)

A good 24 hour period.

Last night picked up two items in brand new condition. $120 for both on FleaBay.

A Bushmaster 4WD Step valued @ $79.95

A 100w Folding Mono-c Solution X panel valued @ $399.00

Then off the the Local BCF for some price matching.

An Oztent RV4 for $989 down from $1299
Both deluxe side panels for $299 down from $399
The front deluxe panel for $169.95 down from $249.00
and the fly for $130 down from $179.00

and a great lunch on the way home, via the bottle shop.
The fact that I made it to 50 years old today made me smile,there was a stage of my life where I wasn't sure if I would make it to 21 (bit of a wild child),oh and that my family took me to an all you can eat buffet in Canberra where I ate far too much food.
Happy Birthday Eldorado--young whipper snipper!!

Eldorado said:
The fact that I made it to 50 years old today made me smile,there was a stage of my life where I wasn't sure if I would make it to 21 (bit of a wild child),oh and that my family took me to an all you can eat buffet in Canberra where I ate far too much food.
By the time you get to 100 there are a few advances in science along the way to help you go further if you want Eldorado (more like if you can afford) :lol: so start saving all your birthday money mate ! :Y: :party: :party:
Thanks guys for the birthday wishes,went to the club to have dinner with father,sister and brother in law only to be surprised by a lot of extra family and friends.My wife had organised a surprise party,she even organised a great friend of mine and his wife from school that I hadn't seen in 20 years to attend.So after many,many vodkas a great time was had by all.So much suffering today.Got some lovely gifts,a bottle of Belvedere Vodka,St George jersey,$90 in vouchers for Bunnings,$50 at BCF and $250 cash which I hope to put towards a 705 exterra and a Ned Kelly plaque.