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Congratulations guys, you show heaps of determination.

Today I learnt again that there ain't no 2 minute jobs & I may get the message one day (798 2 minute jobs later). 6 hours to rewire a battery system & move all the components. :8

Santa's on the starting blocks, stay safe and enjoy yourself.
Cuckoowaif said:
I just found out that heads up has an enthusiastic shovel ... Must get me one of those !
Steve .

Its got WiFi and USB 3.0

just upload Shovel from the Apple I-Store and adjust Enthusiasm between settings 1 to 10 using the soft touch buttons on the handle

of course the shovel wont dig by itself , and it doesnt have GPS built in so you have to move it to the dig zone manually but wow ! that enthusiasm is inspirational :D
casper said:
I learned today that the salad green called Rocket was during the middle ages considered an aphrodisiac - i've always loved the stuff and now i know why.... it feeds my habit :D :D


lol . if you want that effect then highly recommended is ;

fresh Durian
( warning - it smells stinky but tastes like a cross between pineapple and banana , effects will be noticed after 2 - 4 hours)

Hairy Lemon
take 2 hours before "dancing"

Black Chai Masala
use two teabags per cup , let it draw for at least 10 minutes , sweeten if desired , consume 2 - 3 hours before bed.
warning . you're unlikely to sleep

makes a change from the usual oysters :p
I have my grandson tonight with me - I learnt that Christmas can be an arse if you are a kid on your own, or can be wonderful - I chose wonderful for him. We have decorated a gum tree, put out a drink and nibblies for santa, plugged in the chrissie lights, fired up the barbie and sitting back watching the sunset over the great Victorian goldfields. We are going to pan some cons (seeded I might add ;) ) and have a great chrissie tommorow. Santa is going to bring him some lego, matchbox cars (I was always a matchbox man - hotwheels are gay), a new skid plate for his Xterra 70, AA pack for his detector, textas, shorts and T shirts. I learnt that despite not caring much for humanity - kids are GOLD.
The day after an evening of Vodka, Salami, crackers & Dip isn't all it's cracked up to be!!
i learned t'day that not all folk are friendly - the scene opens with Casper (me) ambling along a road in an East Gippsland forest eating a ham sandwich (xmas ham - smoked - yum) which was necessary sustenance for one who was planning on heading down to the creek where gold might be won by intelligent seekers (aka prospectors). A car approaches from behind and apparently thinking nothing strange about encountering a lone person strolling a forest road eating a ham sandwich (leftover xmas ham - smoked! - yum, yum) it speeds past but pulls over 200m ahead, driver alights from his vehicle, opens the boot, pulls on chest waders and is gathering up his pans, shovel etc as a i approach - i say howdy - he turns and shows me his back.

I'm puzzled - i had left my axe and gun in the 4WD and was only armed with a ham sandwich :eek:

maybe his mind was 110 % engrossed in becoming a millionaire and he wanted to get to that huge nugget sitting on the river bank before you ?

thats how it works ?

but hoo am i to make presumptionisations

maybe he was deaf

or shy

or he no spik englich ?

hoo nose .

dont let it spoil a day . dont let it create a conflict . just whistle a happy tune and wish them a little sunshine :)
I'm with you heads up......its just not worth wasting an xmas smoked ham sandwich (yum yum) on a mexican.
did I say that.....
CASPER maybe he doesn't like ham and the aroma was to much to Bear....?
Or he may have thought you were the Hamburglar....!
I hope you both have a great NEW YEAR.
These Chinese miners mate he probably did understand english.... Or he was jealous of said sandwich...
I discovered today that the forum has a spell checker and that you cannot post a certain word in a PM - it displays like this F--- - even typing all upper case doesn't defeat it :eek: and it looks like it's the same in posts as well F--- it :D


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