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Sep 4, 2014
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I just heard some noises out near my Van and Caught 4 Black guys trying to steel a Moped, I got a look at them and I challenged them and they made a quick getaway and just as the left 5 or 6 Asian Guys were looking for something so I asked them what was up and they told me they were looking for their motorbike So I told them that I found it and they were pleased to say the leased,

When I caught the other guys I called the police but they were too long in coming so it ended up with the Asian Guys taking their Bike Home,

Just another example of City Nightlife, :Y: :fistpump: :fistpump: :fistpump: :perfect:
Plenty of degenerate types down tassie way, I've had two dirtbikes pinched . I Ran out to one going down the street in a ute at 4am :mad: i did get them both back ;)
When they tried to bugger off I said to em, Hey don't you wanna take ya bike then and then give em heaps, Lol,
Rockhunter62 said:
Just as long as they don't get sent to Australia for their crimes.



That would never happen, LOl

I caught them and phoned the police and they said they would send someone out, I caught the guys at 00:23 which is the 24/10/20 and I spoke to the police at 00:29 and they said they would send police officers here, an hour later the Owner of the Bike phone the police and then they told me that they won't be sending the police because the Owner had not reported it missing,

Soooo I catch Guys Steel a Bike and the Police won't do anything because the Owner had not reported it Stolen, So That makes me wonder what would of happened if I had not found the Owner ?? I would have been stuck with a Stolen Bike,

Not only that the little A Holes started to removed the Cover On My Van about to try and get in to It, because I found one of the retainer clips undone,

If they had there would of been bloodshed, ]:D ]:D ]:D :fistpump: :fistpump:
Thieves NEVER go on holidays and 50% of crime is opportunistic so dont present yourself a lame duck.

Also when thieves break into your home 50% of the time you are in it and it only takes them 30 second wallet car keys iPhone and gonski and with Christmas coming.

It shouldnt be too hard in my opinion to be smarter but the stats tell another tale ;)
Ridge Runner said:
When they tried to bugger off I said to em, Hey don't you wanna take ya bike then and then give em heaps, Lol,
Ridge Runner your non reflectives must be a milder strain to the untouchables we have down in Danistan. If you had challanged them, they'd likely flogged you within an inch of your life and then called the cops themselves and reported you for a race hate crime gone wrong. ]:D Cops cant be bothered as the magistrates go softly on em.
jethro said:
Ridge Runner said:
When they tried to bugger off I said to em, Hey don't you wanna take ya bike then and then give em heaps, Lol,
Ridge Runner your non reflectives must be a milder strain to the untouchables we have down in Danistan. If you had challanged them, they'd likely flogged you within an inch of your life and then called the cops themselves and reported you for a race hate crime gone wrong. ]:D Cops cant be bothered as the magistrates go softly on em.

Back about 8 years a ago I had trouble with a gang of about 7 of them I took it personal and since then I have driven the Drug Dealers out of the area and the gangs that use to hang about here, these clowns must be new to the area because they would never of come here otherwise,

I clown around a lot here and am pretty easy going but I do have another side where I will do anything for anyone but when it comes to this type of thing I do have another side. It's been 3 or 4 years since anyone has made the same mistake, Lol :mad: ]:D ]:D
I took it personal and since then I have driven the Drug Dealers out of the area and the gangs that use to hang about here,

And you did this how.?
Keitzy said:
I took it personal and since then I have driven the Drug Dealers out of the area and the gangs that use to hang about here,

And you did this how.?

Easy, I made it impossible for them to be here, at the start being heavy handed helped and then I let them see me putting up CCTV Cameras every where and I also fronted them and told them that everything they have been doing and saying I have recorded on Video and if they don't P*** Off It will be Given to the Police,

Creating a place where they don't feel safe is one of the best ways to clean up an area, The Streets have cameras everywhere as well and the clowns use to come here to get away from the Cameras so me adding more made life worse for them,

When I first moved here a Guy was murdered out side my front Door, I am glad to say that life is a lot more peaceful nower days. :Y:

Edit:- There are also 6,000,000 CCTV Cameras across the UK so where ever they go they can be tracked.
Re (Edit:- There are also 6,000,000 CCTV Cameras across the UK so where ever they go they can be tracked.)

Its a regular occurrence on SA TV to see thieves breaking into a shop via CCTV and police asking for help. To me if more cameras were positioned out from the shops you would see the low lifes putting on their head covering so easier to identify.
Theft is everywhere, I was at Ayres Rock and they broke into my canopy looking for grog.
I reported it to security and he said "Its Bad Hey" probably his uncle or brother or sis.

They say lock everything up, but when it's locked up they break in to see if anything drinkable is in there....the problem will never get fixed as the cops just say "We'll do a report for your insurance" instead of doing their job of investigating a crime.....terrible. :N:
Gpx5000 said:
Theft is everywhere, I was at Ayres Rock and they broke into my canopy looking for grog.
I reported it to security and he said "Its Bad Hey" probably his uncle or brother or sis.

They say lock everything up, but when it's locked up they break in to see if anything drinkable is in there....the problem will never get fixed as the cops just say "We'll do a report for your insurance" instead of doing their job of investigating a crime.....terrible. :N:

I understand perfectly if indigenous folks break in to steal something.

Ironic really.

Stolen what ?

Its not just a generational thing..... ;)

You could try and complain to them under land rights legislation .... ah sorry no.... ummm property title , ahh hang on bad choice ......

maybe try under the native title act ? :argh:

what i mean behind the mild sarcasm is their rights were stolen and Canberra white fella keeps bullshirting about doing the right thing
The point is, most thieves are opportunistic, but to actually break into something is pre-meditated.

Maybe the stolen generation wasn't that bad, got the kids away from STD's etc, got a lot of them educated....who are probably the lawyers for the no goods now, and are making $$$$$

From the places I've travelled through over the passed 14 months, their connection to their land is via the rubbish they toss out and VB cans. I know I'll get slated for my "racist" comments, but until you've travelled through a community and actually seen the state of the place, don't bother arguing.

Their rights were stolen, but like everywhere else in the world, if you lose your country, get over it, unless you're Welsh, they still hate the English for stuff that happened 400 years ago...... :D but no-one listens to them. ? so why is Australia held to ransom for something that happened 200 years ago?
Ridge Runner said:
Keitzy said:
I took it personal and since then I have driven the Drug Dealers out of the area and the gangs that use to hang about here,

And you did this how.?

Easy, I made it impossible for them to be here, at the start being heavy handed helped and then I let them see me putting up CCTV Cameras every where and I also fronted them and told them that everything they have been doing and saying I have recorded on Video and if they don't P*** Off It will be Given to the Police,

Creating a place where they don't feel safe is one of the best ways to clean up an area, The Streets have cameras everywhere as well and the clowns use to come here to get away from the Cameras so me adding more made life worse for them,

When I first moved here a Guy was murdered out side my front Door, I am glad to say that life is a lot more peaceful nower days. :Y:

Edit:- There are also 6,000,000 CCTV Cameras across the UK so where ever they go they can be tracked.

Rightio, so you where heavy handed helped ... and put some cameras up and stopped all the drug dealers and westies in your area.... riiiightttiio... ?

Edit/ ... post didnt contain the lol emoticon.....

Dude, seriously. Try make your explanation a bit more convincing.... putting up cctv aint gunna stop shite, and is not heavy handed in the slightest, Let alone to make anyone run. CCTV doesnt stop anything.

Explain how you ran out junkies and westies who feared you.... a junkie in a hoodie getting a fity of gear couldnt care less about your cameras...
Or did you leave one of your fridges out with rotten prawns in and stank them out.? :lol:
Keitzy said:
Ridge Runner said:
Keitzy said:
I took it personal and since then I have driven the Drug Dealers out of the area and the gangs that use to hang about here,

And you did this how.?

Easy, I made it impossible for them to be here, at the start being heavy handed helped and then I let them see me putting up CCTV Cameras every where and I also fronted them and told them that everything they have been doing and saying I have recorded on Video and if they don't P*** Off It will be Given to the Police,

Creating a place where they don't feel safe is one of the best ways to clean up an area, The Streets have cameras everywhere as well and the clowns use to come here to get away from the Cameras so me adding more made life worse for them,

When I first moved here a Guy was murdered out side my front Door, I am glad to say that life is a lot more peaceful nower days. :Y:

Edit:- There are also 6,000,000 CCTV Cameras across the UK so where ever they go they can be tracked.

Rightio, so you where heavy handed helped ... and put some cameras up and stopped all the drug dealers and westies in your area.... riiiightttiio... ?

Edit/ ... post didnt contain the lol emoticon.....

Dude, seriously. Try make your explanation a bit more convincing.... putting up cctv aint gunna stop shite, and is not heavy handed in the slightest, Let alone to make anyone run. CCTV doesnt stop anything.

Explain how you ran out junkies and westies who feared you.... a junkie in a hoodie getting a fity of gear couldnt care less about your cameras...

Aye cobba,
I'm pretty sure none of us come on this forum to hear you bitch about another member, or call someone a liar.
Come up buddy, Grow up. If you wanna get in arguments, create a twitter account.

Lets keep this forum cool.

Peace buddy.

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