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Brian Rourke
Apr 20, 2013
Reaction score
Hey all,
Both Sluice Goose and myself have an emergency job in Orange (Horse related) early tomorrow morning. Really early really really early......i hate getting up at 4am.
Should be finished around 9am if all goes well. Then the rest of day is free to do what we like.....who is kidding who......i so planned this........As soon as the Vet called us and said i have an emergency in Orange how soon can you get there i said we are flat out like a lizzard drinking how bad is it..........touch and go he says. Really we will pack the equipment now get some shut eye and head off. By equipment i meant prospecting equipment......he thought i meant our work equipment. He said don't worry about the fee as the property owner of the horse will pay you what ever it cost to save his horse.
He said breakfast will be on the table as you arrive. Shit i will have to give MACCA'S a miss in orange.

Only about 60klm
Then some swinging and crevicing at Ophir way up in the hills.
The reserve is flogged to death. With right equipment and a capable 4x4 there is some good country up there.
Just never forget people that prospect and get good gold don't tell me they don't tell a sole

Don't worry i will tell everyone as i don't have enough to hide yet...
I did say yet.
See us after tomorrow. Pics to follow
Best of luck Smithy. Those early Winter mornings can be a challenge at the best of times! I'd almost forgotten there was a 4am :p

A nice bit of gold should warm you up!
Keep us posted on the result.
Kindest regards,
Good luck to you Smithy.
Hope you stub your toe on a big nugget..... :lol:
Gotta take the chance when you get it. Looking forward to the pics when you get back
Dont forget the thermals.
I'll be up at 4am with you smithy. Heading out to Turondale for the day. If you get sick of picking all those nuggets up stop in and say hi.
Well here we go
If you read the first post you will know why we ventured down to Orange.
Arrived 8.30am meet and greet. Then onto the reason for the trip.....The very expensive horse and very ill horse.
2 hrs later a lot of cutting flushing and some antibiotics JACK now has an 85% chance of survival.......when we arrived at 8.30am i was looking at 50% either way.
bill issued and paid a few cups of tea and a chat........
This property is 1500 acres in the orange area Or Orange triangle.
The man has had it surveyed and electronically grided for Copper and Gold...... with all the mapping to boot. large assay of minerals including gold.
remember that old saying SOME DAY ARE DIAMONDS SOME DAYS ARE GOLD.
Well today ours was gold.
due to the work we carried out on his horse and the fantastic result Achived we have been given Authority to prospect on this property
It doesn't stop there......3 creeks (all confirmed gold bearing)all running into 1 large river full of trout.
there is more... the place is over run with foxes and rabbits.
in return for on going palliative care of his Horse JACK over the next 12 months. A visit every 14 days is required. We will no longer be issuing invoices.......!
We can Fossick / prospect / trout fish / and hunt....!
it doesn't get much better...still pinching myself
He offered to take us on a guided tour of the 3 creeks and river but said trout season is over. I offered 10% of all that we find down the track if any...he said you have just made my daughter the happiest lass on the planet.....this is the least i can do for you.....!

Part one finished.
we left the property 2 very happy chappys then traveled the 60 plus km to Ophir then up into the hills to do some swinging and nuggets with the detector just usual trash 22 cases bottle tops and such this part was a look see.
I found a good hard packed crevice good shale and red clay which was on a large flat piece of bed rock. as we arrived late we decided to work hard....cook some late lunch. pack up head home with the 2 full buckets to classify and pan out tomorrow.
I have a few pics to wet the appetite of Ophir......will put up results of the finished buckets later...........Possible one of the best days I have had in a long time.
Thesmithy & Sluice-Goose
Coldest morning largest frost in Orange for years -6 at Lucknow on the way through -3 on property we were at Black ice covering most of the road
Thanks Chris..... Thermals did you say. it was so cold I thought the heater was bung......looked at the Temp gauge it was reading 80 deg the thermostat was not even open. no snow just pure white what a picture to be-hold. Mitch took some pics also.











Nice Trip Smithy!

Say did the fella mention whether or not you could bring any friends? ;)

Keen to see how that pay dirt turns out for you :)
I have something that Rich needs...... A Master Farrier with 44 years expertise in dealing with Foundered Horses
Rich has something that i require / need / want....GOLD
There is the answer. It would be nice to invite a few fellow prospector....we all know what the answer there would be don't we
Its called barter i thinks.
He did what all Good business men would do... manage his options ( the fee for today's procedure was very expensive )
So by offering us this opportunity he will no longer get an invoice.....a win win for both parties
Drinks are on us if it pans out.

He owns 7 properties so i don't expect him to really worry to much about how much or how little gold we may find.
just a down right good bloke.

I hope both buckets have some sleep tonight me thinks
will keep you all posted.
I know you have all been waiting for the results.
The good news is i have increased the size of my property by 2 buckets of red clay and small pebbles.
The not so good news is i only panned i spec of yellow.
Suspected of being in the bucket from last outing.
Oh well if you never go you will never know.
Note to self.......cross off this ridge for further exploitation......and listen to your son more.
He said unless someone put the gold here on top of the ridge how would it get there as there is no where for it to collect or deposit as there is no run off.