I am doing A LOT OF EXPLORING online right now...as I want to pack up, store the non-essentials and go camping for a year or so, with two detectors and knowing the HOW TO... but also I realise it is the cart before the horse here... one needs experience, not just online knowledge... as knowledge with no experience is liek a PhD with no 'work experience'...
So....On the detector front, I am lookin everywhere at everything... as I am only J U S T getting the feel of what is involved with detecting on the technical level...
MineLab, Garrett, Nexus, Fisher, and at the PIs, and the VHF relative to the 'noise' factor (and all other factors) in Australian soils... all of which I knew nothing about 8 weeks ago by name...
The new Garrett Axiom I looked at yesterday, ... is USA made and therefore expensive in this country ($7300au+)... but then again, so is the 6000, 7000 ML as well... but all are getting out of my $ flow range right now..
....and so, I figure that the MineLab detectors are a better bet in Aust, due to being Aust to start with,.... (yet, I am attracted to the depth aspect of the Garret Axiom but not attracted by its lack of info available right now, battery info, and cost..)…
.....In the research yesterday and this morning, the dude who uses Garrett exclusively (who sells Garrett), did reviews on the new Axiom at Tibooburra 2 months ago, has not answered questions relative to people who asked them (two months ago on specific points of the device) on two utube review flicks that he did on the new Axiom... and his latest vids on utube are with the APEX... and not the Axiom!!!
... and I noted that he did not find any deep gold with the Axiom either.. even though he had the 11" coil on... he found only flakes, one of which was 0.01gram (that he was stoked about) … {Am I missing something here?}
... but also he recons he went to varied gold fields all over the place (gold fields of Vic etc… And yet showed no results, no nuggets found.... )……… nothing but a few flakes from the Tib area... !!!! Seems odd to me!
And looking at Garrett history of their detectors, and their propensity for looking for DEEP gold, I would have thought that with the new Garrett Axiom would be finding the deep stuff,....so ... Hmmm...!? Garrett is off my current desire sheet... I ALSO figure that, it does appear that Garrett have NOT sorted out what the Axiom device can actually do yet... even though it is for sale now...!!! Anyhow... onward and upward...
It sorts feels to be similar with the new MineLab Manticore coming out in Dec... and yet ML DO seem to be more explicit in 'what it can do'... and it appears to have a relatively deep depth due to its POWER output, but how deep (I cannot find this)? And how long will the battery last in varied settings?? All unknowns that I have not found out yet? I have seen some REAL info on the ML Manticore. . .but not much...
All my research is purely academic sitting here, as I do not know about a lot of stuff... so will keep looking...
With detectors etc, I have ONLY JUST reached the stage of intellectually working out...
A)…. THE varied CONTROL FACTORS....(ground noise, depth, strength of signal, background tone, hot rock noise, balancing, etc... and their inter-relationship that an experienced miner already knows..)….
B)… and the same applies to the VARIED detectors on the market...
C)… the varied benefits of varied coils are still a (relative) mystery, and
D)… the varied different applications of the PI, and VHF story...
E)… and relative to the EMI and geo magnetics,
F)… as well as geology of the Earth structures and what put it here for us.....
G)… and naturally, still more stuff I hav no clue on I expect... that only time will share...
I am...
Literally living in a MIND-field of detecting what is useful and what is not... in so many areas of human life right now...
Mind as in, COGNITIVELY sorting out the relative values and usefulness of each tool, detector, etc, (and, like some we read about, I do not wish to have a cupboard full of detectors the cockroaches and rats simply eat the electronics of...as they do...)…
What options have I come to so far? (As I feel I hav a vague clue of what to buy... and why to buy it, but also in the same instant, hav no real foundation that is solid enough without the experience levels that only use of the tools brings...)
A)… I have come down to a ML 4500 or 5000 (both of which are bloody heavy and very NOT attractive for that reason) combined with NL 17x13 coil (which variety, I am not sure) and,
B)... a MineLab Gold Monster 1000 ... (due to its light weight and versatility, seeing as I would do the beaches around Byron Bay that get a few million tourists a year)… but if I move away from the beach, then how useful is it?
C)… forget all of the above for now, learn from one device to begin with, and so I am looking at
D)… the new ML Manticore, (which will be initially relatively overpriced due to it being the new kid on the block...but) fits my budget right now... use it... KNOW IT WELL... then decide what is next before heading off in my car for a year or so... and just wander to where ever the wind blows ...
The focus and status of the fossicking for me right now is to GET AWAY FROM THE COASTAL STRIP of Australia, store my tools n 9,000+ books above the danger (which is not an IF scenario, but a WHEN scenario... that geological history tells the story of...) of coastal inundation by the ocean, and far cough inland... as I am sick of being flooded every time the sky opens up and the sea surges inland...
AND,....If you made it this far in reading... ha... WELL DONE...
Thank you...
....and may gold be yr life...

So....On the detector front, I am lookin everywhere at everything... as I am only J U S T getting the feel of what is involved with detecting on the technical level...
MineLab, Garrett, Nexus, Fisher, and at the PIs, and the VHF relative to the 'noise' factor (and all other factors) in Australian soils... all of which I knew nothing about 8 weeks ago by name...
The new Garrett Axiom I looked at yesterday, ... is USA made and therefore expensive in this country ($7300au+)... but then again, so is the 6000, 7000 ML as well... but all are getting out of my $ flow range right now..
....and so, I figure that the MineLab detectors are a better bet in Aust, due to being Aust to start with,.... (yet, I am attracted to the depth aspect of the Garret Axiom but not attracted by its lack of info available right now, battery info, and cost..)…
.....In the research yesterday and this morning, the dude who uses Garrett exclusively (who sells Garrett), did reviews on the new Axiom at Tibooburra 2 months ago, has not answered questions relative to people who asked them (two months ago on specific points of the device) on two utube review flicks that he did on the new Axiom... and his latest vids on utube are with the APEX... and not the Axiom!!!
... and I noted that he did not find any deep gold with the Axiom either.. even though he had the 11" coil on... he found only flakes, one of which was 0.01gram (that he was stoked about) … {Am I missing something here?}
... but also he recons he went to varied gold fields all over the place (gold fields of Vic etc… And yet showed no results, no nuggets found.... )……… nothing but a few flakes from the Tib area... !!!! Seems odd to me!
And looking at Garrett history of their detectors, and their propensity for looking for DEEP gold, I would have thought that with the new Garrett Axiom would be finding the deep stuff,....so ... Hmmm...!? Garrett is off my current desire sheet... I ALSO figure that, it does appear that Garrett have NOT sorted out what the Axiom device can actually do yet... even though it is for sale now...!!! Anyhow... onward and upward...
It sorts feels to be similar with the new MineLab Manticore coming out in Dec... and yet ML DO seem to be more explicit in 'what it can do'... and it appears to have a relatively deep depth due to its POWER output, but how deep (I cannot find this)? And how long will the battery last in varied settings?? All unknowns that I have not found out yet? I have seen some REAL info on the ML Manticore. . .but not much...
All my research is purely academic sitting here, as I do not know about a lot of stuff... so will keep looking...
With detectors etc, I have ONLY JUST reached the stage of intellectually working out...
A)…. THE varied CONTROL FACTORS....(ground noise, depth, strength of signal, background tone, hot rock noise, balancing, etc... and their inter-relationship that an experienced miner already knows..)….
B)… and the same applies to the VARIED detectors on the market...
C)… the varied benefits of varied coils are still a (relative) mystery, and
D)… the varied different applications of the PI, and VHF story...
E)… and relative to the EMI and geo magnetics,
F)… as well as geology of the Earth structures and what put it here for us.....
G)… and naturally, still more stuff I hav no clue on I expect... that only time will share...
I am...
Literally living in a MIND-field of detecting what is useful and what is not... in so many areas of human life right now...
Mind as in, COGNITIVELY sorting out the relative values and usefulness of each tool, detector, etc, (and, like some we read about, I do not wish to have a cupboard full of detectors the cockroaches and rats simply eat the electronics of...as they do...)…
What options have I come to so far? (As I feel I hav a vague clue of what to buy... and why to buy it, but also in the same instant, hav no real foundation that is solid enough without the experience levels that only use of the tools brings...)
A)… I have come down to a ML 4500 or 5000 (both of which are bloody heavy and very NOT attractive for that reason) combined with NL 17x13 coil (which variety, I am not sure) and,
B)... a MineLab Gold Monster 1000 ... (due to its light weight and versatility, seeing as I would do the beaches around Byron Bay that get a few million tourists a year)… but if I move away from the beach, then how useful is it?
C)… forget all of the above for now, learn from one device to begin with, and so I am looking at
D)… the new ML Manticore, (which will be initially relatively overpriced due to it being the new kid on the block...but) fits my budget right now... use it... KNOW IT WELL... then decide what is next before heading off in my car for a year or so... and just wander to where ever the wind blows ...
The focus and status of the fossicking for me right now is to GET AWAY FROM THE COASTAL STRIP of Australia, store my tools n 9,000+ books above the danger (which is not an IF scenario, but a WHEN scenario... that geological history tells the story of...) of coastal inundation by the ocean, and far cough inland... as I am sick of being flooded every time the sky opens up and the sea surges inland...
AND,....If you made it this far in reading... ha... WELL DONE...
Thank you...
....and may gold be yr life...

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