Strangest find yet 6 x 1cent coins in same hole

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Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Sydney, NSW
Found a target and cut my perfect hole as always ;) put pinpointer in and found coin after coin 6inches down, so strange lol
as you can see i take pride in my holes digging and putting back :D :D


It is always a nice surprise to get multiple targets out of the one hole.

A classic, out of a kids shorts pocket coins spill. My son dropped two $2 coins on the local sports oval the other day mucking around with some mates, even though a social soccer game was played over the top of the spot for a couple of hours and one of the players saying 'I saw them, I thought they were gold coloured markers' they lay in the same spot for three days slowly working their way into the grass before I spotted them by eye. It always pays to check your coin holes twice as multiple drops are more common than you would think.
Every time i find a target and dig it out, i swing over the hole again, on several occasions ive found other targets just like you say .. :D
A mate of mine once found a stack of about 6 pennies about 4 inches down in an old school yard. They seemed to be at the same deepth as single pennies found at the same location. Its hard to believe they were a stack on the surface and just sank over the years like the rest , must have been buried that way by a school kid who couldnt remember where the spot was to re gather them .
Nice work there Danmuss.

A friend of mine was showing me the ropes one day and he dug 4 pennies and a half penny from the one hole. Doesn't happen that often.
Some time ago I dug 43x 5 cents coins in one hole in tod lot. I got me puzzled as why would anyone carry so many 5c coins and the loose them in one spot. But then, people do sometimes strange things.
Ive found 9 pre-decimals in an area the size of a shoebox, six of them silvers.

Way bigger hole than the OPs but all from a single person 2 lots of 2 were stuck together. Would love to dig neat little holes but its hard when ground is dry and hard with little grass. Lucky for me the corellas are ripping the local parks to bits which helps to disguise my handywork.
Maybe a pokie player???

KarlS said:
Some time ago I dug 43x 5 cents coins in one hole in tod lot. I got me puzzled as why would anyone carry so many 5c coins and the loose them in one spot. :p But then, people do sometimes strange things.
I scored three florins in a neat little stack one time and they were down as deep as a horse in wet weather would push them.
Jaros said:
Maybe a pokie player???

KarlS said:
Some time ago I dug 43x 5 cents coins in one hole in tod lot. I got me puzzled as why would anyone carry so many 5c coins and the loose them in one spot. :p But then, people do sometimes strange things.

You are right Jaros, it was behind RSL club. I do not play pokies, so I did not though of it.
Nice find, I remember burying a stack of 5c as a kid for whatever reason that kids do. Maybe one day someone will find them and wonder why. Thanks for the hole lesson as well. Very proffesional.
When I was a young bloke I stored all my round 50c coins in my used round fish food cans. They were a neat fit and must have held about 25 coins in each tin. I had several of them stored on the floor joists under the house.
My brothers restumped the house for Mum about 15 years back. I asked about my cans of coins but they said they were gone. If anybody was to dig them up they'd be a great find.
You must look there yourself as even though your brothers restumped the house they may not have noticed the tins(as they were there working not searching) those tins of coins of yours may still be in situ Moneybox,...old and rusty tins sitting on the floor joists may be virtually invisible(depending on the environmental conditions)If they are still there, you may owe me a beer one day.
Moneybox said:
When I was a young bloke I stored all my round 50c coins in my used round fish food cans. They were a neat fit and must have held about 25 coins in each tin. I had several of them stored on the floor joists under the house.
My brothers restumped the house for Mum about 15 years back. I asked about my cans of coins but they said they were gone. If anybody was to dig them up they'd be a great find.