Got an itch ..caught it in WA

Prospecting Australia

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Apr 26, 2013
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We spent a good part of last season (2012) in Leonora and now I have a permanent itch.
I managed to find about an ounce over there and saw some beautiful finds come into the caravan park.
That was my first experience at detecting and now that I'm back home on the east coast I'm hoping to keep the fun happening.
Soon we'll be re-locating to the NSW Hunter region and looking forward to connecting with other prospectors in the area ..or are we called fossickers over here?
I have only prospected with a detector, though I've carried a pan with the camping gear for years, but mainly used it to give the dog a drink.
Panning looks like hard work to me. Picking nuggets up from the ground is easier.
Rusty - 'coz that's what i mainly dig up when looking for nuggets
No very little about gold detecting but coins, I had two great teachers on this.

Welcome to the hunter region champ ;)
Hi Rusty, I'm a little north of the hunter but there is quite a few around that area, welcome aboard.
Welcome Rusty, I knock around Leonora quite a bit, it's easy to get addicted to the gold and the desert there. I'm sure the Hunter boys will make you feel welcome.

Welcome Rusty.
I hope to get the WA Leinster itch in 2014 while visiting a nephew for a couple of months :lol:
Any detecting tips for that part of WA?
'll br
Jed said:
Welcome Rusty.
I hope to get the WA Leinster itch in 2014 while visiting a nephew for a couple of months :lol:
Any detecting tips for that part of WA?
G'day Jed,
You lucky bugga, a couple of months will give you time to learn the area and the geology.
I didn't get to swing around Leinster, but a lot of caravanners took off from Leonora to that area while I was there.
Sandstone was getting a lot of attention from detectorists. I see from your Intro that you swing a 5000, that's one of the main weapons of choice over there.
If you're staying in the caravan park, get to know the people around the campfire, the university of detecting.
As soon as you can get into the Mines Department in Leonora, very helpful crew. They'll tell you where you can and can't go.
Before you head over there download their Tengraph programme and spend time trying to master it.
That's where you'll find every tenement in WA. Go to WA Mines website>ONLINE SYSTEMS>TENGRAPH ONLINE
Can't over emphasise the value of a handheld GPS, take spare batteries in your pocket, favorite over there is a basic eTrex. It's easy to wander miles, it'll get you back to your car.
Before you head off, also contact St Barbara Mines and organise permission to swing on their tenements. They'll allocate area/s.
That way you'll have somewhere to go as soon as you arrive. St Barbara take up to 6 weeks to give permission.
Good luck mate, you'll have a ball over there. Look forward to hearing about the gold you pick up.