Golddiggerart - Detector finds...

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Sandta said:
You are definitely the new RING MASTER :Y:

Cheers mate, the nox likes to sniff them out... Totally enjoying myself and getting fitter every day, been off the smoking since 27th of October, best decision I've made other than Marrying my loving Katrina. :D

I'll see if a few more pop up in my new patch. :Y:
What do you do when you're onto a good thing?
The answer is to keep going.
So out I went last night to my patch, I met up with Yulinna and taught her a few new tricks.. She didn't stay long around 45mins as her hubby was in a rush to go home.
I gridded and gridded popping out target after target, mostly all deep but some nice shallow targets as well.
All in all another enjoyable swing and 2 9k rings plus 2 silver rings, a florin and final target topping off my night was a 1916 half penny.





Until next time happy detecting
Cheers Gda :D :Y:
Clodmaster said:
Yep, you're definitely on a roll there. Lead, old coins and rings - that's where you want to be. Great stuff, Gda!

Yes you're correct, it's practically Virgin Ground but not Virgin ground as other detectorists have been there but didn't dig any targets.. My guess is they're cherry picking because there's not many Goldies which is a huge Surprise :D
Went back to my spot the other night and managed to hear the faint beeps under a lot of sand and rocks, I needed a good storm to shift things around and today I got my wish so I will revisit it with Yulinna when the weather fines up and the tides are low again.
Today got out for a few hours with my son Abraham and found a nice gutter from a storm drain on the beach, a few coins came out of there but the rain came down and a flash of lightning had me heading back to the car with Abraham... Got back to the car and the rain stopped, both soaking wet but I said to Abraham let's stop at another beach before we head home.
Glad we stopped because the wind dried us off and I managed a few more coins and two rings, 1x silver opal ring 1x stainless.
Watching the surf move the sand around has me excited for my next water hunt.






Todays finds


Until next time happy detecting
Cheers Gda :D :Y:
2 hours last night gridding storm drain channels on the beach and signs of another detectorist walking in straight lines again but not gridding. Nice solid ring targets and a few coins plus some good exercise.





Might have a quick detect in the early Christmas morning before my cooking day starts.
Until next time happy detecting
Cheers Gda :Y: :D
Mackka said:
I am loving this thread. Excellent finds mate.

Thanks Mackka, I'm enjoying this end of 2020 detecting.

So the last two detects were slim pickings, the rubbish outnumbering the good finds at least 3 to 1.. The lady Yulinna whom I've been teaching has told me she sees several detectorists around but I never see them, maybe because I do detects past their bed time lol.
Hoping to get out into the water over the coming days to find more patchs.




Until next time happy detecting
Cheers Gda :Y: :D