Golddiggerart - Detector finds...

Prospecting Australia

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Goldpick said:
Haven't seen anyone pulled a copper print from the ground on PA before, great find - if not a bit spooky. :D

Thanks Goldpick ..... If I cleaned it up more it'll show less spookiness and more of it's glamour from back in the day. :)
Best I Could do Silver ....

So I had a dig in the back lawn and found the Rubbish dump but before finding that I hit on a nice clear signal 34, started digging it up and saw gold and yup a nice clean new $1, started filling in the hole and thought oh wait I will swing it again and sure enough another signal woop coin spill I am thinking to myself and sure enough a $2 coin, so I swung the detector again and this time a 36 signal.....Shocked to see a penny show up and a 1921 as well.
This house was built in 1950 but that doesn't mean there wasn't another one here before this one.
Also found the brass objects in the lawn....and a Bullet RAL III


Crustiest one I have found yet...




Can only imagine what else is in this dump which is 2 foot underground and deeper...


Tonight's dig, well Fridays was a last minute decision hitting my Silvers Spot....Met Michael and Peter a local who I had met the other night.
Peter gave me some pointers on where to have a swing and we parted ways....

First target was within the first 5 minutes a crisp shallow 36 and out popped a Com Penny....Was some time before I hit my next signal and then right after that another only metres away.....Both signals were Silver and both were Sixpences so I was happy with that, the rest of the night was junk after junk, I should have cleared it out all of the other nights...oh well no worries.
Before leaving I said to my son Jacob lets go down the hillside for a quick look and I am happy I did, a loud 32 meant a Threepence woop woop 3 Silvers for the night and time to come home.



This 1962 cleaned up well and I will post a photo later...


Very tarnished and is going to need a few treatments to come clean...


This one also very tarnished and very thin so will need to be very careful with it.


Until next time I hope you all get some awesome finds, lots of silver, lots of goldies, lots of rings and treasures.

Cheers GDA :Y: :Y: :Y: :Y: :Y: :Y: :Y:
Nice hunt gda :cool: :Y: was thinking about the police badge in your yard thing.....Any chance you live at Chopper Reid's old house? :p :eek:
That would be cool to prove it got torn off by Chopper :eek: :cool: ................some top hunts lately :cool: :Y:
Mia looks hungry...better feed her before she eats those coins :p :lol:
B5MECH said:
Nice hunt gda :cool: :Y: was thinking about the police badge in your yard thing.....Any chance you live at Chopper Reid's old house? :p :eek:
That would be cool to prove it got torn off by Chopper :eek: :cool: ................some top hunts lately :cool: :Y:
Mia looks hungry...better feed her before she eats those coins :p :lol:

Thanks mate, unfortunately not Choppers house, maybe a copper lived here back in the 20s or earlier and lost that button.
The reason I say 20s is because of the 1921 Penny and today I found a 1917 Com Half Penny right where I found the button. :Y: