Golddiggerart - Detector finds...

Prospecting Australia

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Thanks everyone it was quite a surprise and even with all the rain we had the ground was dry underneath.
The little gravy jug was found because I hit a decent signal and for the life of me I couldn't find the target until I hit a foot deep, rusted metal tube and I punctured it a little then the whole went black, ants everywhere and I thought ahhhh crap, then I saw the little jug and dug it up then saw the (cream pot?).

The funniest thing was this fricking spider, I was digging a target which turned out to be the 1943 half and the spider kept creeping in closer, I pushed it aside and kept digging and it sat practically right on top of the half penny so I slowly dug around the spot then reached my hand in the hole to retrieve the coin, the spider as far as I know is still cuddled up in that spot.
It must have been attracted to the light. lol :)

Yup Danny a back up spot sounds good for the days when I need a fix...oops when I get the itch. :)

Yes Heatho hopefully some silvers show up too.
:Y: :Y: :Y:
B5MECH said:
Nice work Gda :cool: :Y: your on to them now ;) there has to be silver there :eek:

One would think there is mate, lots of jumpy signals and then I start digging and nothing it totally disappears off the radar so I fill it back in and then swing again and the signal comes back up bouncing in the high 42 - 48 range... lol :) No worries I'll get the 505 onto it as well. :) Cheers Mate :Y:
Decided to go out for a quick dig after I got stuck in the kitchen teaching the wife about cooking and flavors, we had some Boneless Chicken Thighs and she wanted to cook them so I said watch this.....I grabbed bread crumbs and to it I added lots of salt, pepper and garlic powder then mixed that all together...I then dipped each thigh in some whisked egg then dipped it into the crumb. Told her to slow fry them to make sure they cook well, once the crust has formed and cooked on one side turn them over and cook the other side. Well I came home and it was all cooked everyone saying wow Mum the Chicken is Goooooood!!!
The wife said thank Dad he put it all together and I just fried it.
So thanks to my wife and now the finds for tonight from my 1850s time capsule....
Interesting finds of which there weren't many because my darling GDGirl was complaining and moaning and I am cold, oh you knew I was going to moan Dad blah blah blah....anyway I made the most of it and got a nice little surprise...
The coolest old toy I have found.


Lead Tank heavy as heck for such a small thing. Shame there is no writing of makers mark but there is a number underneath 824.




Old Nail? I broke it while removing the dirt from it.


Old Handle from a chest of drawers maybe?



Definitely heading back there in a few hours, just me, myself and I....

Cheers GDA
Well I went back to the site and found it really weird. The settings on the 705 were exactly the same but where I was getting signals before there were none and where I wasn't getting signals there were plenty. I didn't dig them all because some were very faint and deep, I didn't feel like digging deep and will get them another day.
The finds I did get were interesting though. Time to hang up the Detector for a little while until My wife and I get some things sorted out at home.
She is precious and lets me do what I love to do as I do the same for her, we don't have any expectation of each other at all which is a good thing.
Anyway here are the finds.


Not sure what this is, at first I thought it may have been a Harmonica Reed but I dunno it feels a little heavy.


Found a lead soldier to go with the Tank.



Leaf Pin which used to have lots of pretty little coloured stones.



Not sure if this is a Musket ball but it's heavy as hell and made of Lead.


20Gram Weight


Anyway blokes I'll be around to watch everyone get some awesome treasures so good luck and happy hunting. :)

Cheers GDA :Y: :Y: :Y:
If there's no holes in the lead ball it can't be a sinker then gda, good looking little soldier ,.... and :Y: to looking to the wife mate. 8) ;)
Smoky bandit said:
Onya GDA nice finds...interesting leaf....Hope your not away to long.. :Y: :Y:

Gotta sort out my family especially my older boys mate, the third eldest of 22 years old has just got a job finally after flitting around thinking about his next million dollar idea and venture, I am happy he did now I can concentrate more on the little ones.
I won't be gone long because I love detecting/prospecting/treasure hunting and it's good for my kiddies as well to get outdoors and enjoy the freedom away from technology even if it's 5 - 10 minutes.

Cheers Smoky.. :) :Y:
silver said:
If there's no holes in the lead ball it can't be a sinker then gda, good looking little soldier ,.... and :Y: to looking to the wife mate. 8) ;)

No holes in the lead ball Silver, and yup I look after my wife as she does for me, she's 17 and a 1/2 weeks pregnant with our 8th child, it's not something you plan especially over the age of 45 but we are still young and healthy and have at least 60 - 70 years left in us LOL, so it's all up up up from here.

A special video mate.....

Cheers GDA :Y: :Y: :Y: :D :D :D :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Ramjet said:
Love the toy tanks. Nice digs. :Y:

Thanks Ramjet I do as well, shame I couldn't find anything like it on Google search it's the best toy I have found yet, they made toys to last back in the day these days they are broken within hours of buying the things. lol I think the record in this house is 5 minutes after unwrapping the Presents at Christmas then snap/crack oh well take it back to the shop for a refund. :Y:
B5MECH said:
Ramjet said:
Love the toy tanks. Nice digs. :Y:
And a soldier :eek: :cool: :Y: you'll have a whole army soon :cool:
Low and slow Gda :eek: Low and slow :lol: sounds like the ground is loaded with treasure :cool: :Y:

Sure is, I for the life of me am not able to get to this crisp sounding 42 Signal at the moment, every time I have dug it I have forgotten there are bricks and stones in there almost like an old driveway. Eventually I will get it. :)