Golddiggerart - Detector finds...

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Smoky bandit said:
golddiggerart said:
Smoky bandit said:
You'll have to get a third jar at the rate your the other 2 will be full in no time... :Y: Well done :rainbow: :lol:

Wife already wants to start emptying it again... lol
Hahaha..i totally understand wife takes all my goldies :mad: ..marriage tax :Y:

Hahaha Marriage god that is funny.... lolol :D :D :D
Well one happy young lady with her necklace which turned out to be an Heirloom....You know sometimes you find something that has that I want to be found energy and this is one such item, feels good and Kiara was so happy to return it to its home.



Until next time blokes and blokettes Good luck and Happy hunting...
B5MECH said:
Top job gda :cool: :Y: how did you find the owner that quick? :eek: you only just found it :eek:

The necklace had a really cool energy....and a guy received a phone call to do a recovery and saw that I posted it on Facebook..... Happy Days....There is going to be a follow up from this and I am sure everyone is going to love it, would never have expected what is about to unfold over the next week so stay tuned mate. :) :Y: :D :party: :rainbow:
Well done Golddiggerart,you must be feeling great to be able to hand it back to the owner.The girl looks very happy to get it back.
Thanks everyone she cried and her boyfriend almost cried as well, she was distraught having lost it 5 days after her Mother Inlaw gave it to her....Apparently stayed in bed for two days balling her eyes out wondering if she'd ever get it back. :) So happy days... :)
Last nights dig at a different beach with my son (GDBoy - Jacob) showed some nice surprises which will have me go back to hunt for more because I never ever would have guessed that I would find a bucket list item maybe 2 once I decide whether to clean them up or not....



Heaviest 925 ring I have found @ 8 grams.......was a manifested find, I said to Jacob just as we headed towards the car I want a ring so walk slowly, I then said it will be a high pitched sound so listen for it and not two steps later swinging the detector away BEEP BEEP....I grabbed the scoop and said to Jacob it's a ring so I dug and ran the scoop over the detector, BEEP BEEP.....I shook out all of the sand and as I was shaking it I heard that ping sound against the scoop....the reveal was one of YAHOO ring a ding ding and Jacob looked at me and I him.....I then said see that boy I did left happy and made our way home...


$12.25 minus $7.65 for Jacobs Maccas on the drive total was $19.90 for 3 hours...


Looks like it was an Angel Pendant at some stage....


Left one is a George IV SIXPENCE woohoo my Silver drought is Over the other is thin and could be another silver....both rang in at 24 on the 505. :)


Reverse side...




Very thin and I thought maybe a threepence but it may be a little too big...

Anyway it was a good night and ended a wonderful day so until next time Good Luck and Happy Hunting all..

Cheers GDA
Going great guns there gda ! :Y:
Love that silver ring mate. :p
and two old silvers turning out of their resting places is a really good turn of events, just find where the sinkers all are now and maybe some gold in with them too. ;)
Top little hunt. :Y: :D :Y:
8) :p :cool: :cool: :cool: :party:
Nice hunt mate, the power of positive thinking really helps sometimes. :D

Last gold ring I found, well that morning was only getting bottle tops, then I squatted down to dig a target and thought " one day one of these bottle tops will be another gold ring", that target was the gold ring. :) When I'm gold detecting in the bush I try to visulise gold nuggets.

Well done and good on you for finding the owner of the necklace too, that's awesome.
silver said:
Going great guns there gda ! :Y:
Love that silver ring mate. :p
and two old silvers turning out of their resting places is a really good turn of events, just find where the sinkers all are now and maybe some gold in with them too. ;)
Top little hunt. :Y: :D :Y:
8) :p :cool: :cool: :cool: :party:

It's a weird beach mate because of how it is facing towards Port Phillip bay, when a cruise-liner or cargo ship floats by way out yonder the bow waves hit this beach flat on and the waves eat away at the shoreline, was there another day and the waves were big coming onto the shore....low and behold coins started appearing on the surface so I picked them all up and just laughed at my good fortune.

The sixpence after little cleaning showed 1951....Very Happy with that...the other I cleaned completely but all that showed was silver, not a trace of what it was once upon a time. :D :D :D
Heatho said:
Nice hunt mate, the power of positive thinking really helps sometimes. :D

Last gold ring I found, well that morning was only getting bottle tops, then I squatted down to dig a target and thought " one day one of these bottle tops will be another gold ring", that target was the gold ring. :) When I'm gold detecting in the bush I try to visulise gold nuggets.

Well done and good on you for finding the owner of the necklace too, that's awesome.

Yup, when we choose to use our power (positive thinking) magic happens instantaneously.... and that was awesome about the Gold Ring.... :)