Golddiggerart - Detector finds...

Prospecting Australia

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I honestly reckon the days are numbered before you hit Gold outside of the GT.

Victoria would be a very good place to find one I reckon with it's great Golden history.

Golden post coming soon :Y:
Bit of a jump in dates on the coppers, good sign that more older finds are still possible, heading way back to the 1860's - and yes, even a sovereign!

If you don't mind me posting this here (can delete it if not), here's a bit of inspiration for finding that elusive gold coin. I reckon I would be excited as this guy when he found his first sovereign, shaking hands and all - pretty funny ending as well. :)

Another teaser god I must be getting close. This is from a different spot.
Not cleaned yet but managed to read some of the words.


I will post the rest of the finds after I eat something.
Goldpick said:
Bit of a jump in dates on the coppers, good sign that more older finds are still possible, heading way back to the 1860's - and yes, even a sovereign!

Yes it's a funny spot one area had all Pennies and 10 metres away all Silvers....
Well I decided to hit a local spot around the corner basically from home, I hit on some easy targets and some not so easy ones, they were very deep.
Had a heart flutter as I got a nice clear 44 Signal on the 705....I had a few others which were brownies but this had a crisper sound.
I pulled it out of the hole not knowing what it was, I could see the edges which were all Golden and thought OMG....I didn't get my hopes up though as I cleared away the dirt I saw lettering and then turned it over to the obverse and saw a face of a man but it was raised and I knew it wasn't that elusive "Sovereign".
Anyway I have a whole day tomorrow to hunt some of my spots, any of them could hold a Sovereign.

Here it is.....






Knob or top of a Walking stick...


Hopefully tomorrow brings some more awesome finds, so good luck, happy days and best of digs to everyone.

Cheers GDA :Y: :D :rainbow:

Was that brought to Australia from France :/

Is it really that old :eek:

That is a fantastic find full of mystery either way :Y: