Darwin / Northern Territory (NT) weather

Prospecting Australia

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Nanjim said:
Looks like you got another one on the way later in the week.....

Gonna be a much bigger system to, but looks like it will be bit to the north of us.
shakergt said:
Rain does bring up the yellow stuff though in places

Not all that much rain in it, and the gold is 100-150 km south of us.....

Boxing day cyclone probable, only a cat 1,
But will dump a lot of rain on us. Only problem I have with it, is I'm dog sitting......and he is an absolute wuss! Whines when there is any thunder or lightning and keeps me awake. Basically sits as close as possible, like on my chest at 4 am.....I have been awake since 4 am......I'm getting tired and cranky.....he barks outside , and crys all night if I don't let him in. Then sits outside my bedroom door and repeats until I fold and let him in......another 10 days...... :(
davent said:

Boxing day cyclone probable, only a cat 1,
But will dump a lot of rain on us. Only problem I have with it, is I'm dog sitting......and he is an absolute wuss! Whines when there is any thunder or lightning and keeps me awake. Basically sits as close as possible, like on my chest at 4 am.....I have been awake since 4 am......I'm getting tired and cranky.....he barks outside , and crys all night if I don't let him in. Then sits outside my bedroom door and repeats until I fold and let him in......another 10 days...... :(

Sympathise mate, Rigby was a bit like that, we knew a storm was coming several hours before it arrived, he was rarely wrong. Miss him terribly but glad he is not with us now, thunderstorms every afternoon for the last week or so, in the camper he would have been terrified. They just need cuddles, you'll probably miss him when he goes home..... :(
Ever since we've had Nelson there's always been someone home mainly me and whenever a storm starts thundering near us I have always taken him outside with me get him to sit and tell him it's ok and he calms down then he just sits and rides it out with me. Best dog I've ever had. Our Boxer used to jump 6ft high fences and straight into the the next door neighbours pool and when we heard him sploshing around we'd trespass next door and save him. I loved that dog but a brain bleed knocked him over. Still miss him he was 9yrs old at the time. :(
It's bloody hard when you lose them, I lost Rusty the wave chasing wonder dog in October last year, I couldn't go through that again so I'm not getting another one, mind you I have been known to say that before, first time I've been dog free for 44 years and Miss Kay bought me the iron Kelpie so I can still sit outside and yap to him while I'm having a beer :beer:




Yeah Mackka, I've said "Never Again" after my last 3 and I think this time I'll be keeping to it, I nearly weakened with this gorgeous Blue Healer pup a few months ago but I held firm, ya bloody miss em though hey. 8.(
BigWave said:
Just scattered my kelpie Ed's ashes.
Am thinking of another ???????
I buried Rusty at sea in 200 feet of water between Kangaroo Island and Cape Jervis, I allways stop and say hello as I'm heading to one of my fishing spots, I made a nice steel casket for him and weighed it down with bricks, he loved the water, I hope someone does that to me. Good luck with your new buddy BW :sunny:
Dave's Office said:
BigWave said:
Just scattered my kelpie Ed's ashes.
Am thinking of another ???????
I buried Rusty at sea in 200 feet of water between Kangaroo Island and Cape Jervis, I allways stop and say hello as I'm heading to one of my fishing spots, I made a nice steel casket for him and weighed it down with bricks, he loved the water, I hope someone does that to me. Good luck with your new buddy BW :sunny:

Always amazes me how many after stating to me "it's only a dog" fail to understand the less than friendly attitude that follows :mad:
Had many conversations with my mate, and even without saying a word he knows when things are not good. I'm sure others can relate to how many times whilst deep in contemplation all of a sudden ya best mate just puts his chin on your knee with that knowing look. :Y:
Our boy, Tysey, with out doubt the best mate I've ever had. He pushed me to the limits sometimes but we always ended up with hug.
He always travelled with us when we went to our bush camp.
One morning a few days before a trip I decided to hook up the van and take it for a test run after doing the wheel bearings and brakes.
We left Tysey at home and when we arrived back home all we could hear was his howling at the front door. He must have thought we went away with out him.
Have to admit it brought a tear to my eye.
He went to doggie heaven 11 years ago and there is rarely a day we don't mention him.
Couldn't bring ourselves to get another.

Youre pulling heartstrings here

Lost my mate Oy the kelpie (named as in Oy, get out of there) a few years back. She was with us for just under 19 years. Damned hard having to put her down. Still, hopefully someone will give me the same courtesy when Im old and buggered. Spitting image of Dave Os mate in the pictures above.