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tried a different part of the same camp I've hunted twice before, identified some likely spots and "Mac Urban" (aka Andrew) came along. Had high hopes but got few results.
Andrew scored a rising sun that would have been attached to the collar of the service dress tunic and some half pennies...and a strange key/winder. Hopefully he can put his images up.

Anyway here's some sharp and not so sharp images of the little that I found.

nice sterling ring with a name engraved inside that I can't make out

happiest with this one - large enough for a slouch hat, scored it not long after Andrew got his but a long way apart.

wasn't finding much so went back to the spot that produced so many pre decimal coins in a confined area. Nothing but this....
Anyone good with old cars? Able to identify the style on the winder? Brass covered with some sort of plastic/synthetic that looks or did look white. Interestingly there are small traces of red paint on it...
tried a new spot last night and was well disappointed, research suggested it would be a good spot - oh well.
Then went to a different part of any army camp I haven't hunted and found stuff. No idea how old the mobile is, but was surprised to find it buried barely under the surface...

Rocketaroo ... no I did not see that coming :)
yep a bit of everything including a lot of junk at the first site, the razor blade is completely blunt and sub- sized. It has a small hole and I'm guessing it's off a charm bracelet but - it's not silver ... no marks :(
Hey Matt,

the concentric circles look the same and the shape of the handle is close too though the knob is longer. Buick?
After doing a bunch of searching around for it, I found that even some of the cars used a similar handle even in the 50s,

so unfortunately, I'm no closer to finding out what it is off, either.

Maybe join a hotrod or a vintage car forum and ask the question. Those guys'd know, I reckon.
Rob ive found a very similar handle like yours. Its downstairs would be funny if they were the same.
Hoping you research a good spot. Im surprised the government doesnt release records of convict colony sites i mean they must know through historical records. But where i am i know there was a big convict colony settlement however cant find jack about location. A shame
given the number of cars that have been made I reckon there is a good chance we have identical car handles... and I suspect it's one of those things that are so mundane they're just tossed.
As for old sites, if there aren't maps (and I'm even working from maps made for water & sewerage by the board of works in the late 1800s) then there's have to be ink drawings or rough paintings of various sites, which might be enough if you can spot some remaining land marks. It will mean search through the state library though I'd guess.
got out last night for some stress relief - sort of walking meditation.
Hit a park where there'd been a WW2 base, tried hunting some new areas but not a lot of finds. Went to a spot I thought I'd flogged to death... just dug the scratchy signals and almost all were pre decimals or sh*tty brown buggers.

