Cold Weather Gear

Prospecting Australia

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Feb 14, 2014
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Hey there mates!

Pretty much all my life never really felt the cold... Until now.

This means I now need to stock up on warm weather gear like clothes, blankets, etc for when I do a bit of prospecting/camping south!

Just wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction of maybe some brands, websites or shops from which I can purchase this gear. I'd be disappointed if I went to big w got a sleeping bag rated to -15 and cant handle a cool summers night (which has happened before to many of folk). Some gear I could still work in would be kinda cool as well. I mean maybe trackies from Go-Lo are all I need but I can't picture digging creeks with trackies and waders are that great.

Any information would be great!!

G'day Daniel,

You're not alone there! Over the years you get a bit more reluctant to work in colder water, particularly if you're digging in it up to your waist on a cold windy day! :eek:

Have you looked into the thermal clothing options?

The waders are good and the more insulated wetsuit-type leggings could be okay too. The long sleeved thermal shirt was the best thing I picked up for prospecting in the colder climate, particularly for detecting in cold winds.

The thin nature of thermal leggings should make them a good option for a thin lining to wear with waders if needed (nothing like the bulk of trakkies). It can be hard to balance the temps in and out of the water and you don't want to be roasting hot and sweating up a storm while out of the water in the sun.

I have waders, but haven't used them as yet. My mates in Albury all use waders with thermals while panning/sluicing down in the Southern Alps. They got their thermal gear pretty cheap from Aldi. My thermal shirt -a little bit more expensive at around the $60 mark- came from a camping shop in Tumut, though all camping stores should have something of that nature available. The cheaper brands work just as fine as most expensive brands.

Plenty of members should be able to advise you on the wader situation. I think there's the odd thread here and there covering the topic with some great info.

All the best and stay warm out there! :)
From the cycling world, windstopper, windbreaker things like that are good, you can get casual stuff too. When riding it holds out the cold really good. UK stores are good. Chainreaction.
We are pretty lucky in Australia we do not know what cold weather is,northern hemisphere has suffered bad this year.
We have started fires to heat our house about 2 weeks earlier than other years,so this winter could be colder than other years.

The digger
All my Cold Weather Gear is the most Extreme you can Buy, The reason I bought the most extreme gear on the market was I wasted so much money buying gear that was meant to be the Dogs DooDads which turned out to be good at some things but failed big time at others, So in the end I went all out and bought the gear they wear in the Frozen North and Antarctic and since then the Cold is a non event for me.

hope that helps.

Edit:- If you Guys need any Cold Weather gear you can't get let me know and I will sort it.


I have one of these Parka's In Navy Blue, Not cheap but it has been tested and rated for temps below -30*c proven below -70*c.

And I have these Boots ready if the weather turns Mega Nasty, Rated to -100*c.

and for my hands I use Outdoor Research Alti Mitts, Rated from -28* down to -40*c. and I can also add liner Gloves to boost the temp rating or if I need to remove the Mitts to do something where I need more dexterity using my fingers so my hands don't freeze.


And my Sleeping Bag is the Antarctica 2c, Rated from -20* Down to -50*c, Which they renamed to the Antarctica RE.
Daniel said:
Hey there mates!

Pretty much all my life never really felt the cold... Until now.

This means I now need to stock up on warm weather gear like clothes, blankets, etc for when I do a bit of prospecting/camping south!

Just wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction of maybe some brands, websites or shops from which I can purchase this gear. I'd be disappointed if I went to big w got a sleeping bag rated to -15 and cant handle a cool summers night (which has happened before to many of folk). Some gear I could still work in would be kinda cool as well. I mean maybe trackies from Go-Lo are all I need but I can't picture digging creeks with trackies and waders are that great.

Any information would be great!!

I can Get extreme/Cold weather Waders if you need some, they are not that expensive and they do work, and you can get them from Thigh length right up to Chest High Waders which a lot of prospectors and fisherman wear over here.

Hope that helps.

Yeah, minus 5deg, I sleep in my snow board pants!
PS, dont stand too close too the fire...
dosent work out well :(
Sallies or vinnies usually have a heap of the old onkaparinga type woolen blankets which are cheap and ideal for camping. Doesnt matter if the stitching or corners are a bit ratty, its not a whos got the flashiest linen comp out in the boonies
I hate sleeping bags, I always take my old king size feather doona, one half under, the other half folded over.
Things get real bad mate, look for the prettiest merino ewe that you can catch!
They dont mind a cuddle