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Mar 24, 2015
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Latest news being reported is that Britain has voted to leave the European Union. Counting is at 52% leave, 48 percent stay. Interesting times ahead methinks.
Hang onto your gold finds i reckon fellas. Shares etc could be going up and down like a brides nightie for quite a while maybe?
Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

85.3% Reporting
Remain a member of the European Union 48.4%

Leave the European Union 51.6%
If the 'leave' vote gets up like it looks it will, it's going to shake the resolve of a few (fence sitter) countries in the EU i reckon.
Apparently if you were an Aussie over there you could cast a vote from what i heard on TV this morning. Can anybody confirm that for me please?
Apparently if you were an Aussie over there you could cast a vote from what i heard on TV this morning. Can anybody confirm that for me please?

True but must reside in the UK. Applied to all Commonwealth citizens.

EDIT, just realised I was too slow!
Thanks Nicko and Zorgs. No sure if i was a pom i'd want Aussies etc voting on something so important when they didn't have any real skin in the game.
Still proud too be a decedent of a couple of convicts from the 2nd Fleet..

Glad they where thieving buggers...wouldn't be in this great land otherwise.

This is just a vote from the actual exit will take 2yrs or more..
Ah Ha, perhaps one share price will rise as against most falling, MLs aka Codan. Maybe increase the Zs demand and in particular the 19" Z coils, we wait for with bated breaths.
I would have voted to leave also, too many basket case economies over there such as Greece. I reckon the gold price will settle after everyones jitters subside. Wish I bought a stack of it this morning though when it was still $1,663.00 per oz.
Heatho said:
I would have voted to leave also, too many basket case economies over there such as Greece. I reckon the gold price will settle after everyones jitters subside. Wish I bought a stack of it this morning though when it was still $1,663.00 per oz.
You don't have to buy it Heatho, you just have to cash in some of the gold you have hoarded everywhere :lol:
As RJ hinted, with the Brexit and a cashless society looming, we may all need to keep bullion under our beds.
Anyone got any spare bullion for me to stash for you under my bed? May have to get several beds though if this idea takes off.
This could also become a business for the entrepreneur - I may soon be selling beds with integrated bullion safes - anyone interested?
Maybe bitcoin is an answer - anyone got any good ideas on this?
David Cameron has just stated he will resign in the next few months!
The amount of gold i have stashed has just gone up by about $1000 today, at this rate i'll be able to retire in a few more decades :lol: :lol: :lol: