My "Neck Minnit" moment, whats yours?

Prospecting Australia

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Bought the 253 for my HQ Van home in a trailer.
Had lunch and had to go back to work. No one to give me a lift so I unhitched the trailer and lifted it off the tow ball and started to push it around the back yard by myself.
It took off so I threw it to one side only to have both wheels drop into a rut and stop. 8)
Draw bar came down across my left big toe and two others. And I was wearing leather boots.
Took the top clean off and smashed the big toe, Shattered the next one and broke the third one. :eek:
One month off work only to go back and have a roll of material fall across the lot and mangle them again. :eek:
2 months off work in all. :rolleyes:
Two from the scrap days. Hunting an old recent burnt pile I was ferreting around and stepped into a deep hole covered in ash. I was waist deep and all the smoldering hot coals straight into the blundstone. Retreating to the ute grabbed the water bottle and dowsed the boot and foot. Lucky to keep the foot and a month off work, such a simple silly mistake.

Nearly lost a hand loading a trailer on a trailer. Trailer on top went over the balance point of the dual wheel towing trailer racing towards me at the hitch end. Jumped out of the way supporting my weight on the square winch mount, but just a bit slow to remove it as the tow hitch of the trailer on top crashed into it. Tagged the three middle fingers on the end 5 fractures of which 3 were in the middle finger and a few stitches from a lovely Asian doctor that couldn't understand why I was climbing the walls. Firstly it took 3 needles to half numb the area and the next day the X ray showed the fractures. He was brutal. The worst part, had an rdo and was buying the trailer from the boss just to repair and flip haha.

Great shares gents.
Went fishing for salmon from the rocks on the great ocean road many year's ago.
There was a fantastic run of salmon at Wye River and we were shoulder to shoulder with around 100 odd other blokes.
It was a freezing very wet July and raining flat out but the fishing was hot.
I'm perched on a very dodgy bit of rock and score a double hit just as "NECK MINNIT" a wave knocks me off my feet and into the water.
Still holding onto my rod and completely under water the wave washes back and I'm only shin deep in the drink.
Amazingly the only part of me that got wet were my hands and face as I was wearing my full length Dryaz a Bone coat with knee high gun boots.
Go figure!!!
And yes I landed my two fish along with more than a dozen of there mates. :p
Its taken me all month to save up $$$ for my prospecting permit...and as soon as i had? Nekmint head gasket goes on dads car then the oil pump goes on the bush basher the battery dies in my family car! And all this happened in two days! Then we had a family emergency...oh my goats? Great nans foot was showing sign of gangrene my brother had a colapsed lung and my mum just found out her top lip has a cancerous tumor.....
And they all needed to travel 3hrs to brisbane hospital on different days.. 8.( and now i found out the "mother inlaw" is coming over from Nz for a two days!
Im spent... :|
Riding along a main street(2 lanes going my way) on a kwaka z650 and all of a sudden little miss old lady flies out from an angled in road,.. ok so I move across to the right lane to let her in(it'll be all right), but noooo, of coarse she decides that she is going strait across two lanes to exit over the other side,... no amount of mooving over was going to cut it for me, and she just kept coming, side swiping me, bike is up against her car being dragged along,...B#@%ch wouldn't stop,... dragged me across two lanes of traffick going in the opposite direction on the other side of the traffick island and a further 20 metres before she veered left off the road, which released the bike from the car,... all through this the bike is flinging around against the side of her car going from upright to sideways to anywhich way,... there was only one constant throughout the whole ordeal for me, left little finger was trapped between the car and the handlebar,... and that handlebar never shifted from holding that little pinky against that car all the way until she veered to the left,.... all I can say is that I was lucky to have great balance from being a roller scater from an early age as I rode that bucking, seething peice of machinery on two feet with that little finger still stuck, and the moment it released I was off that bike and running down the street to a trotting stop, didn't fall or tumble and the only sore bit of me was that little pinky,....and then,... she has the audacity to say it was my fault,...humpf,.... luckily a fellow stops and gives me his details and tells her that he saw the whole thing happen from directly behind us and that it was definatly all her fault. Funny how we can go from normal everyday life to calamitous life threatening sceenarios that we are lucky to be able to walk away from within seconds,... that one seemed like it was going to be ok for me but just went so horribly wrong so very fast.
Hey yobskin,
when it rains it pours sometimes and then "Neck Minnit" the mother in Tsunami comes flooding in :eek:
hang on tight , man the life boats and ride the storm.
As you know from much experience on the ocean, it will eventually blow over and you can assess the damage.
Your a survivor an an optimist mate, so all will work out.
Cheers Steve ;)
Gday silver,
Talk about a terrorising experience mate, it brought back flashbacks to me from a similar situation involving and argument with a taxi and my push bike back in 1978.
My right hand was jammed against the taxi as I was dragged about 50 metres when "Neck Minnit" I'm flipped through the air and then looking under the rear wheel of the taxi thinking that my melon is going to be popped.
Some how I avoided getting squashed but was very shaken by the experience.
He just kept driving, nobody came to assist me and this was right in the main street of Geelong.
That is why me , bikes and taxis dont get along.
Cheers Steve
Nan needs a stint for blocked vein... my brother survived unfortunatly? Mum isnt handling it very well? Loosing her top lip!
Still got two cars to fix....and mrs yobskin got somthing in her eye last night and has woken up looking like Quasimodo...hahahaha i think thats gota be it?
We have a plan of attack...stick together and ride it together.

Silver you lucky bugger or should i say evil kenival ?
I remember being about four years old and being taught to ride a bike by two older brothers, they would give me a push start down the slope in the back yard and I would simply fall off to the side when it slowed down,... so in all their wisdom they decided that I was ready(about 1/2 hour into it) for the road(no parental involvement in all of this),... so next we are on the road at the top of a nice little hill(no thoughts at all that at the bottom of the hill it was a T intersection to a major road), 75-100 metres down hill(great speed) can't see to the left because of the church and houses,.... straight across the major road in front of a little green tilly heading downhill into town(he was an older driver with big thick glasses) just missed the car by inches and I spilled into the Johnson Grass on the other side of the intersection with narry a scratch at all. Now that little old tilly never missed a beat, no skid, no change in engine speed, no nothing,...I recon the old fellow never even saw me at all,... and of coarse then there was the trouble with my brothers for me being so stupid, and why didn't I use the brakes at all,... Heck, they never even taught me about the brakes on a bike before they pushed me down that hill,... and no one was even watching to see if there was any traffick at all. Of coarse that was the end of the riding lessons for a while(I didn't want to keep trying for some reason), they would have kept trying for me, till I got hit I recon.
Would have been so easy to not be here I recon.
stoyve said:
Gday silver,
Talk about a terrorising experience mate, it brought back flashbacks to me from a similar situation involving and argument with a taxi and my push bike back in 1978.
My right hand was jammed against the taxi as I was dragged about 50 metres when "Neck Minnit" I'm flipped through the air and then looking under the rear wheel of the taxi thinking that my melon is going to be popped.
Some how I avoided getting squashed but was very shaken by the experience.
He just kept driving, nobody came to assist me and this was right in the main street of Geelong.
That is why me , bikes and taxis dont get along.
Cheers Steve
Just a lucky bugga I recon. :/
yobskin said:
Nan needs a stint for blocked vein... my brother survived unfortunatly? Mum isnt handling it very well? Loosing her top lip!
Still got two cars to fix....and mrs yobskin got somthing in her eye last night and has woken up looking like Quasimodo...hahahaha i think thats gota be it?
We have a plan of attack...stick together and ride it together.

Silver you lucky bugger or should i say evil kenival ?

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