Why dig up target and rebury it

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Oct 1, 2016
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Hey all,
Great Grannie loved the Dogs winning. While i was up Nth QLD just lately ( not just there mind you) i have come across people digging there target and putting it back in the ground. Is there something im missing or is this dumb stupidity involved? Not sure but one spot i was on it was a bit ridiculous it wasn't deep it wasn't out of the ordinary it wasn't nothing special but they would put it back in the hole. Thanks but i did find more around there but why not put it in your pocket and take it home.
On a recent trip to Clermont found the same and a lot of holes not filled in, shame people can't take a minute to refill their holes and take the rubbish out.
You are not missing anything.

People are dumb and are very bad at following rules. (Ultimately very selfish)

Everyday I go out and see people on their mobile phones drifting in and out of lanes including all types, truck drivers on the freeway, mothers with kids in the car, P platers that have only just been passed out, farmers, tradies. Stupidity/selfishness has no boundaries.

A recent trip to Sydney just blew me away how rife it is. If I see it, the Police or Politicians must also.

Double demerit weekend is a classic. So all the other times is not so important to die on the road?

The less dumb people I see in one day the smarter I become, that's why solo prospecting is so appealing.

Brain dead nothing more nothing less, drives me up the wall. Let's hope that's all they find and give it away.
It is rather annoying, most likely that they have no intention of revisiting the area. On some occasions I found that an iron or junk target was dug up and reburied in the same hole, and they left the coin target sitting next to the hole in the excess spoil. :rolleyes:

Maybe they should invest in a pinpointer and a little more common sense on their detecting/recovery practices. :D
See it all the time - reburied rubbish; hole left open & rubbish left next to hole or thrown a few feet away.
I always picture those cartoon dudes with the blanked expressions or crossed out eyes when I see it for some reason :lol:
True 2 angles or views. If they leave the trash, others may not visit the site again !!! probably lazy though...........seems to annoy many :mad:

I recently visited a beach. I will revisit during the summer so removed all bottle tops, bolts, washers etc... A few coins too and the kids love to dig anything so why not remove them :) :) . Maybe a little cleaner for when I return.

BTW atomrat if your reading. No fossil found near there yet, just really old bolts :D
mbasko said:
See it all the time - reburied rubbish; hole left open & rubbish left next to hole or thrown a few feet away.
I always picture those cartoon dudes with the blanked expressions or crossed out eyes when I see it for some reason :lol:

Hang on, how do you know for sure that they have left trash next to the hole? and even more so, is that trash you find a few feet from it, thrown from the hole they dig?

I have found gold in other peoples dig holes, im fairly sure they didnt leave it there on purpose!

Yes, there are horribly bad operators out there but if your a hardened operator you should know that these things you spruke are entirely possible.

Your all clutching at straws here......simply no proof in what you all claim!
Numb_Thumb said:
mbasko said:
See it all the time - reburied rubbish; hole left open & rubbish left next to hole or thrown a few feet away.
I always picture those cartoon dudes with the blanked expressions or crossed out eyes when I see it for some reason :lol:

Hang on, how do you know for sure that they have left trash next to the hole? and even more so, is that trash you find a few feet from it, thrown from the hole they dig?

I have found gold in other peoples dig holes, im fairly sure they didnt leave it there on purpose!

Yes, there are horribly bad operators out there but if your a hardened operator you should know that these things you spruke are entirely possible.

Your all clutching at straws here......simply no proof in what you all claim!

True. :) I for one still have the L plates on and will miss a lot that many that others with better machines and more experience will find even though I may have dug in that same spot. It would look like I have thrown it back in mmm good point! persistance
Numb_Thumb said:
mbasko said:
See it all the time - reburied rubbish; hole left open & rubbish left next to hole or thrown a few feet away.
I always picture those cartoon dudes with the blanked expressions or crossed out eyes when I see it for some reason :lol:

Hang on, how do you know for sure that they have left trash next to the hole? and even more so, is that trash you find a few feet from it, thrown from the hole they dig?

I have found gold in other peoples dig holes, im fairly sure they didnt leave it there on purpose!

Yes, there are horribly bad operators out there but if your a hardened operator you should know that these things you spruke are entirely possible.

Your all clutching at straws here......simply no proof in what you all claim!

A rusty bit of junk right next to or a few feet away covered in the same clay/dirt from the open hole is proof enough for me. I've dug enough junk to know a bit that's been unearthed vs. a random bit of surface trash! I'd assume most goldfields detectorists could tell some unearthed junk (especially with clay/dirt still packed in/on/around it) vs. some surface junk? Do your targets come out of the earth devoid of such clay &/or dirt :rolleyes:
Cans & other miscellaneous bits of trash that have been covered back over & are in loose soil - there's no way they could leave/miss some of those things.
I have found gold in & around dig holes & open holes too! Probably a lot on here have? Most junk is much larger & easier to detect than the gold that's left!
I think your clutching at straws numby! There's no hiding the fact some people are devoid of being thoughtful & are pigs! Sorry but it's fairly obvious with the proof I see around a lot of places that some people really just don't give a rats ass.
And yes I do concede on the other end of the scale that there may be those that are inexperienced or for whatever reason may miss targets - it happens to us all. I won't however accept that there aren't people that knowingly re-bury things in their holes or leave their found trash behind.
Yes property owners Nth Qld also comment on it and don't understand why one would do so ?................ they appreciate the junk being taken out. The extreme for me is when they bury their freshly finished coke can in the bottom of the hole. Why these oxygen thieves do it ? Not sure maybe it's just plain stupid or have even thought maybe spite ? Who knows how the mind of some work, but there is no doub't in my mind it's certainly done deliberately :mad:
There is a bright side to it but ..................... recently when some such person had left a rusty old tobacco tin beside their unfilled hole, they should have taken the lid of and bothered to looked inside ;) They would have discovered the lovely little pieces of yellow already collected for them by some previous kind soul :)
When doing beaches have found steel tent pegs, wire coat hangers and all manner of things that could make a run down the beach not much fun. I usually leave the items such as this on the lifesavers surf ski and have been thanked more than once and also welcomed back.
Its obvious whats been sitting out in the open exposed to the elements, eg faded colours or for iron a large amount of surface rust.

Also easy to identify what been recently dug out of the ground with dirt/clay attached, no course surface rusting.

I have been know to place a large piece of metal up on an old tree stump or in the fork of a tree to keep it off the ground because its too chunky to be carting for the day until I back to the car. I always return to the car with nails, bullets and anything else that will fit in my pockets.

I'm no rocket scientist but I do like rockets!

Bogger said:
Yes property owners Nth Qld also comment on it ................ they appreciate the junk being taken out. The extreme for me is when they bury their freshly finished coke can in the bottom of the hole. When doing beaches have found steel tent pegs, wire coat hangers and all manner of things that could make a run down the beach not much fun. I usually leave the items such as this on the lifesavers surf ski and have been thanked more than once and also welcomed back.

Just curious as to why you don't just put it in the bin?
Sparra said:
Bogger said:
Yes property owners Nth Qld also comment on it ................ they appreciate the junk being taken out. The extreme for me is when they bury their freshly finished coke can in the bottom of the hole. When doing beaches have found steel tent pegs, wire coat hangers and all manner of things that could make a run down the beach not much fun. I usually leave the items such as this on the lifesavers surf ski and have been thanked more than once and also welcomed back.

Just curious as to why you don't just put it in the bin?

Firstly because the beach I detect on there are no bins on the actual sand (this is not a suburban beach) and whilst still running lines up and down the beach having 6" tent pegs and wire coat hangers hanging off you doesn't really help. Oh and another nice one is broken tops of bottles :( Secondly it lets the Lifesavers know just what manner of goods lay under foot especially when found between the flags. As said they welcome it and in fact thank me so I will continue just to do so. Lures and sinkers there is usually some one surf fishing that welcomes them :) But getting off track here I feel. Maybe I should tote a wheelbarrow with me :) :)
Hi hardyakka these idiots do it to annoyed other prospectors mainly because they don't know what they are doing out there, they buy a detector think they are going to find all this gold when it doesn't happen they're pissed off so when this rubbish starts turning up and not gold that's when this selfish shit starts. I myself have come across this sort of stuff, but don't worry about it these idiots end up selling there gear and that's another idiot gone.