Which Way Is Up

Prospecting Australia

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Dec 13, 2012
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Howdy All,
Have you ever noticed that sometimes when you remove a pre-dec coin from the dirt that one side is worse for wear then the other :eek:
Does anyone know which is usually the worse side, the side facing up, or the side facing down. :D
There is a difference. Probably due to the moisture run of.
the duck said:
I too have noticed that, i have noticed the side facing up cops the worst i think water may stay on the top of the coin, and soil sticks to it mainly copper coins ,to silvers do seem to cop it as bad

I haven't been out for ages. You have given me a mission Duck....
Very interesting thought there Pete...
I made a video of me digging hole just yesterday to show a mate at work how I extract a coin. I recall I had one crusty side and one clean side. So, I watched the video to see whether the crusty bit faced up or down. Guess what, the coin was vertical.... :/
