What Made You Smile Today

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Drove to the Vic GT from Melbourne this morning with my youngest daughter (well- she drove, being off her plates and a damn fine driver to boot), only to realise when we got there that my 4500 wasn't in it's carry case - where I always keep it!
What a bloody duffer :cool:
Was horrified at first, then had to laugh at my stupidity - particularly the look on her face!
Borrowed a mate's 5000 for an hour or so (he was using his SDC), and found a 0.16g darling at good depth (4") in hard ground - the SDCs just couldn't quite see it by an inch or so in their raked ground.
We later tried numerous settings on his 5000 and found that the one I always use on my 4500 (Enhanced - not Fine Gold) was surprisingly the best for that nugget - even for a 5000.
Makes me feel good about my old 4500 (one of the original batch but has found much gold :D ).
Drove back to Melb this evening; found the wayward detector and will head back at sparrow's tomorrow for a few more days with the lassie.
It's the first time out in the GT with my daughter in a few years I reckon, and it's a great feeling even having one of my three kids still with me.
That nuggie is for you Goody - only a small one but a happy one :D
Maybe you can smile too?
Anyway, today made me smile........
I just reread Bigwave post again

I had missed something in it and then it dawn on me..

.( That nuggie is for you Goody - only a small one but a happy one big_smile
Maybe you can smile too?).

Awww Bigwave I am smiling :D

Thank you my dear friend :flowers:
Hearing the cause of yesterday's fires ( down the road from my place) being caused by sparks from a shitebox truck exhaust and not a fire bug :D :sunny: The biggest positive is the fires have put the wind up the neighbourhood and the dangers are now front and centre in their minds :Y:
RM Outback said:
Hearing the cause of yesterday's fires ( down the road from my place) being caused by sparks from a shitebox truck exhaust and not a fire bug :D :sunny: The biggest positive is the fires have put the wind up the neighbourhood and the dangers are now front and centre in their minds :Y:

I reckon I drove past it coming up around 4pm. Thank goodness it wasnt the day before with that wind. It was in a bad spot. Been talking about how bad it is everywhere with Mrs GT, was only a few days ago heading the other way we were talking about the roadsides.

Everyone got lucky.
LoneWolf said:
3 Days ATM.... Could be getting worse as now there are 4 cases...


Given the explanation of the cleaners ventures whilst infectious I'm of the opinion by Monday you'll only have half the picture :( don't want to sound like a kill joy But.

Been there done that, 3 days is a piss in the ocean compared to 3 months, better stock up on the bog rolls :Y: trust me you will crack the shites :lol: :p
OldGT said:
RM Outback said:
Hearing the cause of yesterday's fires ( down the road from my place) being caused by sparks from a shitebox truck exhaust and not a fire bug :D :sunny: The biggest positive is the fires have put the wind up the neighbourhood and the dangers are now front and centre in their minds :Y:

I reckon I drove past it coming up around 4pm. Thank goodness it wasnt the day before with that wind. It was in a bad spot. Been talking about how bad it is everywhere with Mrs GT, was only a few days ago heading the other way we were talking about the roadsides.

Everyone got lucky.

Yeah that's the time :Y: couldn't agree more about the weather at the time :perfect: sounds odd when talking about fires and referred to weather as a positive :lol: thank God it was benign.
RM Outback said:
LoneWolf said:
3 Days ATM.... Could be getting worse as now there are 4 cases...


Given the explanation of the cleaners ventures whilst infectious I'm of the opinion by Monday you'll only have half the picture :( don't want to sound like a kill joy But.

Been there done that, 3 days is a piss in the ocean compared to 3 months, better stock up on the bog rolls :Y: trust me you will crack the shites :lol: :p

I know it is. And I feel for you having to go through that...

she travelled on the train to and from work for 3 days... Over 10,000 people use that exact train as well. Gold Coast Train.. We are talking about the UK strain here.. 70% more infectious... Guess We will wait and see what Comrade Janet has to say on Monday.. :lol:

Me I shopped Night Before last... Wolves can foresee You know.. :lol: Should have seen Every-one fleeing Brisbane today. And now they are talking about a blockade on the M1 to stop them coming down here. We will have no cops left soon.. It was just plain Madness at the shops too..........Got enough dunny roll to last a few months...2x 48 pack... ;)
