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Yes simular Mackka... I have to raise a 'float' to a level, while keeping a ball in between 2 marks....... A cool little device, but ATM it really hurts, but must be done.. First time i have ever heard of this device, but if it saves me getting Pneumonia, Im all for it...

Thanks Mate....👍
Ah another 'sleeping' Fox.... Well done.. Any shot that stops them is a good shot i say..... 😏

We have shot 3 dogs and 1 fox so far on mates place... With 4 Maremma Sheep Dogs in place now, there has been No more attacks for a few weeks... Fingers crossed for a few more weeks and the lambs will be bigger and not such an attraction anymore... 2 of the Dogs had collars on them as I thought they would have... Bloody neighbours dogs... Not nice dropping off their collar to an upset owner.. But We had to prove a point the hard way unfortunately ... They were warned several times that this action will be taken and has with success ...

I know what you mean about the dogs. We have the same situation. I love dogs so it never makes it easy and mostly its because they are bored and left unrestrained all day but as you know finding dead mauled sheep or ones still alive dragging their guts around isnt pleasant. Got to go and bury the fox under a new fruit tree now. Magpies are all circled around and going stupid over it ( they know what death is and are having a party atm ) They are intelligent curious birds and often lead me to a fox intentionally.
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Yes I do think its Genuine... Well done....
We found a small greenback Turtle off Mackay in the same situation but unfortunately it died before we could return to the boat ramp... I think the stress of being rescued was too much for the poor thing... In our case it was Fishing line...:( Never throw Fishing line overboard is my motto...
