Victorian Miners Right information and questions

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Thanks Metamorphic, please remember we are not at our keyboards 24/7, and the chance to self modify some of the offending posts was offered, but obviously not taken up. I really wasn't looking forward to culling the topic, as it probably won't please all parties involved, though it is hard to know where to start and finish.

I have left a few posts re Puddler Bill, Pete, and PMVA's concerns, but have deleted pretty much everything onwards to hopefully get things back to the topic at hand. Not everyone will see eye to eye on what is posted, but all the same, it should be able to be discussed in a mature manner without continued finger pointing.

If you have concerns with any particular organisations or individuals, contact them directly to sort things out vs airing dirty laundry over the forum - that will achieve nothing but conflict as was evident over the last day or so.

As Lynnie mentioned, if you want to discuss any concerns re the PMAV, they have their own section set aside for that. I'm sure they would welcome any constructive input.

I know the topic is a passionate one, but please take consideration on what you are posting for the remainder of the topic - which was regarding the Victorian Miners Right.
Thankyou Goldpick for moderating this thread, its not an easy job sorting out us lot when the passions are running hot.
Keep up the good work mate, its much appreciated.
Cheers Steve :)
I was not going to reply to this topic, but now I have had second thoughts by some of the comments made by others, some I do agree others I don't agree. Some of you may or may not know I am now on the executive committee of the PMAV, and I also take charge of the Central Goldfield Branch of the PMAV when Darrel Kemp go's over to WA in winter. I also help organise and run the Laanecoorie Gold Bash each year. This year for the first time the Bash will be run by 3 of the PMAV branches.
Some branches also took part in "Clean up your Parks Day" Those two events alone were well noted by the previous Government with letters of "Thanks" This is one way we let pollies know what the prospector dose for the State of Vic. And if it was not for the hobby prospector, this would not have happened in the first place. The PMAV is now getting ready for the Australia Day March (26th Jan) to show people that gold prospecting is live and well in Vic. We will then offer a hands-on prospecting experience for family and kids to teach them the fun of detecting and panning in Kings Domain.
I can promise you all that the PMAV has their finger on the pulse in regards to any possible changes in the mining laws, as we are now well recognised by Government and require our say in matters of prospecting. Just before the last State Elections the Central Branch had all our standing candidates to attend our branch meeting and to voice their opinion and their party opinions on prospecting. We in-turn voiced our concerns as well, and what we expect from the Government to support us and our hobby.
In regards to speaking or being restricted about news media coverage, that is a load of Bull Sh!t. If there was I would not be allowed to even write up this post as this is a World Wide Web site.!!!
The PMAV is working very hard to keep our goldfields open for you, the hobby prospector. Sure we loose some fights but gain in others. But if it was not for the PMAV the hobby prospector would have lost all the battles and your right to prospect in Victoria, gone many years ago.
Remember ever since the PMAV started back in the 1980's it has been all voluntary. No paid staff, and all the cost for Admin comes out of money raised from membership fees, donations, and from the auction that the AGM. They have not put up the membership fees for many years now and only rely on increase in members to support the cost. For your dollars you have so far been still able to prospect in Victoria without to many restriction. I know that the Alluvial boy have been getting a bit of a battering laterly, but we a fighting that as some of it has not come into power as yet. And with the new Government may not ever come into power. Fingers crossed XX
Now for Puddler Bill.
I do agree that in some of his comments about forming a Political Power. But not just to represent the Prospectors but for all interested party's that use our State and National Park and also State Forests. The Fisherman, the Shooter, the Hiker and bush walker, the camper, the 4x4 drivers, the Motor Bike Rider, and anyone else that uses our parks. To give them a representative in Parliament to have a say on how their parks should be treated and how it will impact on the way they use the Parks. These different parties can still have their own identity like the PMAV but u-night under one roof and one power in regards to Parliament.
This power should be call the "Family Out Door's Party" This way we will get many voters with a lot of voices behind the vote.
If the Government starts putting pressure on us to get out of our Parks, then they'll start on 4X4 and motor bike riders, camper will be restricted to designated camping ground at a high cost. Shooter will be kick out. All these people have a right to, to enjoy their hobby or chosen sport without restrictions. These are our Parks to enjoy not the Government.
wombat ;)
I have just the thing to calm you all down a level or 2.

Look!!! This is my first find for 2015 from Rushworth. Yipee..
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Now all smile be happy and play nice..

Wombat, firstly, congrats on joining the PMAV executive. Just a couple of little things. In the past we have had Recreational Prospectors & Land Users Group (RPLUG) and Bush Users Group) Bug's, which represented the many groups that you mentioned. They simply didn't work and were regarded as lobby groups. That's why the Shooters Party is now represented in Parliament. They formed a Political Party.
PMAV, 4x4 Clubs, Shooters Groups etc, are all vital components of the fight against the Greens, but each of those groups needs to become a Party in its own right and then preference each other in the elections. By doing this it will scare the bejeezus out of the big parties.
The Greens and the Victorian National Parks Association do not have blatant headings on their website saying guns or 4x4's, or fishing, or motor bike riding etc. should be banned. The VNPA on the front page of their website openly says they want prospecting banned in all National Parks. It is one of their main projects.
I have spoken to many people over many years in the North East, and you would be amazed how many have never heard of the PMAV. Also it's amazing how many prospectors there are even in the town I live, who just do their own thing without regards to forums or lobby groups. These people are all voters.
If we can keep constructive comment going here maybe something good will come out of it. Wombat, DWT, Meta and others with constructive comments are what we need so lets see who else wants to participate and keep it going.
Puddler Bill there is nothing stopping you from sitting for Parliament in the next elections as an independant. As you were saying that some prospectors up in the N.E. did not know anything about the PMAV, but I'm sure that they know you and would vote for you if they knew that it would help them with their hobby.
wombat ;)
Goldpick said:
Thanks Metamorphic, please remember we are not at our keyboards 24/7, and the chance to self modify some of the offending posts was offered, but obviously not taken up. I really wasn't looking forward to culling the topic, as it probably won't please all parties involved, though it is hard to know where to start and finish.

I have left a few posts re Puddler Bill, Pete, and PMVA's concerns, but have deleted pretty much everything onwards to hopefully get things back to the topic at hand. Not everyone will see eye to eye on what is posted, but all the same, it should be able to be discussed in a mature manner without continued finger pointing.

If you have concerns with any particular organisations or individuals, contact them directly to sort things out vs airing dirty laundry over the forum - that will achieve nothing but conflict as was evident over the last day or so.

As Lynnie mentioned, if you want to discuss any concerns re the PMAV, they have their own section set aside for that. I'm sure they would welcome any constructive input.

I know the topic is a passionate one, but please take consideration on what you are posting for the remainder of the topic - which was regarding the Victorian Miners Right.
No issues from me fellas :)
I would like to apologise to all forum members who found my last post offensive,
Twas a dark place dwt went too :|

All righty then where we at :D
Its all good dwt, lets keep it going as you say.
I'm too ignorant of so much that has been spoken about so I'm keen to learn more from the constructive informed members such as your self and others.
Cheers Steve :)
I would suggest a new thread to provide an explanation of the political process involved in forming a party. It will just about take a term of government to conclude the process. Not sure if it's within the rules though, but if common sense can prevail and is about forming a political party not politics I have some reference material to put up. Sadly I have had political aspirations in the past but I have settled for local government status.

Perhaps if the masses are brought along there might be better buy in. Once a party is formed things get a lot less complicated. Party member numbers are the key here.
yeah I got tounge twisted sorry im tired been a big day got up at 5am found a new gemstone deposit today rode 24kms to get there as well as doing some loaming on a hill for gold in the heat of the day and when I went to get a drink from the near by creek it was all dry and saw a lovely 5 or 6 ft long red belly black snake just sun baking and lots of bush walking around the base of the divide you may of seen me out somewhere not sure but wouldn't mind meeting you as you seam close to where I go anyway :)

simeon hunt or HTY
Hunting the yellow said:
yeah I got tounge twisted sorry im tired been a big day got up at 5am found a new gemstone deposit today rode 24kms to get there as well as doing some loaming on a hill for gold in the heat of the day and when I went to get a drink from the near by creek it was all dry and saw a lovely 5 or 6 ft long red belly black snake just sun baking and lots of bush walking around the base of the divide you may of seen me out somewhere not sure but wouldn't mind meeting you as you seam close to where I go anyway :)

simeon hunt or HTY

its amazing how much we can push our body through a hard long day when dehydrated but i keep a note of the dumb mistakes i have done when i have been that way

hydrate hydrate hydrate :8

take care mate
Gidday members,

I now have the latest news on the Miners rights, so I will post what Leanne Kamp from Gold & Relics has been informed of :

You can contract York Cook's details as he is happy for anybody to contact him if they have any queries. He has also confirmed that if anybody has bought a 10 year Miners Right from 1st January 2015 and paid the old price he will reimburse the difference.



It would be nice if they allowed up to 2" only with a permit.
That would be all we would need.
Tathradj said:
It would be nice if they allowed up to 2" only with a permit.
That would be all we would need.

From the youtube videos i have seen there are places where a dredge could be used here for gold recovery and they would do no environmental harm whatsoever.

I have also seen a commercial application here where the govt could issue a contract to do an environmental clean up where a dredge would be the preferred choice of equipment for efficiency , startup cost and environmental compliance , Govt being govt though they will probably do it the hard way and choose a tenderer that costs three times more and has at best a 80 % efficiency of recovery using long reach excavators
Unreal isn't it. :eek:
Using excavators to clean a stream bed out.
I suppose they do the job first then go back and rehabilitate the damge to roads, banks, re forestation etc. :lol:
Not to mention the damaged river bed. :rolleyes:
Lifting the material out, Taking it away to be proccessed killing all the organism's in it then returning it back to it's former location. :(
HeadsUp said:
US prospectors have a court win on dredges

worth saving in case we need to quote their ruling in any legal dispute with our sluices / highbankers

No Federal preemptive loophole will exist in Australia unless it is offshore.

Minerals and the mining industry are regulated at the state and territory level. Each state or territory has its own legislation relating to minerals found onshore and offshore within coastal waters.

The Commonwealth of Australia has no onshore mining legislation which is applicable in the States or Territories.
Some Commonwealth laws may affect the mining industry because the Commonwealth legislates over areas such as corporations, competition and trade practices, interstate and overseas trade, taxation, and defence and foreign affairs.

Mining companies listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) must also comply with the ASX Listing Rules.

Everything else mineral wise remains with the States and Territories