VEGE PATCH. What's growing in yours?

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Coffee seeds seperated from the skin
(Ate all the skins to see if there was any coffee buzz from them at all.... nuthin)
(Found out only recently that you can eat the cherries seeds and all when ripe.... good buzz from just one whole cherry.... just the two seeds though obviously)(now I know lol)

drying (sorta) the seeds before putting them in the pots.... two are puny.... who knows, they may survive

sticky bugga's.... now I know why they say dry them off carefully but reslly well.... that was a test of patience trying to get them to stick to seedling mix instead of my fingers.... obviously they should have been dried properly :eek:

small seeds n all.... done.
I just covered the seeds with loose seedling mix right to the top and watered it once more before putting it all in the shade under some trees.... further research had revealed not to set them in the sunshine as it will cook them. Apparently they grow well in the shade in their natural environment.
Hopefully by early October we can see some results. :D
Didn't even notice that when goody posted it Gunna.... roofs not even on it n with too much nitrogen nuthin will flower
It's that zygo cactus time of the year again
some are working on it

whilst others are well under way

whilst of course some are just monumental
(Thank you sooo much my dearly departed neighbor... for your friendship and love over such a long time)
the care for this picture of beauty falls unto myself now... and I shall cherish my role indefatigablely.
Working well for ya nucopia :p
I've been looking at my trellis there in the new strawberry patch, thinking I shoukd put those snow pea seeds in.... before it gets too late and we see butterflies again
seen the balling insects yesterday too... we did have a little cloudburst a few nights back, I'll watch to see if there's more rain now or not
That's what I have to work out ,a place to plant all the snow peas and something for them to climb on when they start to grow and climb ..
Not sure if I'll use some stakes and twine or use some chicken wire between two post.
I watched some videos and given the right growing environment,they can grow into large plants and produce a fair amount of flowering pods .
The other thing to think about is netting, to keep the birds from feasting on the pea pods.. :argh:
Wild birds never touched mine, and I've seen peas that have reached the top of six foot fences that just lean and trail down and just climb back up over themselves again.
The dog eats snowpeas.... but waits until they get picked for her (she loves em fresh off the vine).
My trellis has rows of double wire on the way up about every six inches (still there from when I grew tomatoes on it), as long as the bottom one is easy enough for them to reach it's ok... would only be a problem with a constant b@$t@rd wind.
I recon it will too Jaros, just have to find something else to plug the gaps in the broken fence palings to stop the chickens from escaping into the lane way :playful:
My son and the digger keep nagging me to replace it :8 just never got around to it .. :money:
Bought a single butternut pumpkin seedling from Bunnings a couple of weeks ago, normally it will give you male flowers first for a while then later the female .
This thing has thrown out 2 females before even a male flower was present. :eek: Still no male flowers abundant ,yet the pumpkin is getting bigger? The ants were all over it when in first flowered but i was assuming it needed the pollen off a male flower to pollinate? It is a lot bigger now than this photo from a week ago. Fingers crossed it will survive. :(
Could it be bisexual? :8 like a paw paw?
Neighbors pumpkin jumpin the fence :eek:

lol..... bee's will travel a few k's for what they perceive to be the same flower (as cells in the hive hold only pollen from individual sources of flower... that then get transformed by the bee's into honey that comes from individual sources that is stored separately to other types in other cells)(bee's are very pedantic when it comes to mixinv honey types... humans don't care, they just cut off the caps and spin it all out together)(in the future we may harvest honey a lot differently... by propper type perhaps). Anyway bee's seek flowers by the images they see in ultraviolet..... that way they don't cross pollinate entire species (waste of time in mother natures eyes). They may however cross related species (thus not planting differing types of pumpkin together if you want to save seed).

So I'd blame the neighbor, the bee's, or the wind :D
Don't grow many veggies but have planted a lot of fruit trees.
This mango has just started to flower after a few nights below 20 degrees.
It is 3 years old so i really hope to get some fruit this year after it flowering the two years previous but failing to complete the deal due to being immature probably.
In my opinion , this variety is the 'King' of all mangoes that is on offer up here in the N.T.
We can get over 20 different types on offer from a local grower(Tropiculture Australia)
This is the Nam Doc Mai.
:drooling: :drooling: :drooling: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: