VEGE PATCH. What's growing in yours?

Prospecting Australia

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Great idea on those Hydro pineapples Silver. Its a bit like a wicking bed idea. Maybe add a cap of seasol, or manure into the water every now and again and they will take off
just about to put together a Aqua ponices set up today with bath tubs and other tanks have studied it for awhile now and now its all good to go...I wll have to pick your brain for some tips , cheers
Animal said:
great idea for raised beds Junk Dog. I use old bath tubs.
Animal said:
Great idea on those Hydro pineapples Silver. Its a bit like a wicking bed idea. Maybe add a cap of seasol, or manure into the water every now and again and they will take off

No need... they supply their own nutrient slush over time as the leaves wither and break down :Y:
This was the residue created as one grew permanently in a 2 litre icecream container. :p
Some of the pawpaw are getting bigger

survival of the fittest in action

Tomato going up the plum tree (while it rests through winter)

the black Russians

tiny cherry tomato

up close

potatoes comming through behind there now

that potato in the composting bin is looking great

snow peas are worth eating now

some of the short corn are outies

but otherwise they are doing ok

this one will be my summer crop seed for sweet corn
Nice out there atm. :p
Dug up my Sweet Potato and I was surprised by the amount of crop. 20 of different sizes from 1 round to 2.5 round and just wiped the dirt off put them in a baking tray and a splash of oil. A taste sensation and all from one leftover, rooting top. I will definitely be growing these again. I should mention, I grew it in a 24 x18 pot and first time. Happy
Was just talking sbout potatoes today at work.

Is it worth the outlay for proper seed potatoes?

I grew some over 10 years ago that still sprout in the original bed they were in, I could see them from the roadside and greeted the new owners about a year ago, they offered then to let me dig as many up as I wanted but I had no real place to plant them.
I bought enough seed potatoes for the square cane bale garden.... seemed to take ages for any of them to come up, very staggered sprout rate (yet they all looked the same at the start).
I watched a Utube vid of a fella replanting only his biggest healthiest spud from each particular plant harvest.... said he got the biggest plants and best crops that way. :perfect:
Mackka said:
Dug up my Sweet Potato and I was surprised by the amount of crop. 20 of different sizes from 1 round to 2.5 round and just wiped the dirt off put them in a baking tray and a splash of oil. A taste sensation and all from one leftover, rooting top. I will definitely be growing these again. I should mention, I grew it in a 24 x18 pot and first time. Happy

I've not yet grown my own Mackka.... always got them sprouting in the root basket though. :Y:
Goody I just had the leftover that had sprouted roots in the potato bin. I had the pot and just decided to plant it. The roots were probably 6 . Just dug a hole, put it in and watered it for 5-6 months , waited till the leaves turned yellow and dug them up. I will do it again but this time in more friable soil, looser, as I broke many trying to break the dirt up. Good fun aye Silver?
You plant the whole spud goody,and cut the runners (vine) off that,you cut them about 30 cm from the tip of the runner and plant the runner
Each node(where the leaf stem joins the runner) will put down roots and each root is a spud,the first 4 weeks after planting, keep it moist to produce as many spuds as you can,they are best grown in a mound about 30 cm high plant the runner about 1 inch deep
It may be a bit cold for them where you are at this time of the year goody ,up here in spring and summer they take about 16 weeks from plant to dig and about 22 weeks in winter,you may have to put a bit of clear plastic over them to keep them warm