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steve wardle
Jul 11, 2013
Reaction score
Taree, NSW
A mate told me today he knows of a guy that crashed his bike and badly damaged his knee.. when they cleaned out the gash on his knee a small gold nugget was found in the gravel and muck that was cleaned out of the wound.. he is trying to find out where the crash happened so we can check it out.. :p
Nightjar said:
What about the story of a nugget found in heel tread of Rossi boot AND the tread of a Cooper tyre?
Ha, funny you mention that Nightjar, l was washing the mud off the underneath of the truck and the tyres a month or so ago after a trip to the GT and i couldn't help myself from thinking there was likely to be gold being washed out of the tyre threads :)
I had a very big signal at Dunolly. I kicked the dirt away and it got fainter then disappeared altogether. I checked all around but nothing. I then noted a big spiders hole in the centre of the dig, so stuck in a marker stick as I had to leave for the day. This stewed on me for a while and told a few about it who thought I'd lost it. Went back there around 3 weeks later with Mardymoose an lady friend, and after about 4" of digging.the signal was back. Another 6" and was a 3.6g nugget. My spiders hole was vindicated, thanks Mardy.
Have driven through quite a few surfaced areas and would not be surprised especially now it's wet if a few smalls had stuck to to vehicle.never really thought to check but may have to now :)
Hi all, my good wife is allways checking my trailer for small nuggets when i return from a trip.I have a toolbox mounted on the a frame and the rocks/dirt from my rear wheels gets stuck in the frame supporting the toolbox.No luck so far but you never know. :lol: :lol: cheers ron..
January 2013 camping at Ophir, I did some hard digging to fill up 2 x 15L paint buckets and lugged them back to camp next to the river to pan it out.

Back in those days as the kids call it the "olden days" lol, use to take me 1.5 hours to pan off and backwash a full pan of gravel and 4 hours to do a 15L bucket as I was scared of loosing a spec as I put in way too much effort getting the dirt but also the amount of time it use to take me panning and back washing. Huh, now those days are well and truly over!

Got my first match head picker in the first 15L bucket with a beauty shape that made a great noise when dropped into the pan and I was stoked. My heart was palpitating, my back was sore and so were my knees, I was dry mouthed and hungry too but that all couldn't stop me holding back carrying on big time even doing a jig with a smile from ear to ear :)

My oldest boy Christopher 5 at the time came up from behind and was wondering what all the fuss was about and grabbed the snuffer bottle and I could see what was about to happen as the tube in the snuffer bottle was all the way down into the bottle and all the visual information bottlenecked and everything slowed right down. I dropped the pan and reached out yelling noooooooooooo and with that I seen a geiser come out of the top of the snuffer bottle 8.(

I can still hear today the farting noise the bottle made when the water emptied and exited :cool:

I grabbed the suffer bottle from the little guys hands and low and behold there was no gold. We tried to find it but it was a lost battle trying to recover it.

I was pissed off and little Christopher was frightened so I grabbed the little guy and gave him a big ole hug and we had a good laugh about it after I explained it all to him.

That yarn always rears it's head by the campfire every trip, gold!
During a visit to Tuena last year, I got some mud on my ugg boots walking from Banksey's camp back up to the Tuena Hilton. When I got home I was washing the mud off the boots, and after cleaning up the first one, got curious, and washed the second boot off into a pan. I got three fly specks!
Back in 90s, chasing gold & camping out, stick came up and took out a front flexible brake line on the Troopie. So having no ball bearing used a small nugget to seal and give me brakes on other 3 wheels. Went into Wedderburn and ordered flexible from local mechanic, couple of days later he fitted brake line, warned him not to throw the "ball bearing" away, gave him a laugh as he reckoned he`d found gold in a few unusual places.
There's a book kicking around with many stories from old.
One story I recall, an old retired miner had a shack near an abandoned mine out of Kalgoorlie which was very rich in its heyday.
He spent his last years dry blowing the well worn track from the mine to where the miners tents were originally.
The gold return didn't make him rich but did keep him in tucker, smokes and a few drams.