Tomatoes, how are yours going?

Prospecting Australia

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Jul 29, 2013
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Just thought I would see how everyone's tomatoes are going. Mine are going ape droppings with all this hot weather.
I'm hoping for a bumper crop this year. Been eating Zucchinis for weeks.
I grow all my own plants from seeds so we get a real buzz out of the vege season.
Check out these healthy plants. Don't know what type they are, my hairdresser gave me a plant 10 years ago and we have been using
the seeds ever since. He was Italian and so was his dad and his dad etc. The tomatoes are like soccer balls. Mouths watering now geez.
mentioned all this in a post a few years ago and just wondering if anyone else has started growing.

GT :)
People dont know what food is until they eat home grown Veges with actual flavour

Coles and woolies get mostly hydro chem veg that have 5-10% of the flavour that yours will give.



I didnt grow tomatoes for 7 years since The guvmint took that land but mine were about 5 feet tall and needed support under every branch.

I didnt have to plant each year , the fallen ones self propagate perpetually.
The season in Eastern North eastern victoria is a bit late this year. The blackbirds got the first couple as soon as they started to turn just after NewYrs. then a run of cool nights slowed them up a bit. Now on these 40+ days we are covering them with sheets to stop sunburnt fruit :mad: The one Morgage Lifter variety plant I put in Is doing nicely as well as the Apollos They are both about 1.6 metres high. I really stacked the fertilizer on this year. cardigan wearing The Ox heart has the most beutifully sweet fruit but is diseased and some of the fruit is blotchy and not rippening evenly. I planted it next to a Burkes Backyard Variety so perhaps it has been abused by an assbergers suffering, cardigan wearing bully of the tomatoe world :lol:.All up not a great yr for the tommies. However the cucumbers and Spuds have really shone. :Y:
Great year for tomatoes around here (Mid Nth Coast NSW), I pulled mine out last week, been giving them away for about 2 months.
Eyre Peninsula had a "perfect storm" of bad weather for tomatoes. Local nursery guy saying upto 20 enquiries a day from customers complaint of leaf rot. Thankfully mine doing ok except for 4 year old grandson helping Pa by picking them before any colour appears. One short spell of 40+ days saw loss of cucumbers and beans.
Probly my last good tomato

I'll have to harvest it from between the beds
not much left of my tomato patch

but.... got a few pumpkin surprises
a hanger

and three hiders in proximity



now.... if they'd only all taken and thrived :p
One of my Neighbours grows Tomato,s His plants look a little bit different than yours :|
They must be GOOD ...
He has people turning up all the time to get his Tomato,s I know weird hay :eek:
They must be some new variety that appeals to the younger people :/ :/
They have become that popular :lol: :lol: that even the Victoria Police :Y: drop in and get some
They seem pretty keen on taking him back to the Police Station so he can explain to them how he grows these Special Tomato,s :lol: :lol:
He does not seem to happy about sharing with them :eek:
Love the results you folks are showing. I only wish we here in SEQ could have milder temperatures at this time of year as tomatoes, lettuce etc just bolt or turn to mush with the high temps.
Keep up the good work.
Mackka :)
My vege garden was doing great , until I went up to Airle Beach for a fortnight over New Year . I had two people lined up to water for me while I was away - the first week there was a little bit of rain and my sister watered as was required - but when she went away , my niece was supposed to take over . She forgot ! We had that extreme heatwave and my garden had no water for a week ! Everything was seriously sunburned , even the carrots had no leaves on them .... I even thought that I should have found some popcorn under my corn stalks , but I guess the birds cleaned that mess up for me ! I'm still working on repairs !