Time spent watching TV

Prospecting Australia

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Sep 26, 2013
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Home-Waikiki, Prospect-Leonora
While we are waiting for a bit of cooler weather to hook up the caravan and get away for a swing here's a little survey.
: How many hours a week do you sit/lay in front of a TV?
Let's be honest now. o_O

My average is 10.5 hours/week. (Evenings only, TV never on before 1800hrs)
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I spend very little time on the telly but when Mrs M is home in the evening she has it on and I'm usually sitting at the table on the internet with the TV in the distance. If I see some interesting I might go and sit with her through a program. Perhaps 10 or 12 hours some weeks. For the six weeks or so that she was in Perth I hardly turned it on at all however if I'm prospecting on my own I'm more likely to watch a couple of hours at night.
I spend very little time on the telly but when Mrs M is home in the evening she has it on and I'm usually sitting at the table on the internet with the TV in the distance. If I see some interesting I might go and sit with her through a program. Perhaps 10 or 12 hours some weeks. For the six weeks or so that she was in Perth I hardly turned it on at all however if I'm prospecting on my own I'm more likely to watch a couple of hours at night.
Hahaaahaa The rare time I'm home alone I don't turn TV on because I don't know how.
Hahaaahaa The rare time I'm home alone I don't turn TV on because I don't know how.

Yep like me. I collected up the remote controls one day, I'm not sure how many but about six. It's beyond my pay grade to do anything with these things beyond changing the battery on command 😂
I have to show a believable interest in sitting with my wife while she enjoys her shows Eddie Millionaire, English Baking shows etc then over to me for the news, a check of foxtel for some good science and archeology docos, Aussie gold hunters, and of course any games of footy featuring The mighty Hawks, then on to you tube for a bit of music more docos, so not much really.
I skip all the commercials & record the shows i want. It helps with the stress levels. o_O
👍We pre record and ff commercials, does my head in watching them. On a regular week I will spend 2 to 6 hours in front of the telly. Couldn't tell you the last time I watched the news, for me it's a waste of time, easily acquired on the net and I get to choose what I read 😃

Spent a few days down at the beach house last week which we only have free to air. Over the 4 days I watched around 4 hours in total at night accross the 3 nights. The longest stint was watching the movie Hunt for the Wilderpeople great flick 👍 unfortunately 1 third of that was frigging commercials.
I can't remember the last time I sat down and watched a movie from woh to go. Personally, I think they've lost the knack of how to make a good movie these days. I dunno maybe I'm just getting old but all you ever see is slaying or something to encourage a deprived train of thought. Pretty shallow minds in the industry today if thats what they call entertainment.

Much like the comedy these days. I occasionally switch on the Comedy Channel in hoping to get a good fix of comedy, but the jokes are always absolute rubbish, they're not funny one single bit and I think the audience knows it because the only time they break out in uncontrolled bursts of laughter is when the act drops the F bomb. They think thats funny... I should produce a show of me in my workshop, I'd be a wealthy man!

I enjoy a good laugh, they say its healthy and I'd have to agree. I always feel like I've reset my soul when I've had a real good laugh. The best session of laughter for me in a long time has been reading the Joke thread here on PA, its pretty good! Thankfully us Aussies haven't lost the knack.. yet. If you haven't checked it out, make sure you do, its good for ya 👍
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