problems with ace please

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Apr 7, 2013
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Being very keen to start, and having a very limited budget, I've been looking around at starter models to kick off my hobby. A friend of mine as acquired an ACE 150, only used twice, on a trade and is looking to sell it on. He's looking at $130 for it but I'm wondering how well something like this will serve me as a beginner? I'm only looking to use it for relic and coin hunting and wouldn't be using it on beaches, mostly around old settlements and ovals etc.

Any help is much appreciated, cheers!
$130 is a fair price, they're about $200 or so new. For a beginner the Ace 150 would be OK but if you can afford it I would try for an Ace 250 or Euro ACE. The 150 is more designed for the youngens and is rather limited on discrimination (the ability to reject certain targets), sensitivity and depth. There's also no pinpointing mode which may or may not bother you.

Could you maybe borrow it for a day and see how you like it?
Thanks Nugget, yeah borrowing for a day or so is a definite and a fair point.

As I said I have an extremely limited budget and I guess my vision is to upgrade as time goes on.

I'll see how I go.
No problem. The Ace 150 will find coins, so if you keep at it you'll be upgrading in no time.
Nothing sinister as the thread title may suggest. My wife, bless her, has seen my excitement in detecting and wants to get me something better. Originally I had my eyes on the x-terra 705 but the more I've looked into the AT Pro the more I like.

My question is I've seen that there are 2 versions and given, it seems, the preference is on the US version, where do I find it retail in Australia? I don't particularly want to ship it from the US.


P.S. looks like my ACE 150 Challenge might be on hiatus soon.. well hopefully :)
Thanks Nugget.. I'd had a read of that.

Most say the tone spread in the US version work better for Australian finds.


I tried those and other suppliers they all seem to have the international version. On more research that's all Garrett seem to currently produce, international versions that is, for both AT Pro and AT Gold.

Anyone have any further thoughts?
I believe Garrett are no longer producing the US version, only the International listed on both the AU and US websites.

The International will produce a high tone for most Australian coins where the US won't. Personally I'd go with the International.
Thanks again Nugget. Not sure why I've seen a few recommend the US version over the international for Aussie coins then?

Does sounds like the international is the go.
International = high tone for everything above 50 id or 5c coin this includes all modern trash.
US = high tone for everything above 75 id which is where most pre decimals cut in.

Therefore you must rely on the id screen on the international whereas on the US version you can dig totally tone based. Id buy a US version.
With so many OZ users providing so much info on why the AT-Pro is better suited to our Australian coinage than the International, it should not be a hard choice to make.

I to would go for the AT-Pro.........better still is the CSI-Pro AT..... it's totally all PRO and available from better dealers in OZ.

(C) ivanll
Thanks guys.. it's looking more and more like I'll need to order one from the states. Can't find a local seller of the US version anywhere.

The CSI Pro appears more than my budget, but thanks.
Also indicated in RED "All of our units have the new software update and updated rod system !"

Looks like they have a good Garrett AT Pro turnover..........i.e. no old stock.

Got the latest CSI-Pro AT from them, latest software no trouble near ocean salt water :)

good afternoon. I really need your help. my garret ace 150 was run in perfect conditions when a moment's started doing many foolish and beeps followed. Now I can not make it stop. Anyone know what's going on? someone can help me solve the problem? thank
Could be a lot of things - check: your batteries, the coil plugs are in properly, if the coil has a skid plate? there may be something between it & the coil, what type of ground where you on - could be mineralisation? Have you got a manual - check the trouble shooting guide if you have. Where are you using it?
I'm doing a beach. and even at home makes the same noise. only when I put the sensivity at least is working correctly.
Sounds like a loose/bad connection? Take the coil off & give it a clean + check the plug's not damaged or dirty.