Orange region this week.

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The block near Cooma would be well worth checking out.
I am in a similar boat as I have not long had my detector and have quite a pile of rubbish. Up until now I have basically just been mucking around with it but it is time i knuckled down and learnt how to use it properly.

Good Luck with your first nugget


Thanks Richard,

Yeah I'm very interested in Cooma, have spent quite a few weeks there in the past at my mates place.
His property is situated between an old mine and an alluvials company. He has a nice frontage to the
river also. I know quite a bit of gold was taken from the region but never huge amounts.

The gold was described as nuggety but small and the winters were so harsh that most prospectors
left during the winter months. There are diggings all over the side of the river and a small flood plain also
that is sandy and seems to have been dug in some places. The chinese were very active in the area
and did quite well, but not great.

The property is currently for sale, though has been for 2 years, if my mate still owns it in Spring I was
thinking of seeing if a few forum members might want to have a swing and do some sluicing down there. I have
permission to go there anytime but would need to clear it with him or his missus before I took anyone
along. I went down a few weeks back with my detector but Anzac day got the better of me and no
detecting was done. :) Was more of a catch up.

There is a fair bit of junk there and a lot of bullets, I know because we fired a few off down there
regularly, doh. Even if their property sells there are a lot of other places in the near vicinity to try.

Would be a fun project to see what's there and do some sampling around some other gullies in the region.

Always wondered why someone had put some shagpile in a gully there, things are a lot clearer after
joining this forum.
