Night park detecting with the Ace 250

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As I see it, economically speaking, the Ace punches well above its weight for the money outlayed for the unit (my case $250 with two coils), whilst there is no doubt the Fisher CZ3D is a very good detector, but there is no way I could justify owning such a unit for an extra $7-800. That's a shit lot of coins to find to find to make up for the original purchase price.

Not all coins were near surface pickers, with many 5c,10c, 20 and 50c coins found down to 6-7" in the compacted layers below the top layer of loose bark. If my detector is picking up these small coins at depth, I'm sure it would have chimed on any $1 coins if they were there. Besides, most of the areas I detect are on CCTV, so I wouldn't think they'd appreciate me digging foot deep holes all over their playgrounds. ;)
The cz3d i own is 2nd hand unit and has
The serial starting with 1021. These were
The units made in its original factory before
The move. These were i think designed by
Nasa Tom and he tunes these up.

Mine is certified to detect a coin at 11.9".

I owned 2. Got harrased to sell one because
These are hard to find and sold it to help
Fund the 3500. You can buy these at
Around $600 and generally come with 2

These machines are designed to find old
coins deep. I am confident my machine
Can compete with machines costing 3 or
4 times more in normal or mild detecting

In fact i think it will rock in ghost towns.
I have been looking at the cz3d, but also at the older cz5 due to reports of the cz3d not being up to scratch over the older model (other than the nasa tom feddled units). As you say, they are relatively affordable if brought in from the US, and Fisher sites in Oz don't seem to include the cz3d in their range for same strange reason?? Am probably tossing up between that and the Sovereign Elite for a future upgrade. :)
Nasa Tom i believe was the guy that designed the cz3d for
Fisher. Tom does not fiddle with these machines since he knows
These like that back of his hand. He tunes these up because
In time some lose calibration. My unit is the older cz3d before
The factory moved happened.

These start with serial 1021.

These are also multi frequency perfect for wet sand.

Tom has a test patch for testing. If your interested in beach
Hunting his dvd will amaze you.

Mine is calibrated to detect a dime at 11.9" i think.

It amazes me how people spend $2000 plus on a digital
Detector and unless it tells me exactly what it has found
I won't be spending that cash.

I think garret were at the forefront in coin detectors back
In the 90's with the gtp 1350 and gti 1500.

The 1350 was awesome.

If fisher bring out a digital cz3d and has the same features
Eg no depth loss in discrimination mode, 4 tone, multi
Frequency in a f75 or g2 screen much lighter and well
Balanced i think these will be in High demand and could
Be a high seller.

This is a specialist machine looking for the older deeper
Goldpick said:
Ant idea why it is not sold in Australia and only the US?

No Idea.

I would not buy one of the new ones though as I have read they don't detect as deep as the older ones or they are not consistent.

I have no idea what the truth to this is though as I have not tested these/
Well tonight was cut short due to the onset of some spectacular lightning bolts over Adelaide, and I wasn't prepared to be a lightning rod with a fried Ace! Still managed a few goodies, including a real bashed up 925 Sterling silver ring of about 1.76 grams, and an Australian Taxation office 20c coin. :)


Goldpick i arrived at a very large park months ago at
4am. On weekends it gets really busy. Its strange what
You think you will find to what you end up finding.

Found about $12 in coins and took like 4 hours to detect it.

There was 4 swings and a bike ramp as well.

This park was a real dissapointment and you get those.

I get to a small park where it has 1 swing and you find
the same amount buried under the swing area.
Wolfau said:
Goldpick i arrived at a very large park months ago at
4am. On weekends it gets really busy. Its strange what
You think you will find to what you end up finding.

Found about $12 in coins and took like 4 hours to detect it.

There was 4 swings and a bike ramp as well.

This park was a real dissapointment and you get those.

I get to a small park where it has 1 swing and you find
the same amount buried under the swing area.

Too true, of the three parks I went to last night, first one I found the ring and a few 5 and 10c pieces, second absolutely nothing (inner city park), but the third one which I deemed to be one of the most popular spots in Adelaide turned out to be a dud, considering its size and the amount of families there every day. Aeven so, the last area gave up most of the coins, including four from one hole, but overall, it was really disappointing.

I've come to the conclusion that the semi rural areas or outer suburbs are the best for good finds, the city areas are obviously hammered by the same guys every night or so. The silver ring I found was so deformed, it was almost flat, and resembled the aluminium ring off a metal bottle cap. Glad I take all my rubbish home with me!

Some areas are partly crap due to my own fault, I really need to fit the small sniper coil for those really trashy areas for better target separation, as I tend to keep the large DD on all the time - just lazy. Multiple targets under the large DD do a good job of masking those good targets amongst the abundant amounts of foil in the ground. :)
I found a gold wedding band once with my Tesoro Compadre.

It was sitting 3" under the park.

All gold I have found was with a Tesoro.
We held an experiment where we emptied about 50 tot lots in the area in Oct/Nov last year - and then revisited some of them in the last few weeks and they are all still relatively empty - which makes me think either they are detected regularly or the finds in October were from years of accumulation.

We also noticed that some councils are replacing the bark chips with bitumen like surfaces which do not hold coins anymore. Soon the tot lots will be a thing of the past! Also in September most councils top up or replace the bark with new stuff which buries the treasures even further.

On any given day we can spot at least 10-12 looters working the beaches - so the popularity of our hobby is a two edged sword - and I agree - rural areas and the outer suburbs are the next fertile grounds to be detected however, I am sure our fellow looters are also thinking the same thing!
Aahh, so it was you guys! :D Geez, where do you guys go, I'm still yet to see a single a single detectorist around when I'm out and about?

Yes, a lot of the lots now have rubberised surfaces replacing the chips, but they are still rather hard if you fall off play equipment, so some areas may remain the same. I've been back to a particular tot lot, and within a 2 week period it had replentished itself to a degree. Parks with tot lots get worked regularly, but ovals with tot lots seem to come up with the goods on a more regular basis.

So far, my only gold has come up with the Infinium, the Ace has yet to have such luck, more so with silver. I'm guessing the Tesoros like the compadre and silver umax are more suited to gold with their higher frequencies over something like the Ace. After having a Vaquero, I'd be keen to try out a Silver Umax, simple, easy to use, and very lightweight, as are most Tesoros.

On another note, my Infinium has just gone in for a service, so hopefully it will be back up and running down the beach, to stalk those deep finds once again. :)
WTF when was there storms!? I totally missed them otherwise I would have been chasing them! Welldone again mate your night hunts are awesome. If your ever up my neck of the woods let me know
From my limited experience, I'd say ovals in the suburbs gives up the least. Nobody seems to be running around with money in their pockets anymore! My local tot lot gave up $12 on the first sweep and due another sweep after about a 6 week rest. I'll report my findings soon
Ok. I can say I am unaffected here. I have met other people out detecting but noticed they didn't have a screwdriver or fine tool to dig with and were guessing around or didn't have a pro pointer.

Today I walked an esplanade and noticed someone else had swept it as there were nice round little holes everywhere yet I swept it and got $18 in an hours walk.

I think I am lucky for now that I am remote but with fairs, markets on a regular basis. Oh and the Brisbane to Gladstone yacht race and festival helps at easter too :)
The storms were south of town, lots of bolts and probably wet from Blackwood and to the south. Are you up north angre7?
Yeah mate Craigmore. Looked on the weatherzone forum and seen it was mostly south. Unreal.
BSellin said:
Ok. I can say I am unaffected here. I have met other people out detecting but noticed they didn't have a screwdriver or fine tool to dig with and were guessing around or didn't have a pro pointer.

Today I walked an esplanade and noticed someone else had swept it as there were nice round little holes everywhere yet I swept it and got $18 in an hours walk.

I think I am lucky for now that I am remote but with fairs, markets on a regular basis. Oh and the Brisbane to Gladstone yacht race and festival helps at easter too :)

Someone could be just looking for rings using A notch filter on a specialised digital detector.

Basically they would notch out Everything except the tones in the ring range.

Only rings or pulltabs will beep.

I don't use a screwdriver. I use a small Lesche shovel which is about 5" or so in width. Its much easier and quicker and less chance of damaging your find.

Each to their own though.