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There are a lot of dedicated people who worked hard to acheive this fantastic result.
Not only us the NAPFA committee members but also the people on each Shire Council
that have realized how important it is to keep one of our time honoured activities alive
and flourishing.
Nothing beats getting out in our great outdoors and living, Sharing the history
of Fossicking around the old gold diggings.

I pointed out in the Shire presentations that it is indeed most important to learn and respect
what our old timer miners went through to eak out a living from what they won from the land
and what they left behind for us to rediscover.
It is all slowly disappearing back into the ground and it is up to us to keep the history alive
by getting out there and enjoying what we have to offer.

Privacy prevents me from naming all those invloved in the countless emails, Phone Calls and
presentations involved to bring this all about but, we have done it.
And also the help of one NAPFA member who helped out as well. smile

So, We now have a result that will benefit all of us and keep the dream alive.
See you out there soon,


Starts page 55

The NAPFA Committee
Bega Shire Council,
EuroBodalla Shire Council,
Bland Shire Council,
Tumut Shire Coucil,
Thanks for the update Doug

I count myself lucky to know a few NAPFA Committee members and view you all as modern day pioneers who are just as enspiring in their pursuits to open up opportunity for the common man as the old timers were in their pursuit to open up this great land in pursuit of gold for the common man.

Thanks NAPFA
Hi all,

Be sure to tune in (Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane) for an interview I've got tomorrow with 2UE's The Daily Drive Program.

News about the new NSW Fossicking Districts has sparked their interest and they want to have a chat about fossicking.

The target audience of the program is 50+ years.

Here's a link to the station:

I'm sure you will all have constructive feedback for me! :Y:

NAPFA President

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