My Son.

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Sep 4, 2014
Reaction score
My son just skyped me and he just got his exam results,

He just got the highest score for engineering in the Country for 7 years. 100.00% 3x Distinctions with Stars and those that were in the past did not score any higher,

I am very Proud of him, Bless Him.

Thanks, for that, We knew that he was some kind of Genius back when he was Tiny, when he was 4 he made a Ferris Wheel and he was not happy how it worked So he made 5 more and fitted a motor to them so one went in one direction and the next one went in the other direction and so on, When he was 6 I taught him to Solder wires and since then he has been building all kinds of stuff, needless to say his room looks like and electronic workshop,

Tomorrow he is signing up to do a Degree and then his Masters, Followed by a Doctorate, which is higher than a PHD. He stayed on in High School and he did 1 year full time at college and now he has just completed 2 years Full Time at College, He was 20 last month and at a guess he has at least another 7 to 10 years at College/University, So he is going to be going places, Bless him.

Ramjet said:
Awesome stuff. Congrats to your son and to the proud dad. :D

Thanks RJ, He is really into Electronic Engineering/Engineering, He already has Qualifications in computers and Programming etc, I bought him the Books when he was 16 that he needed when he was 18, and he was in one of the top 5 schools in the country, when he was 17 he was teaching at his own school after hours,

Geez RR, where'd he get his brains from, mum or dad? :lol:
Great effort to all involved.

Well I think he gets a fair bit from me because I went back to college and go 2 Honours passes and 1 pass, his mum never went to college, she left school and went to work,

But she is very smart too so it is a bit of both really.
Jaros said:
Great student and talent there.
Can you tell us what his career goal is? :p

Lol, Well when he was 14 he had to go and work some place as part of his Studies, So he pick one of the best Architects in the Country and by the end of the first week he had sorted their CAD systems for them and was doing their drawings for them and wanted to do that for a while.

By the time he was 16 he wanted to get in to Computer programming by the time he was 17 they could not teach him anymore when it came to programming, So then he got in to College and got involved with electronics and that morphed in to Electronic Engineering and designing computers, But he still seems focussed on High Tech Engineering,

But he also left high School with high grades

Physics = A
Design Tech= A
Chemistry =B
Biology =B
Maths =B
Plus a few others as well, the first year at College he Got IT BTEC Level 3 = 1 Distinction plus another Distinction for the second part.

And along with these 3 today he also has qualifications in Java Programming and Cisco CCNA.

So he has done well in less than 3 and a half years. But which ever way he goes it will involve Electronics and Computers, at home at the moment he is working on Building his own CNC machine,

Ridge Runner said:
Ramjet said:
Awesome stuff. Congrats to your son and to the proud dad. :D

Thanks RJ, He is really into Electronic Engineering/Engineering, He already has Qualifications in computers and Programming etc, I bought him the Books when he was 16 that he needed when he was 18, and he was in one of the top 5 schools in the country, when he was 17 he was teaching at his own school after hours,


If I had my time again I would like electrical engineering as a career.
If your boy continues on his current trajectory, he will go far.
Ramjet said:
Ridge Runner said:
Ramjet said:
Awesome stuff. Congrats to your son and to the proud dad. :D

Thanks RJ, He is really into Electronic Engineering/Engineering, He already has Qualifications in computers and Programming etc, I bought him the Books when he was 16 that he needed when he was 18, and he was in one of the top 5 schools in the country, when he was 17 he was teaching at his own school after hours,


If I had my time again I would like electrical engineering as a career.
If your boy continues on his current trajectory, he will go far.

When he was 16 he asked me for a few Quid, so I ask the normal question or at leased I got to the first one and he then tells me it is for his Server :eek: :eek:

Oh and he has also built a few Virtual Worlds on his site and started on a Double Decker Bus driving simulator Which he wants me to buy him the Dash board of a Bus with all the controls so he can make it totally realistic, lol

My head hurts just reading about what he does RR. :lol:

Yeah I know what you mean, Where I know a bit about mechanical engineering, he knows all the electronic stuff and he looses me after a while, But he is going to do alright I reckon,

I have bought him a new tablet/Laptop all in One type thing, He knows I have bought something for him but I have not told him what it is yet, lol

But it should come in handy because it can be expanded, but it is very High spec so it should come in useful at college, Bugga I wouldn't mind one me self,

DeathKiss said:
Ridge you should be proud he took after his mom LOL


Lol, When he was little he looked like the spitting image of me when I was one or two years old, I showed his sisters a picture of me at that age and they thought it was Him.

It use to annoy the Mrs when people said he looked like me and not her, :D :D :D

it's a bugga when ya brainey and good looking, Tough break aye, lol

Ridge Runner said:
DeathKiss said:
Ridge you should be proud he took after his mom LOL


Lol, When he was little he looked like the spitting image of me when I was one or two years old, I showed his sisters a picture of me at that age and they thought it was Him.

It use to annoy the Mrs when people said he looked like me and not her, :D :D :D

it's a bugga when ya brainey and good looking, Tough break aye, lol

Good save there, well done sir :) :cool:
DeathKiss said:
Ridge Runner said:
DeathKiss said:
Ridge you should be proud he took after his mom LOL


Lol, When he was little he looked like the spitting image of me when I was one or two years old, I showed his sisters a picture of me at that age and they thought it was Him.

It use to annoy the Mrs when people said he looked like me and not her, :D :D :D

it's a bugga when ya brainey and good looking, Tough break aye, lol

Good save there, well done sir :) :cool:

I dodged that one alright, aye :lol: :lol:

He came over here with his electronic kit and modded the Battery system with me for my TDI SL so it puts out 14.63 volt using standard duracells and to give it a longer burn time.
