Minelab Eureka gold tips, settings, questions

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you may already know this but, all I can tell you about the eureka is the higher frequancy setting 64khz is for small/shallow gold and is noisier to use, the lowest frequancy is for deeper gold and the middle one is a inbetween/general setting.
may I suggest that you look for fairly shallow ground with a thin covering of mild soil so your not right ontop of the hotrocks as these will drive you nuts.
one of the old jack lang videos has a bit on the eureka but I can't remember which video it was.
regards trashy
Thanks very much for your reply trash magnet, you are spot on the 60khz sure does hum and is very busy with the noise.

I know the limitations of the unit, that it can't get the depth of the pi models so shallow ground it is!

Has been nice to get out in the bush when the boss allows me and have a play, have been picking up a fair bit of lead shot, and half size pieces of shot so guess if I wave it over some yellow that size I should find a piece in time!

Haven't seen that vid of jack Lang so will look it up, cheers and thanks again, all the best out there
I have just purchased a E-gold and I can't tell you all how much I appreciate all the experience and knowledge that is being shared on this post.
I wanted to know. What is the best headphones to buy for the E-gold?
I have seen allot of differing views on types.
Is one with Impedance: 150 ohms nominal and Frequency response: 200 - 3200 Hz necessary?
SApicker, This was a very interesting post on the Eureka Gold. It seems that most of the High end level of headphones for metal detectors have an impedance of 150 Ohms. I am not sure mate what impedance would suit your E-gold best. But i am sure someone will chime in and help. :)
Thank you Roscoe. I have just started seriously making the move into prospecting and fossicking after many years of dreaming.
And I can tell you one think "What an information overload!!!!!"
It is way more than just swinging a stick. This Forum is probably the best find yet with my research.
Argyle mentioned in an earlier post that RPG headphones were a good choice for the Eureka Gold. When I bought my 11" inch goldsearch coil I purchased a pair. They have independent volume controls and you can adjust the volume to centre the noise right inside your head. I think they work very well especially on windy days. I was happy just using the detector but since buying and using the headphones I can see the advantage particularly when it is windy. The RPG headphones are a lot cheaper than some of the other ones that I priced. Hopes this helps.

Cheers Bob.
I just purchased the Coiltek WOT to give it a run on the XT17000, will be real interested to see how it performs, both in the dry sand and more open areas in the goldfields. Pretty much covered now with the Coiltek 6" coil, and the Goldsearch 8" coil for the XT. :) I think in the past I have been running the sensitivity bit too high on the 8" coil, resulting in some spurious ground signals. So will try to wind back the sensitivity a bit to achieve a more stable threshold. :)
What frequency did you pick for your WOT coil, Goldpick? I found Argyles comments on the Lower frequencies Coils on the Eureka Gold very interesting.
The WOT coil for the Eureka Gold/XT17000 is different to the X-terra coils. The Eureka Gold/XT17000 have a switch on the detector that allows you to choose three different frequencies 6.4kHz, 20kHz, 60kHz without changing the coil. The WOT coils for the X-terra come in different frequencies. Argyle suggested that different coils for the various frequencies on the Eureka would make the detector more effective. I have the standard 10" elliptical and have also bought an 11" round. The 11'' I run in 20kHz most of the time and I feel I have found a number of deep targets possibly not detectable with the 10" coil. Using the 10" coil I retrieved various small surface targets to coins at 30cm. Some large steel items a bit deeper. With the 11" inch I am still finding the small surface targets , bullets and the odd large deeper targets like horseshoes at 60cm. Last week I was able to pick up a second hand WOT coil for my Eureka at $100 cheaper than a new one. I am going to run the coil mainly at 6.4kHz as Argyle suggested that this coil and frequency was good for detecting large deep targets. Will see how it goes. So in theory I should be well equipped to detect a good range of target sizes and depth and my intention is to test the coils over a patch of ground to see how differently they perform.

Cheers BOB.
As mentioned, it will only be run on the 6.4khz frequency, as the XT17000 only has the two frequencies, the other being 32khz, which is more suited to the 6" or 8" coils. Will give it a run down the beach tomorrow, hope the missus will be able to lift the xt with the WOT fitted! She will have to steer well clear of me with interference from the infinium. ;) Tell you what, the WOT makes a good detector stand, might have to change back to hip mount as it is starting to get heavy.

One thing I noticed using the WOT coil on the XT17000, its pretty sensitive to EMI and would give off a pulsing signal anywhere near the house. It is especially bad if the sensitivity is cranked too high, and if using boost. Needless to say, I had a go in the yard ensuring there was a smooth threshold away from the house, and picked up some very small springs at about 10" down, so was pretty happy with that. Tried the GM3 over the same hole, and picked up multiple targets (small bits of metal) that the the WOT wouldn't pick up on, but that was expected being 50kHZ vs 6.4kHz, it's an amazingly sensitive detector though.

The signal from the small springs was an ever so slight peak in the threshold, tried a 2.4 gram nugget buried in the same hole, and got a slight drop out in the threshold, followed by peak, repeatable both directions.

The XT is not exactly a feather weight detector, and is pretty damned heavy with the WOT fitted, definitely a candidate for hip mounting, I could imagine it would be the same for the Eureka. :)
I finally got the chance to take the Wot coil for a go. I actually gave all three coils a go over the same spot. You are right about the weight of the Wot coil. I spent two hours with it non stop and I appreciated the break at lunch time. The 10" elliptical was a feather weight after lunch and I can usually go all day with it. The 11" round is heavy also and two hours is enough before I need a break. It was interesting using each coil. The Wot was the most stable of the three, the 11" next best and the 10 inch the noisiest. The 10" gave the loudest response to the small surface targets. Using the other two coils I still found good numbers of small shallow targets but the 10" inch elliptical gave the loudest response. It was a good experience today. The area has been detected before as all the small mullock heaps are dotted with holes as well as areas between the diggings. I've been over this spot twice before and removed some twenty odd bullets. Imagine my surprise today as I found several more from the same patch. One live unfired round as well. Throw in three splattered shot gun pellets I think that I did well considering the work done before me. Pity I couldn't pick up some missed gold. I'm thinking if these obvious targets were missed then with thorough work like today I may be a chance.

Cheers Bob.
***I would be interested in your opinion and setup tips for the XT 18000 and the American Gold Striker? I own both and just purchased the Eureka Gold and with your excellent set-up tips, plan on going prospecting very soon with it! Let you know how I do! Also, Like your opinion of the Sovereign GT as a prospecting detector? If you have used one and any setup tips you might have for it. I also own that one too, thanks, Big Red

argyle said:
Hi Au.
I hope you really get to like your unit. Only one other comes close, the 705 when set up correctly.
I'll have a crack at your questions for sure, just bare in mind that what I say suits me 100%, and you may like to set up or detect quite differently once you get the feel of your unit and how you like to go about things.

If you only have the stock 10x5 then I'd definently only start detecting an area in 20khz.
That frequency will pick up pieces for you at a depth that the 60khz simply cannot reach far enough to respond to in any way.
You may work out in the end, as I did when I held a compulsive addiction to very small gold many years ago, that detecting in 60khz from the start in an area, will have you bypassing signals that you would've picked up on by the lower frequency's.
In 60khz, you are really only detecting an inch or so for very very small gold, (and wait till you have that sound working way up in your hearing, you can actually hear the internals of the machine tickling around every grain of dirt, it's like another dimension)
The only exception of coarse is larger pieces a bit deeper that it will hit. But the slightly deeper ones than that will be missed by the 60khz.

But, in 60khz, you will pick up many very very small pieces that 20khz will not.

As for settings in any frequency, top volume, top sensitivity, the same tracking speed I was using on that ground type if it still suits the immediate area, normal signal - never fine or boost, and never in Fixed Balance as both tracking speeds will not be thrown off if the coil swing speed on that immediate ground suits the tracking speed your in.
Fixed Balance cannot change for you on a foot long swing, so you will not pick up a soft signal, mainly dropouts of threshold signals, in Fixed Balance when that ground changes, and it will change.
You gotta trust that tracking.

What all call a Patch, but I call a Run, is I don't think ever quite 'cleaned out'.
But if the Eureka is only used there to start with, before bringing in other units, the 15" the 11" and the new 6" Coiltek coming out in a couple of weeks, and in the frequency's that suit each coil.
But more importantly is the coverage. The 15" has a 4" sweet spot at depth, It's located at the centre of the coil. So if you move each swing more forward than 4" further each swing with that coil you'll leave deep or soft signals un-heard. The 11" has around a 2.5" sweet spot at depth, the 10"x5" has quite a slim 1", and the new Coiltek 6" will have nearly an inch. Any further swing forward than those measurements will miss signals.
Then you have to detect by swinging N/S as well E/W with all those combinations. You just won't be able to stop yourself from doing that.

Yep both those Minelab 11" and Coiltek WOT, best coil ever made, more sensitive than the 11" somehow, and much much deeper. It's the ideal size for depth too on a low frequency Vlf. That's the cut off point for coil size as any bigger and no more depth is obtained by making a larger one.

I have a thing about talking about finds or selling local au.
I'd probably start a war if I told you the depth difference between one of these in particular that I've set up, in comparison to my gpx and sd's. But only with a detectable surface of fingernail size and up.
But I can tell you after years of changing coils and frequency's over targets, that I only detect with the 15" in 6.4khz, sometimes in 20khz but not often. And that this combination is the best to use.
I only use the Eureka on very hot ground.
The new 6" coil just may give me back an addiction to tiny gold, who knows.
The Eureka isn't the only unit I use, but It's one of the only 3 gold Vlf's I would ever bother to take out, it and the 305 and 705. But it is the best Vlf for gold detecting that's currently on the market today.
Made for hot ground, but mis-used by many.
Has anyone ever found gold with this machine?

I swung mine around hill end ,sofala ,Hargraves ,river lett ,bathurst and found loads of rubbish ,and a few nice pieces of history but no gold.....
Only a select few have success with this detector, other than that, you don't hear about many finds from them, but always plenty up for sale looking to upgrade.
To Varts
There is a lot of interest in this thread or post, nearly 7,000 views but not a lot of 'finds' recorded. I enjoy using my Eureka but as yet I have found no gold. I usually find lots of junk though, some very small pieces of metal. I thought that I was getting the 'hang' of detecting and all I needed to do was walk over some gold. Well that was until I decided to grid an area to formally test my coils, the 10" elliptical, 11"round and the Wot 15" on the exact same piece of dirt.
I went to the area mentioned in my previous post. I pegged out two ropes and used the Wot coil first. After completing a sweep down, I then went back over the lane to the start. The ropes were about one metre apart and thirty metres long. I then moved one rope over the other to create a new lane. After a couple of hours I switched to the 11" round. I then covered the area a third time with the 10" elliptical at right angles to the first two sweeps.
The Wot coil was a little difficult to use as it often got caught up in sticks which was a distraction. I often found targets on the return sweep using the Wot coil. The reason being with sticks and hot rocks thrown aside it was easier to cover the ground. The 11" coil found 3 small lead targets missed by the Wot by virtue of being easier to work lower and rub right down on the ground. Did I find anything with the 10" elliptical? Yes two very small pieces of rusted iron 5mm round and as thin as a tin can and two chips of iron 5mm by 1mm thick. No really deep targets but I found fifteen more pieces of lead(bullets mostly but some shot size as well.) Amazing as I had already wandered over this spot twice before. On reflection it's not just the setting up of the detector but also being patient and efficient in your search.
I now feel I should do two things. Do an instructional day even if it involves using a GPX 4500 or a 5000, at least I will be learning what to look for. Also after the grid experiment I should go back to some previously visited spots to do a proper search, who knows what I've left behind. Up till now I think I've spent a lot of time wandering and waving the detector rather than searching thoroughly with purpose.

Cheers Bob.
Hey bob mine is standard ,bog stock,I have spent many hours ,found tiny targets over 300 deep ,but no gold ,the guy at miners den parra( Walter ) tells me he has found gold with the Eureka ..
But maybe I need a few lessons ,I can find tiny targets no problem .

I now have lost interest in gold detecting and chase gems.
I think the only way I will get back to detecting is to use a different machine like the proven 2100 or a 5000 ,I work long days and weeks at work and my time is precious ,to get away for a day and continuously find o gold is heart braken .maybe my technique is no good ,but surely out of over 1000 targets you think 1 piece of gold should have been mine.

Where is the gold!!!!

Don't give up mate. I drove 500 km the other day and dug a massive hole only to find a bullet. I still love it and I know if I can find a bullet it will eventually be a nugget. You just have to find the right place and walk over one. ;-)
Hey Varts, I've got a 5000 and still have not found a nugget either, I like to do and work things out by myself a lot of the time and thought I'd do the same with detecting. I reckon I've learnt a lot over the last year but am going to do a 2 day course or the like very soon.

Anyway I was speaking with a good bloke up at Inverell last week and he showed me a bunch of nugs he's found, ounces of the stuff from the Central West. Said it took him about 220 hours of detecting before he bagged his first, with a 5000 and after doing a 2 day course. It gave me a lot more inspiration as I've only manged about 130hrs so far, I know my detector quite well but know I need to get the last piece of the puzzle, like where to look and reading the ground.

I reckon I'm getting closer to a nug or 2. I need to stop wandering so much and concentrate on small areas and remove every single target, no cherrypicking.

Keep at it mate. Sapphires certainly are a distraction for me too. :)