Milparinka / Tibooburra area NSW information and questions

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Yes it's NSW legislation - not related to Council legislation (NSW Local Government Act).
Good luck proving an inconsistency - the constitution also allows for individual states having powers to make & enforce laws (State Legislation). Rarely challenged for good reason ;)
Post #14 mentioned this... After 50 dislikes they might change their minds.. :p .. Don't forget you can TXT the phone numbers on the OP, to let them know too... After all they Did make their Numbers 'Public'.... :lol:

Care full on the texting phones thing.
It is known that some of these people did not want their numbers published.
If I see them published on here,
I will remove them.
Tathradj said:
Care full on the texting phones thing.
It is known that some of these people did not want their numbers published.
If I see them published on here,
I will remove them.
Just a question mate ]:D if they are on the flyer then they agreed to have them published it is against the law to publish personel numbers without that persons permission so no forum rules broken i would have thought
Jmo :D
Tathradj said:
Care full on the texting phones thing.
It is known that some of these people did not want their numbers published.
If I see them published on here,
I will remove them.

Why are they on the Official Sign then? Im sure if my ph number appeared on the Official sign ,with-out my approval it would be removed ASAP, or Legal Action would follow ... 7.62 you are quick... beat me... :lol:
If they want their number on the Sign then so-be-it... ]:D
Too Late I have sent a few.....TXT's that is... ]:D ]:D ]:D

Silly Q, but if you know what's going on, Why not let us all know... instead of us Guessing?.. Txting.. and Posting... :cool: Dam, post before should have read..
Better NOT look at....... ]:D ]:D

Anyone know the number of people prospecting on the common?
It would be interesting to see if the numbers drop as many nomads are on restricted funds or are TA's.
What is the money going to do? Is to scrape the common for better detecting each year? best advertise heavily if so. This thinking drives people to seek alternates.
It was on my list, however if I can camp & detect on private property for less then that's where I be.
The last thing for me is that I usually buy in the town but I can carry enough supplies for about 3 weeks, then restock in major centres which gives no support to the locals.

I doing a 7000klm trip this month, the net lets me identify those towns that have problems or are not traveler friendly and I avoid them. I'm sure many others do the same. there are a number of coastal towns that have reversed their decisions attempting to have tourists return but that takes a long time & shops close etc.
Easy is ............................ just send them a link to this string as I'm sure they will get the message :Y: But just also remember from my information which comes from a very well informed local it is only a very few and that few being in fact as little as two or three that are pushing for this. I guess I'm saying to black ban Tibooburra for the actions of such a small few would indeed be a shame for all concerned IMHO :Y:
Nothing has been passed as yet regards this and hopefully those responsible will end up covered in what you get covered in when pissing in the wind ...................... :Y:
MikeB05 said:
Just posted a message on their Facebook site asking them to reconsider charging per detector per day.

Not sure but I think they are deleting all the posts on there facebook about this, I posted the other day and there were other similar posts about this as well, I can't see any now. 8)

cheers dave
davsgold said:
MikeB05 said:
Just posted a message on their Facebook site asking them to reconsider charging per detector per day.

Not sure but I think they are deleting all the posts on there facebook about this, I posted the other day and there were other similar posts about this as well, I can't see any now. 8)

cheers dave

Yep I checked this morning and my post is nowhere to be found - I will post again though.