I Hate the Club Scene

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I do both - keep my best places to myself and enjoy the camararderie of group outings. Doesn't matter if it's one or 20 people. If someone finds your patch, it'll be taken unless you have a lease or claim on it.
Totally agree JeffP. I hate clubs too. Years back I was asked to take two people gem fossicking which I did. They never let on they were members of a large club. They then took the club members there and did so much damage that a local landowner successfully applied to have a fence and gate put in to stop access for fossickers. I went there one day and there were 23 caravans or similar on the site. On another occasion I had a quiet place in the Warburton Ranges where I was getting nice crystals. Went there on a weekend and there were 11 vehicles from a well known Melbourne club. They stripped it. I have also seen the damage done on a local creek by club members chasing gold. The mess they leave behind is a disgrace. It is not good enough to throw your empty tins etc in the campfire and leave them there when you leave. It's not good enough to put your garbage in a garbage bag, then heave it into the nearest pit or hole. Its not good enough to go to the toilet and leave your filthy toilet paper on the ground. At least bury it. Yes forums are like clubs, however I would hope that forum members are a little more responsible.
Well i spent 6 days camping near Creswick. Was nice and quiet during the week, but the weekend warriors made the place very busy.

The dog was great. She stood guard while i prospected, letting me know if anyone came close.

She didnt bark at night...growled once at the possums but thats ok she does that at home too.

I did find some gold. Very small pieces...one was 0.21 grams and then i found 9 other pieces adding up to 0.38gm. Not bad for a beginner :)

I also found a coke can, a telstra line and a pair of Coco channel sunglasses in good condition lol

When i got home and my partner saw the gold, he was like damn I wanna go now. So he has to get his miners license and we will head off again.

I think ill stick to the weekdays this time :)

1 week after returning home i ended up in hospital for 10 days !!!! Doctors queried, Q fever, / ross river virus/ Typhus and then said it was an Australian tick bite. I got a bite on the back of my knee while digging in dirt Oops !
really out creswick.... never heard of anyone getting a tick before. must be the dam foxes spreading them they are thick as thieves out there this year. whata way to end it.,... good stuff on the gold front thought. i hear ya on the weekend warriors.... wait till summer motorbikes galore
My parent joined a club back in the 90`s and invited me to go along to a meeting out at Stuart Town.
Some panning, some detecting.
At that stage I had never detected..so cannot comment on their methods.
However the panners and mini concentrators had absolutely no idea what they were digging.
I was not impressed with the scene and will stick to going where I want when it suits me.

Dodge the busy times, enjoy the privacy and solitude in the bush. Happy days.
(Sigh) Clubs and their boring rules..
"..no, you have to wear pants..", "DON'T pee on the campfire!", "we would prefer you refrain from drawing dicks on your back windscreen", "Competitive drinking is not a sport"...
SmokeyStu said:
(Sigh) Clubs and their boring rules..
"..no, you have to wear pants..", "DON'T pee on the campfire!", "we would prefer you refrain from drawing dicks on your back windscreen", "Competitive drinking is not a sport"...

Adding to that: "Bigger fires are not always better!", "nocturnal animals don't always like bright light shining in their eyes", "you can take some beer home you know!!" (sigh) :D
Aaaah clubs rock! :cool:


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