Hi from Sydney

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Aug 24, 2019
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Hi all,
Michael, newbie here from south west Sydney.
Have been interested in the wonders of the Earth since I was a whipper snapper.
Managed to purchase a Eqinox 800 recently for a bit of treasure hunting and hope to do some fossicking/panning in and around west of the Blue Mountains soon so hope to have some stories to share in the not too distant future.
I do have one question though. My daughter lives on the Gold Coast and I was hoping to do some beach detecting whenever up there. Now I know you need a fossicking licence in QLD and I am aware of various issues with councils etc etc, however my question is, do you need a licence to detect and recover QLD beaches?

Any help greatly appreciated.
All the best guys.
Hi mate I'm also in Sydney (Sutherland shire area.)
Fossicking is bloody hard work but super fun. Hope you find a bit of colour..
Oh and ps: when you remember to drop me a pm :lol:
Hi Skip, I haven’t looked at this forum in ages. Thanks for your reply, I’m also in the Shire. Covid, bushfires and health issues had kept us grounded, but we will head out to Hill End once the weather warms a bit for a first-ever go at prospecting. I don’t expect to find anything so not too fussed, mainly just to check the lie of the land for starters.
Hi Skip, I haven’t looked at this forum in ages. Thanks for your reply, I’m also in the Shire. Covid, bushfires and health issues had kept us grounded, but we will head out to Hill End once the weather warms a bit for a first-ever go at prospecting. I don’t expect to find anything so not too fussed, mainly just to check the lie of the land for starters.
I 'spose that almost warrants a 'welcome back' @JR57 ??!!! Good luck mate!