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beach detecting addict

Robert Griffiths
Jun 7, 2013
Reaction score
Tingira Heights, NSW
Hi everybody my name is Rob and I have been metal detecting now for about 2years.I like to hit the beaches around Newcastle when ever I can, I am currently using a Garrett at pro, and a Garrett pro pointer. I have found quite a few rings since taking up this great hobby, I have also found a Christian dior watch at Forster that was valued a $1000.00 dollars and I managed to find the owner and return the watch to her and was rewarded with $100.00, for my honesty.
Anyway I might see you around the beaches sometime.
cheers Rob
welcome mate
Im pretty new here myself and have not as yet had a go at beach detecting but it sounds heaps of fun.
Hey Rob, welcome to the forum mate. Nice work on returning that watch to the owner. It's fun finding things on the beach, i haven't been lucky enough to find any rings on the beach yet but I'm sure they will turn up soon. Newly beach is a great beach for Finds in the summer! :)
Thanks mate it is fun! you never know what treasure you will find on the beach. Maybe you should try it sometime you just need patience as there is a lot of sand to detect over.
cheers Rob

gtsjeff said:
welcome mate
Im pretty new here myself and have not as yet had a go at beach detecting but it sounds heaps of fun.
Thanks Jaden, it is always good to see peoples faces and reactions when you can give back the property when they have lost something that is sentimental to them. Mate you just need patience when looking for rings, and other valuables. I agree newy beach is one of the best beaches to detect on. I like to hit the beaches after wild weather.
cheers Rob

Jadenflair said:
Hey Rob, welcome to the forum mate. Nice work on returning that watch to the owner. It's fun finding things on the beach, i haven't been lucky enough to find any rings on the beach yet but I'm sure they will turn up soon. Newly beach is a great beach for Finds in the summer! :)
Hi Ramjet, I have been a bit slack as of late I have only hit the beaches twice in the last 2 months. I found $15.00 1st time and a .925 sterling silver baby's bangle at the baby's pool near Newcastle ocean baths on the second trip. You should look for high traffic areas. ;)
cheers Rob

Ramjet said:
Hi Rod and welcome.
No wonder I get nothing at the beach... you got it all. ;)

Welcome Rob, good onya for your honesty I bet that lady was happy to get the watch back.
Hope the finds keep coming.
Hi mate, the watch was bought for her on her 65th birthday and it was sentimental to her. It had a faulty clip on it and she was using blue tac to keep the clip closed, she lost it on new years day and it had been lost in the surf zone for 3 days before I found it kept great time to.
my wife was trying to claim it and I told her if I cannot find the owner she could have it. I don't know why people wear their jewellery to the beach its silly really. But it keeps me interested in summer time.
cheers Rob

Sw1fty said:
Welcome Rob, good onya for your honesty I bet that lady was happy to get the watch back.
Hope the finds keep coming.
Hi Rob and welcome. There can't be anymore detectorists in the Newcastle area! With the numbers on our site it's a wonder there's anything left to find. I think we'll have to start up a detecting club!
Hi scoopa, thanks mate. I think that starting a detecting club would be great for our area, Many a time I have thought about this. I would love to meet up with fellow detectorist and learn about different machines and learn more about finding gold. A few times I have spoken to other people who where detecting and most just want to do there thing and be left in piece. It would be nice to have a fellow detecting partner.
cheers Rob

Scoopa said:
Hi Rob and welcome. There can't be anymore detectorists in the Newcastle area! With the numbers on our site it's a wonder there's anything left to find. I think we'll have to start up a detecting club!
Hi duck thanks mate, I have found a lot of jewellery since I started metal detecting the beaches. Also found a lot of money as well I did a few night time expeditions but found that it was to risky e.g people with attitudes. What beaches do you detect at?
cheers Rob

the duck said:
Welcome to the forum, i too beach detect a lot, this is a great hobby and glad to see a new member who cares about our hobby, hope you find heaps
Club idea is top notch, go in numbers not alone, less chance of harassment; and with friends, more likely to have a good time. Carry a shovel, even plastic ones will keep the riff-raff at bay...
Already there are members here to go with, post your times and meeting place: good times. Please decide direction of travel for detectorists first, no need for paramedics... :cool: