Hello from Tas

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Feb 26, 2014
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Hi, live in Tas, my partner and I are beginners at this hobby, have been scratching around old Goldfields in the NE for a couple of years, we also like to metal detect (Garrett ATPro & Ace250).

Currently rebuilding a pop top caravan for adventuring further afield.

Been reading up about the Corundum in the Weldborough area, went up for a recon the other day and found some small samples in the official fossicking area, however the area is obviously well worked, non the less we were optimistic about further prospecting in the area.

I'd like to state now that we like our natural bush, and we like it to stay that way. We work on the philosophy "if you take it with you...take it home.

Off the soap box now....

I hope to meet up with some people along the way as I have in the last couple of years, to share knowledge and stories of their discoveries.

Keep hunting!

Hi Gordon,

There is plenty of sapphire in the Weld River around Moorina, but you have to find accumulations of heavy minerals. The 2011 flood did a good job of reworking the river. Other creeks in the area and the Ringarooma also carry sapphires, but it's less easy to fossick. Branxholm Creek carries a lot of zircon as well.

I've been spending some time around Lisle, Lefroy and Back Creek recently as well. Might get in touch next time I'm heading out if you're interested?
Hi Gordon, welcome to the forum - as mfdes said plenty of sapphire etc in the weld although small by
other state standards have had a couple of trips recently and some success , heading back there to check out a few new areas iv'e been researching this weekend , if your interested in catching up or if anyone else on the forum is , let me know . ps- can't PM you yet untill you get 10 posts up eh!
welcome again and good luck in your pursuits fosicking .
Cheers . :)
Welcome to the forum Gordon. Plenty of quite experienced Tassie members on the forum, so gaining some local info is only a matter of mixing in on the posts.

Best of luck with the hobby and look forward to sharing the adventures.

Cheers Wal.
I'm in the west Tamar region, went for a drive over to weld today, didn't have much time and it was my first trip there so I didn't get a great deal done, sure is a lot of spinel out there though, always gets me excited.
We should get a group of us out there sometime.

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