Goats AND pigs in Maryborough Vic???????

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Jul 20, 2016
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I was talking to a fella, who I really doubt his info. He reckons he saw a herd of goats and at a different spot, pigs in the Maryborough /adelaide lead forest areas.

I have never seen any signs of this.

Has anyone else?

I'm calling this one BS.
Wouldn't rule out goats they are rabbits with horns, destroy and eat anything that's in their way. Pigs well unless you see them it does sound odd, we've got a few around here. You have to be in the right place (state forest) and will hear them foraging at night. It's odd for them to be in these places so I'm guessing some brain dead tosser released them, I know of blokes who have dogged a few so it isn't out of the realm of possibility.
Yeah, I've heard of dickheads seeding areas.
Where blackberries are a problem they probably do a good thing though thinking about it.

(no probs with blackberries in that area though)
I have found many pig jaw bones with the digger tooth still attached. But, I can't say how old they are.
I WILL say that there have been pigs in that area in the past.
I knew a Mt Alexandra shire worker who said plenty of wild pigs where in the Fryers Ranges area.
He told me this around 1995, never seen one there myself though.

I have seen two wild pigs up near Woods Point in the early 90s pus a wild goat in the Yarra Ranges National Park.
Some dick released a load of wild pigs over here and now people and animals have been attacked by them and they have destroyed people 3 and 400 years old Gardens and tore up their Lawns as well as Cricket pitches,

I remember when the bloody idiot did it I said there will be trouble and within a couple of years there was and now there are well over 1000 of them ripping up a very expensive area. ]:D

My son shot this last night with in 50k of Melb.
Back in the mid 70's saw a few pigs past Inglewood, near Serpentine, nothing since.
Numerous deer around Dunolly tho.
Bit far from there, but about 2 years ago in the State forest I was cruising through and disturbed a mob of 50 odd feral goats. Mangy looking wild things, the lead Billy was a decent size. Hadnt seen any let alone a group of them like that around the area since I was a pup out getting wood with the old man.

Mentioned it to him and he was surprised to, been over 20 years since we had seen the last lot, between the forestry and the local shooters I thought they wiped them out back when you could freely go out and knock them over.

Just what happens when they lock it all up I guess, only takes the odd remnant animal to go a bit remote and in time the population explodes again.
Plenty of goats out bush south of Rushworth. Came across a fenced of shaft out that way last year. Wasnt quite a vertical shaft and was pretty sure the buggers were living in it. Threw a couple of rocks down and no angry goats came out but they may have been a fair way in. Probably wasnt a great idea but at the time seemed like a good idea.
Was sightings of pigs in Creswick bush a couple years back. South of the town.... Have heard of goats in Marybourgh mate but not pigs.